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I stood on the opposite side of the net from Sam who bumped the volleyball over the net. I hit it back, and we did this for another hour or so before Sam got bored.

"Be competitive Ava." He said and I smirked.

"Like I am in games?" I asked and he nodded. I nodded and he hit the ball to me before I started to play as if it was one of my games, yes I play volleyball. We're out of season right now since it's too cold to wear spandex and jerseys.

I spiked the ball in front of Sam, making the sound echo through out the gym.

A clapping sound echoed and I spun around seeing Jack standing in the doorway of the gym. He wore khaki jeans and a gray sweater with the sleeves bunched up at his elbows. He wore his signature smirk and I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"You play volleyball?" He asked and I nodded.

"Why are you here?" Sam asked in a rude tone.

"Sam!" I yelled at him.

"Hello Sam" Jack said and walked towards us.

"No seriously, why are you here?" Sam asked and I rolled my eyes.

"What's it to you Wilkinson?" Jack spat back.

"Jack Ava's not some toy you can play around with and dumb two weeks later like your other sluts." He spat back and Jack rolled his eyes.

"You don't know how I live my life asshole." Jack snapped at him and Sam laughed.

"Bianca?" He asked. "What happened with her?" Sam asked and Jack's whole expression changed.

"You fucking prick. That wasn't my fault and you know that!" Jack yelled at him and Sam smirked.

"You sure about that drug boy?" He asked and my jaw dropped.

"SAM!" I yelled, catching their attention. "Stop being so damn rude Sam. You're 18, don't act like a jealous 14 year old." I snapped and his eyes darkened.

"You don't even know this guy!" He yelled at me with his arm extended towards Jack.

"Sam I've known him for two months now! I know him perfectly fine. What I don't know, is this dick side of you that you tend to have all of a sudden!" I yelled at him and he rolled his eyes.

"You sound like a love struck teenager Ava." He said and I scoffed.

"And you sound like a stuck up asshole that doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut because he's caught up in his own pride." I said and grabbed my bag off the floor. "I'm going home. Neither of you follow me." I said and walked out of the gym.

I threw my bag into the trunk of my jeep and got into the driver's seat. I slammed the door shut and sped down the road, too angry to remember anything else.

I punched my steering wheel, my eyes starting to burn. I don't understand what's happened lately. My best friend's turned into this judge mental asshole that feels the need to ruin every good mood that I have. Jack's just really secretive. Every time I leave the house to go and see him it's always in a small place that isn't popular or his house. He doesn't come to mine because he's afraid to face my brother, who can be scary at times I suppose, and my mom's a controlling bitch.

My ring tone blared through the speakers and I sniffled before answering.

"Hello?" I said and a sigh filled my car.
"Ava where are you?" Jack asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I really don't want to talk to either of you right now." I said, lying to myself.
I had fallen for Jack in the past month or so. Everything about him interested me. He made me feel alive, but the secrets got tiring.

"Yes you do Ava. I know you better than you think I do." He said and I bit my lip.

"And I hate myself because of it."

ava, don't | jack gilinsky ✓Where stories live. Discover now