The Prince That Fell in Love With the Sorcerer [Roceit] (Storybook AU)

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A classic hero x antagonist pairing. I don't know about you, but I LOVE this trope! Now... let's see what my sick, pathetic self can do...


Love interests, adventures, heteronormativity, victories, and foes slain mean nothing to Prince Roman. Women swooning when they hear his name and the cheers of the villagers every time the story ends have grown boring and weary. Prince Roman was starting to feel like Jack Skellington, despite the fact he isn't supposed to know the reference. What did Roman want? He wanted a happy ending with the one he loves, not some bland rushed female character only there to serve as character development for himself and to ensure he is Herero when in fact he isn't Herero. No Hetero, damnit!

The second the book closes, Roman jumps from the page he's supposed to be on to find the one he loves: the villain. Roman isn't supposed to leap pages, but he doesn't care. He follows his heart, passion, and the fire in his chest. One chapter over was where he'd be: The Sorcerer who wanted to rule the world. Roman climbed over the introduction page and there he was. He was sitting on a large stone, messing around with his staff and dual-headed snake foiled over his shoulders, being fed by hand by the Sorcerer. What was the Sorcerer's name? He doesn't have one, but he prefers to be called Deceit in private. Deceit looked up and smirked that suave smirk of his.

"Welcome back, Roman~ you just can't stay away from me, can you?"

Roman laughed and shook his head, walking up to the stone and sitting next to his boyfriend. He stroked the two heads of Hydra, the golden conjoined twin snake. Deceit reached over from all the snake foods (little sacrifices) to get a grape. Deceit brought the grape over to Roman. Roman rolled his eyes, opening his mouth and letting his "evil" boyfriend feed it to him. Just because of their character roles, people think their love is taboo. But how one person, the author, describes you isn't the entirety of who you are. Well, unless you're the bland harem anime protagonist that nobody loves. Regardless, Roman are the grape and have Deceit a peck on the cheek.

"I'll cross any river, fight any monster, and ruin any reputation just to be with you~"

Deceit snickered at how cheesy his boyfriend was. This was what he signed up for when dating a fantasy book protagonist. Hydra began slithering down Deceit's shoulders. Hydra was curling the two together, slowly but surely. Roman and Deceit entwined their fingers together, Roman closing his eyes and just appreciating the company of his beloved. That's when a loud shriek rang through both men's ears. Ah, yes. Roman had forgotten about his annoying love interest in this novel: Nicole.

"Roman! He's captured you! The Sorcerer has placed you under his spell! Oh woe! Oh nay! What has this world come to?! My darling love! May my tears break this curse!"

Roman rolled his eyes. Does she have to be so petty and dramatic? Deceit squeezed Roman's hand, growling and baring his fangs at her. Hydra even hissed. He forgot that the rest of the characters in this world had no idea this was all a book. Deceit and Roman were the only two self aware characters in the book. Kind of like Monika. Just Monika. Nicole wept her petty, frail tears and cried out to Roman as if she really was so helpless that she can't walk up to Roman and pry his hand away from Deceit's. Roman was getting real done with all this hetero bullshit. Nicole was just annoying. He disliked her.

"Can you stop crying, Nicole? I'm not under a spell. I'm just gay."

Deceit started laughing next to him, Hydra flicking their tongues in amusement. Nicole hiccuped and just stared at Roman, painfully fake tears still rolling down her face. This is just sad. Roman had the most deadpan face and monotone voice it's hard to believe this was then heroic savior of peoples that she and the rest of this fantasy world knew. Then she started putting on a show. Roman forgot that the author of this book was a giant homophobe.

"Nay! That isn't true! I must not believe! The Sorcerer beckoned you into sin without his dark magic! I must warn the others! I must get the knights to save you! Don't worry, my darling, I shall be back soon!"

She fled in the direction of the town. Roman shook his head, letting out a long sigh. Deceit scoffed and rolled his eyes. Both sassy gay boys being sassy gay boys. Heteros be crazy, right? Deceit reached over with his fee hand for another grape, feeding it to Roman to lighten the mood. Then Deceit craned his neck over to give Roman a peck on the nose. It's almost as off he's jealous. Wait, no that's actually what's happening. Deceit is being possessive over Roman because he hates Nicole and knows that Roman was written to be with her in the end, much to his dismay. He doesn't want to lose Roman to a half assed character. Roman knew exactly what to do when Deceit got like this. Roman pecked his lips and used his own free hand to reach across and caress his cheek.

"Worry not, Love. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to let anyone split us apart. We can rewrite the narrative to create our own love story. No need to worry!"

He sounded a lot like Dawn from Pokémon at the end there. Deceit breathed out a laugh, wanting to believe Roman so badly. But the words on the page will never change. In between readings, their own story exists. Yes, that's true. But nobody writes it down. It's just a sidequest. Deceit leaned into his lovely boyfriend's touch. His hands on his scales were warm, pleasant to the contrast of the freezing coldblooded temperature on that half of his face. Deceit wanted to believe him. He would force himself to believe. Deceit repeated him.

"No need to worry."

Roman bursted our in a wide smile and leaned forward. The two shared a passionate kiss of the lips to seal the deal. And like that, the magic of the Sorcerer and the Prince sealed their fate. Two storybook characters going against their roles of their story... 

Hey. That would make a good movie.

1063 Words

I'm feeling very cliché and magical right noem despite being super sick and weak. Lol. I hope this was good.

People will try to bring you down. That's a part of life. You can choose to believe them and take it to heart, or you can choose to fight it and prove them wrong. Prove all the haters and terrible people wrong. Prove you are strong. Prove that you're love is true. PROVE it to them and show them how strong you really are. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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