Lunch Date [Roceit]

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Another request by Cake_Herron! They said to make it based off of the new video, so I loopholed around that. Sorry. I'm super thankful for the request though! Thank you so much!


Deceit fixed the bow tie on his yellow suit. The same one he wore in the court case scene a few days ago. All this talk of wedding and Romance seemed to get the fairest of them all, Judge Roman, down about himself. Thomas can't function correctly with his ego stopped down so low so Deceit thought he could take the matter into his own hands. He decided to make one giant movie scene for Roman to play a part of, unknowingly. He followed all the cliches and played right into the mysterious man trope.

 He slipped an envelope with a hand-written invitation on yellow parchment under his door telling Roman to meet him here in the Imagination where he had a gorgeous display of a dinner date set up. Deceit was fixing his hair and hat in a mirror when a little buzzer in his pocket went off, confirming that Roman has entered this dreamscape. Deceit chuckled and proofed the mirror away, standing by the table and waiting for Roman to come into view. Just one quick fix of the fringe and now he is good to go. He wore his best smirk and watched Roman's gloomy expression form into one of surprise.

"Deceit? What's all this? Why would you bring me here?"

Aha, that's his cue. Deceit didn't say a word. He just flicked out his wrist, adorned with a yellow glove to match the dress shirt under his blazer, and snapped his fingers. A floating quartet of orchestra insteuments poofed Into existence and began to play romantic music. While Roman was focused on the magic of this part of the imagination, Deceit casually walked up to him. Roman whipped his gaze back over to him, not moving the position of his head at all, and watched Deceit hold out a hand towards him as if asking him to waltz.

"May I have this date?"

Yes, spinning the normal cliché question just to fit this scenario. That's what fanfiction is supposed to be all about, yeah? That's a lie. But what good is a Deceit fanfic without a good lie? Fanfiction is about OTPs and making sure you don't feel lonely and is a distraction for the depressing real world. Deceit waited patiently for Roman to make up his mind. He paused, searching his eyes for an answer. He let his gaze cast to the floor before he smiled and watched his hand glide into Deceit's. After he made sure the hand hit the target, he smiled warmly at Deceit.

"Yes. Yes you may."

Success! Deceit led him the entire three steps to his chair and had the prince sit down. Deceit pushed Roman's chair in towards the table, absolutely delighted to earn the company of the Best Disney Prince of Them all. Deceit made his way over to the other chair. Like that, his little date was set up. Deceit's heart was fluttering in his chest. He would be a liar if he said he wasn't nervous and looking forward to this plan since the trial. 

With a snap of his fingers, two salads and a fancy loaf of bread adorned the table. Deceit knows just how Roman likes his salads. They are entities of the same person after all. Scratch that. He asked the other sides what Roman prefers to eat. Scratch that again. He is in a roll lying in the descriptive paragraphs. He asked Patton because he seemed to be the only side who could tolerate his presence. Roman likes Cesar  salads, heavy on the garlic. Deceit preferred a wedge salad. Deceit waved his hand and the display of food.

"Bob Appetit~"

Roman started digging in, beaming a wide smile. He was obviously enjoying himself, easing Deceit a little bit. Deceit was too nervous to eat, so he snapped his fingers under the table while Roman was distracted poofed his meal away. It didn't do any harm. Roman didn't seem to notice anyways. He finished his salad quick and took a few slices of the fancy red resteraunt bread Deceit summoned just for him beforehand placing his fork over the bowl, showing that he was done with the appetizer/salad. All throughout, Deceit rested his face on his knuckles and admired the fanciful sanders.

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