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I was high and a little tipsy. I couldn't walk straight and I was leaning against Nate while he told me a story about his mom. I laughed slightly when he said that she would love me. No parents should love me.

"Ava!" Jack yelled while laughing. I snapped my head in his direction and he was off the walls insanely high.

He stopped himself once he reached the wall that I was leaning against, talking to Nate.

"Nate" Jack said and nodded his head once.

"Gilinsky" Nate said and took a sip out of his beer bottle while he had his arm around my waist, making sure I didn't fall.

"Jack!" A high pitched voice squealed and Jack rolled his eyes before he turned around and forced a smile.

"Jenna" He said and I almost laughed when I heard the fake tone in his voice. I had heard too many of his bullshit stories to not detect that tone.

"You left me all alone outside" She said and I smirked.

"Maybe he didn't want to hear your annoyingly fake bullshit." I said and Nate struggled to hide his laugh but failed miserably.

"Who the hell are you" She asked in a bitchy tone and Jack turned to me with a smirk.

"I'm his girlfriend who are you" I asked and crossed my arms.

She rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "He doesn't act like he has a girlfriend" She said and I felt a pang in my chest, but covered it up with a smile.

"Explain" I said and she smirked.

"Well" She said and took a step forward. "He uh- he flirts a lot" She glanced at him before smiling widely.

"And he complains and complains" She stressed the word 'complains' so much it made my stomach churn.

"Complains about what" I said almost getting antsy.

"His non existent sex life" She says with a wide smirk. "You know, I think he would've taken me up on my offer if he didn't have to drive some bitch home" She whispered the last part and I absolutely lost it.

I pulled my right arm back and fired my fist at her nose, feeling it crack underneath my punch.

Her head snapped back and she instantly reached to her nose. She touched her nose and felt the blood, making her eyes narrow at me.

"Did you just punch me?" She asked and I smirked.

"Yeah, here I'll do it again" I said and punched her in the jaw.

She bent down a bit and I kneed her in the stomach, making her fall back.

"That's enough!" Jack yelled and grabbed my arm, but I pulled it out of his grasp, losing focus for a minute but coming back when her fist connected with my left eye.

I shook my head before I kicked her in the stomach, flinging her backwards.

She quickly regained and ran towards me but my fist connected with her cheek before she got to me.

Johnson ran to 'Jenna' and held her back while Jack and Nate both grabbed me.

"Let go of me" I snapped and yanked my arm out of Jack's grasp.

I looked at Nate who almost said something but I heard a grunt from behind me before I was lifted off of the ground.

I was thrown over a shoulder and saw the red shirt that I had seen earlier this evening.

"Sam put me down!" I yelled but was ignored and felt the cool breeze hit my legs.

He opened the door to his car and threw me in before slamming the door shut.

I looked of out he window and saw Jack running towards the car while Sam got in.

I rolled my eyes with a sarcastic smile before looking away. "Ava!" He yelled in a scarcely angry voice. But I wasn't worried about that right now.

"Leave me alone" I said when he got to the car.

"Do you believe her bullshit?" He yelled and I smirked.

"Did you say all of that bullshit?" I asked and his reaction made me laugh sarcastically. The way he looked away and didn't respond. It was all pissing me off.

"Take me home" I said to Sam and heard him speed off.

I felt my eyes sting but I kept my sarcastic smile.

ava, don't | jack gilinsky ✓Where stories live. Discover now