Ten part 2

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---The next day---

You wake up and see Ten sleeping, he is sleeping peacefully, his black hair, and the honey skin and quite long eye lashes, you giggled. But your sore throat and the headache is killing you. When you about to get up and make the breakfast for him. You trying get up quietly, but then Ten grabbed you wrist and made you fall in his embrace. Your face flashed red and you asked Ten" Ten what are you doing?" Ten using his soft voice saying" don't go..." You giggled and you lean back, ten is still holding your hands. You grabbed your script and start reciting again.
_____Time skip to afternoon____
You see Ten is still sleeping and you decided to head out and grab lunch. You screamed"Ten I am going to grab lunch! Call me if you are awake later on!" You wears your shoes and bring a jacket with you prevent from the cold wind.
After you finished buying your lunch, you are heading back home, suddenly someone with big hands grabbed your wrist, you look back and see Doyoung, the one who had admire you a lot he keeps confessing to you wishing you could accept him, but you just see him as friends. You waved at Doyoung and said" good afternoon Doyoung what are you doing here? I thought you are in school." Doyoung shakes his head and said" no i didn't because I went to find you this morning but you are not here, and even your best friend said you are sick so I came here to meet you haha" you smiled and said" thanks Doyoung! Also will you come and watch our play next week?" Doyoung nodded and said" of course I am your most handsome supporter " you laughed and Doyoung sudden hugged you and said" sorry y/n....just one time...." you hugged back him and he release the hug after a few minutes. You patted his shoulders and you waved good bye at him. Doyoung smiled and went to the back of the street. Seeing Ten. Doyoung stared at him and said" well Ten... I know you like y/n but sorry I like her first. Please leave her alone." Ten shouted " NO! YOU ARE SUCH A BUSTARD!HOW THE HECK WILL I FORET HER?" Doyoung said" well may I make a deal with you, if you disagree I will hurt y/n for sure."
Ten is shocked and he asked" what is your deal?" Doyoung said " ignore y/n for a week don't touch her. If you don't touch her and she will fall in love with me." Ten nodded and signed" deal..."
You head home and see Ten is gone, you look for him and he left a note
Dear y/n...
I got a deal with Doyoung...and i need to leave...see you next week.....
Your tears drop down, this is the first time you feel scared of losing Ten... You dialed his number but he didn't answer... You lay back down to your bed and you cry silently because of both Ten and Doyoung.
The next few days in school as expected Ten didn't even talk to you or look at you, he is playing and chatting with other girls and he seems happy. After you saw them, you run to the bathroom and cried. Your red red swollen eyes and pale face are noticed by Ten he wants to hug you wants to ruffle your hair, but he can't because Doyoung is standing right at Ten's back....
______a week later________
You didn't even sleep well in the nights keep thinking about Ten and the other girls. When you are just about to turnoff the light and lay on bed you hear someone lightly knock on your door, you are confused thinking who will it be. You opened the door seeing Ten with his messy clothing and he brought a bag. You are shocked but you are frozen, Ten dropped his bag and walk towards you and hugged you tightly. Your tears fell down, and your weak and cold hands hugged his warm figure and patted him quietly and slowly,the one person you missed the most. His cologne, his hair and his warmth.
You feel Ten's tears dropping on your clothes, you look up at him and his black eye bags and tired face makes you concerned, you used your thumb to wipe away his tears and he said while sobbing"sorry y/n... Doyoung need me to ignore you a week just to understand his feelings about he getting ignored by you. So that he wont hurt you. I'm sorry y/n.." you shakes you head and said" no its fine...Welcome back Ten". Ten laughed and hugged you and you two hugged for s long time.
*Time skip to performance time*
You are so scared about your drama play. It is a first play you are doing it with a boy.
The story continues and the last part where the prince is sad for the Princess fainted
(Bold means the dialogue)
Oh princess no!! Why are you leaving me? How I miss you... You are my everything and my forever! Princess please wake up! You lay on the bed quietly and you hear familiar footsteps coming towards you, and Ten's voice is right next to you. Oh princess... Suddenly you feel something soft on your lips and you take a little peek and you see Ten's face is on top of you, and Ten is kissing you. You slowly wake up and said oh prince you are my everything my hero I love you!
You two hugged and the stage ended with applause and cheering voices from the audience,you laughed and bowed.
After performing Ten pull you out to the school garden, you two walk slowly enjoying the cold breeze, suddenly you feel something cold on your neck, it is a bracelet with a silver charm written Ten and his ring got your name on it, you are shocked and when you look up at him he is holding your hand, and said" Y/n...I am really sorry about this week, i know you haven't sleep well eat well study well because of me, i keep thinking about you, how will you be without me, I missed your hair your scent your laugh your everything, meeting you is my honour...." Your tears drop off, sobbing ' Ten... I am totally not fine without you, i miss your hugs, i miss your laugh, i miss your warmth, i miss your caring, i miss your hands... I miss your everything, i know I should've known this earlier that I like you but I cant say it out, you look happier with the girls and what if—" Ten interrupt you by hugging you. He says next to your ears" now princess I might not be your perfect ideal man but princess, the prince loves you forever, that is how every story ends. So y/n will you be my girlfriend?" You nodded. Ten walks in and leans in, asking you " princess can I be your hero again? By waking you up in the nightmare and be my forever and everything?" You nodded and Ten leans in more closer you feel his hot breath touching you and he asks quietly" may I kiss?" You nodded, and the same soft lips touches you again, his lips slowly touches you and you smiled and kiss him back. And the story ends happily ever after.

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