Dragon Buddies [Analogical] (Soulmates AU)

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Guess what! My amazingly talented friend Pengi11 is doing another prompt swap with me and this was hers/theirs! So here's the AU:

Everyone has a dragon on their shoulder, but only soulmates have the same looking dragon. However, all dragons have a personality reflecting their soulmate's.

Sounds really awesome and I love it! I can't wait to write this! Since I know Jordan wants to go for the timid Virgil approach, I'm going for the casual Virgil. I like casual Virgil better. With no further delay...


Virgil sighed, biting into another apple. The indigo dragon who had taken a break from perching themselves on Virgil's shoulder was sitting on the table in front of him, nibbling at some biscuits and jam Virgil made for them. The dragon was Indigo and their wings resembled a bat's. Their eyes flashed deep navy blue and they spat blue fire. Most soulmate dragons don't spit fire, but when they do it means that the pair of soulmates are supposed to be something special Virgil don't really care. He just wanted to recluse from everybody and listen to his music and take care of his little dragon buddy. After much talking to and understanding, Virgil and the dragon agreed that they liked the name Cosmo.

Virgil was sitting alone with Cosmo on the table, letting them eat to their heart's content. Virgil glanced out the window. It was cloudy and gray, fixing to rain. Virgil always loved the rain. It reminded him of being a child and splashing in all the muddy puddles like Peppa Pig and her little brother George. He had the toy dinosaur and everything. Virgil snickered at the thought, then looked back to Cosmo. Cosmo also looked out the window. Virgil has learned that Cosmo also enjoyed the rain. One of the only times that Cosmo likes to go outside. They were more similar than different, being a huge relief to Virgil. With one last apple crunch, he was ready to start the day. 

"So, Cosmo, since it seems to be a muggy day and everyone wants to stay inside, do you want to go out? I'm thinking we can swing by the mall. Hit Hot Topic and Barnes and Nobles. Whaddya say?"

Cosmo perked up, nodding professionally with hidden glee. Virgil knew Cosmo loved just being in the book store. Virgil stood up and stretched, popping a few bones in his neck and shoulders before extending his arm to Cosmo. The Indigo Dragon climbed up his arm and found their place exactly where they wanted to be: on his left shoulder. Virgil cleaned up Cosmo's plate and threw away the garbage. He didn't bother to get ready, being too lazy to do so. He justness locked up his apparetment after him and left to go to the mall. No umbrella, no special clothes, no combing his hair, just his wallet and keys. He didn't even care. Nobody would be outside to be anxious about anyways.

As a time Skip so we can finally get crap rolling, Virgil and Cosmo left the Hot Topic with two bags. It was super awesome. Only one or two people were on staff and Virgil got tons of shirts for his favorite bands and animes. He also got Cosmo something they seemed attached to. It was a little necklace that had the constellation of the different zodiacs. They wanted the Scorpio necklace. Since Hot Topic was selling them at a buy two get one free sale and Virgil anted this super gay bracelet, he bought a Sagittarius one for himself. Now they match. The teenager st the desk (who was super chill and hella lesbian btw) helped get the necklace on Cosmo. It was awesome. The two left satisfied, however Cosmo kept nudging Virgil's face when he went towards the food court. 

"Oh, right. You wanted the bookstore. It should be quiet and unpopulated. Sure, but then we get lunch. Cool?"

The tiny reptilian friend accepted Virgil's compromise. Virgil did a one-eighty and began walking towards the book store. Since it was eleven, bordering on twelve, the place started getting crowded. Virgil tried to be indifferent and blend in, but crowds always made him anxious. Sue him. Virgo, kept his head bowed and just went on his way. He didn't even realize there was a person walking in the similar direction just a few yards ahead of him that had an identical looking dragon to Cosmo.

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