Jaemin part 1✨

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In highschool you are just a normal student not any cute girls or good at academic results.
Jeno is your best friend in the other class. He always told you that he arrives early just to sleep more in class. Surprisingly, He is also your neighbour he always walks you home and follows you wherever you go, canteen, classes and nearly everywhere.
One day you are plugging in your earphone to your phone to listen to some jazz as usual, suddenly you heard girls screaming that made you annoyed. You went out and you heard some girls said " Hey is my makeup okay?" "he looks SO cute" "his name is called Jaemin right?" You just rolled your eyes and ignore those screams, after you peek at the girls and decided to sit back down. When you sit down you thought: Jaemin? That name is so familiar? Suddenly you recalled that he was the guy that works in the Cafe
The bell ring and everybody in class settle down. " Class we are going to have a new student today! Welcome Jaemin!" Everyone give him applause and teacher said again " so Jaemin would you mind sit next to Y/n?" " Y/n raise up your hand please!" You are totally shocked since that cute boy is sitting next to you. You raised your hand slowly and Jaemin walked to you. " Hi I am Na Jaemin nice to meet you!" " Nice to meet you too I am Y/n!"you gave him a warm smile and he sat down." "Now class please open to book page 109 we are going to have a group project now and you are NOT going to choose who your partner is because the one sit next to you is your group partner. Ah Y/n, You're good at this class so I want you to help Jaemin with this project will you?" Your face flashed red and nodded quietly. You timidly look up and see literally every girls stared at you since he is the Mr popular after all.
*Time skip after class*

" Um...Y/n do you mind bring me around the school because i am not really familiar with." You smiled at him at said "Sure! But do you mind if I put my things in the locker first?" Jaemin nodded and walk you to the locker.
As you keep talking and walking in school, Jaemin keep staring at you. He found that you are keep smiling and he found it really cute.

* Time skip after school*

after the bell rang, Jeno just casually walking to your sear and waited you to head home together. While he is walking he stared at the scene, asked you to go out of classroom privately. You smiled and head out.
" Y/n, since we are groupmates can I have your number just for easier communication?" Jaemin's face turned red and he scratched his neck.
"Sure, I think we are both in the same neighborhood right I saw you in the cafe that's why I think your face is quite familiar." Jaemin smiled and said "yeah the blossom cafe right?" You gasped" you really living in the same neighborhood as us!!! Let's walk home together!!"You grabbed Jaemin's hand naturally and Jaemin smiled and said" Also call me Nana it will be way better than Jaemin." He smirked, you blushed and smiled at him nodded.
* Jeno pov*

Y/n is keep chatting with Jaemin and even show her prettiest smile to him she even said we live in the same neighborhood....She seldom shows that smile to anyone except for me. And Jaemin just met her this morning now they are this close?! I cannot believe it. Wait am I jealous?
* Your pov*

You walked in with Jaemin and keep smiling and you take your things and said" Jeno ah lets go home with Jaemin he lives in the same neighborhood as us!" As you guys walk home and keep talking with Jaemin you suddenly remember you left out Jeno the whole day you look at him with you corner of your eye, he is just looking at the sky. you have a crush on him since you moved here it was like 7 years ago you decided not to tell him because you don't want to break this friendship.when you are thinking suddenly Jaemin said while giggling "guys I am leaving here thank you for walking!" you waved at him and said " Bye Jaemin see you tomorrow!".Then it left with you and Jeno. You stared at Jeno, and Jeno stared back at you but you look away first feeling awkward and he asked "why are you just spending time with Jaemin? Why are you ignoring me? Why are you giving him your number? Why did you walk home with him?" You giggled and said" aigooo is our Baby Jeno jealous?" Jeno's face flashed red and suddenly hold your hand you are shocked" J...Jeno ah what are you doing?" "He stared at you, " Y/n ah...Aish Nothing...I am just kidding"Jeno laughed and your face turned red and you ran.
After arrive home, you rushed to you bed and your tears drop down. You knew Jeno is always kidding why are you being so serious Y/n?
*Time skip till night time*

You went to the park that you and Jeno always went to when you guys are young. You sat down at the bench and every piece of memories between you and Jeno recall and you just bury your head in your hands and your tears keep dropping as you cry and your hands and head between your legs. And suddenly a raindrop fell and you look up and seeing the sky is pitch black
when you scan through the street a familiar figure is standing there with a girl kissing under Blossom Cafe. You recognise that hair style and you knew it is Jeno.
You stared at them your tears fell more. You sat down at the bench lets the rain fell at you and hit you hardly. when you are crying ,suddenly rain stopped but it is because Jaemin is standing next to you,holding up a blue umbrella
when you are trying to wipe away your tears and smile as usual Jaemin suddenly pulled you into his embrace, its warm and a scent of lemon from his jacket made you calm, he hugged you and said softly" Y/n don't cry for Jeno, he doesn't worth your tears. Y/n don't cry okay, you are making me sad" you lookup at Jaemin and see him smiling gently. Jaemin's hand slipped behind your waist and tightened it, you heard footsteps running toward you two.
Jaemin said coldly" Well hello there Jeno." Jeno said angrliy" Na Jaemin leave her alone she is not yours." You stand up and intertwined your hands with Jaemin and said with a sore throat " I once loved you for 7 years but not now sorry. I thought you once said you will like me and never make out with any girls. Now I like you and you just randomly playing my feelings? I hate you Lee Jeno." Jeno is shocked and explaining"y/n i am just trying to make you jealous...."You ignored Jeno smiled weakly at Jaemin and said" Thanks for today Nana. Lets head home shall we?" Jaemin ruffled your head and said "sure my Princess" with his tone makes your heart ache and never felt like this with Jeno.
While walking home you keep smiling and look at Jaemin "Jaemin Thanks for just now." Your hands are intertwined with his and not separate until he sent you home.When he is just about to leave , you left him a kiss on his cheek, then you closed your door, you heart pounding really loud but you giggled and prepare to sleep.

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