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You are Kim y/n. A girl that is totally in love with high jump. You always having a crush on a not so popular baseball player in your school which is Kun.
As the usual routine before school, you packed your things like books and clothings for later high jump's training. Everyone got high expectations on you, causing you have a really big pressure in every competition you take. You slowly walk back to school where is only few blocks away from your home. Your earphones plugged in and playing some blues. Your music taste are special, when everyone likes kpop or english pop music, you love blues or classical. It didn't take you long to head to school, but unfortunately a boy with a cap and riding a bike hits towards you, your hips fell on the floor and you sit on the floor with frustration. When you want to scream on that person who made you fall, you hear a familiar voice"Y/n you okay?" You look up slowly and you see it is Kun, his eyes full of worries and he takes out his hand for you to get up, you smiled and shakes your head and takes his hand. You smiled and said" Thanks Kun that was really nice of you. I guess I'll get going now, see you." Just as you take a few steps, you feel your leg have a strong and sting pain causing you to look back and see your leg is bleeding. You quickly holding back the pain and walk to the nurse's room.
Just as you get down, you don't see any nurse but you hear the door knob being turned and you see Kun... you smiled and said"I'm fine Kun you can head back to class." Kun shakes his head and walks closer to you, he bends down and grab a chair, carefully take off your shoes, finding the medicines and the bandaids, his warm hands touches my skin bit by bit, You look down with embarrassment, and you feel your face slowly heating up, you can feel that your face are red like tomato right now. I mean who won't be embarrassed when your crush helps you to clean your wounds like for that close?!
As Kun finished, his sweet voice surrounding the room and that cleared all your thoughts, he said" Y/n. You sure you can go back to your class?" You nodded and picks up your school bag, and quickly did a bow and left the room,While you are walking you hear footsteps behind you but you didn't dare to look back...you scared that those are the fan club girls for Kun... that if they know you are cared by Kun, you might get killed...
—time skip—
It is finally the training section, you rub your ankle gently to prevent hurting again, but when ever you try to run, it hurts like hell. You slowly walk to the sports ground and settle down everything, you tried to run but it is really difficult and painful, so you hold back the pain, wears your spike shoes, set the height of the jumping target as 110. And starts to jump, but you didn't even succeed one. It frustrates you a lot when next week is competition, you sighed and look to the baseball court, seeing Kun training seriously and when you am admiring, he smirked and winked at me. You quickly turn back and run your hands through your hair. You tried several tries but your whole foot is hurting really badly, you lay back down on the floor, stretching your legs. Admiring Kun from far again, how he wipe his sweat and plays the practice seriously. You shakes your head since Kun will never like you back.
Your friend told you that he at least got 10 love letters at the valentines day or the graduation. So you just decided to like Kun secretly. You are very annoyed that you hurt your leg by your crush but competition is next week. So you just slowly pack your things and tidy up the area and left.
Your legs are hurting really badly so you are heading to the medical room for ice pack. You checked your foot and it is swollen. You shrugged and grabs an ice pack and tie it around your foot.
When you are walking slowly back to your house, which is few blocks away from school, you hold on the handle to prevent on slipping. When you are still struggling with you feet, you feel someone takes your right hand and put on his broad shoulder, you turn around and see Kun looking and the floor and walking you back home.
You asked Kun while you feel your face heats up rapidly" ummm... K-Kun... I am fine." Kun shakes his head and smiled at you while he just said with a small smile" Y/n. I hurt you this morning I am really sorry, and I feel bad for hurting you, I saw you didn't jump well just now at training so I need to walk you home." When you are about to say something, Kun grabs you hand tightly said" Yah! Y/n! Be careful!" I quickly stayed back a bit from the rushing cars.
You said quietly" thanks Kun... actually it is okay to drop me off here." Kun gently put a strap of hair behind your ears, you are confused but also happy at the same time. Kun giggled and said" Don't you see me every morning?! I live next to you!" Kun sees you shakes your head at shocked expression he faked cried and pretend to be hurt. You giggled and walk slowly back to home. And of course Kun catches up and take cares of you.
As you arrived your door, you thanked Kun once again and when you are turning the door knob, you feel Kun's hand grabs your wrist. You faced Kun and asked" what's wrong?" He said while he look away from your eyes" umm Y/n... I just want to apologise again. I mean I can make up to you by having a date with me." Kun winked and you smiled and said" I'll text you the venue tonight see you!" You nodded and when he is walking to his house, you rushed to him and back hugged him, you heard him giggle and you left.
/Time Skip to the next morning/
You woke up by the annoying sound of my alarm and I wear my school uniform, when you open the door, you see Kun standing next to his bike and he seems to be texting. When you decide to walk past him, you heard him shout" Princess get on my bike!" You giggled and continue to walk to school without looking back. You soon hear someone grabs your wrist. You turn around and sees your ex. You groaned and asked" what the heck do you want?" His eyes seems to be watery but it didn't make you soften your tone or even your heart. You release your hand from his soften grip. When he is about to continue you walk in a fast pace, but your leg injured and it causes you to hide from him and sit down at a near by park. You gently rub your ankle and you see Kun sits next you. He outs his hands on your shoulders and said" go get on my bike princess, I believe that was your ex. Don't be sad about him if he broke your heart." You nodded and your tears dropped down. You said quietly" I am going to skip school." I slowly get up and Kun passes you a piece of tissue, and said" get on princess although my bike isn't motorcycle but please be safe, I'll bring you to my secret place." You put get on the bike quickly, when you feel very awkward since you don't know where to hold, Kun grabs your hand and put both of your hands around his waist, after it he gently laid your head on his back, you listen to his steady breathing, you feel warm, safe and loved.
The wind blows towards your face and you look up and see Kun smiling while riding the bike, you tighten your grip around his waist and he said" oh y/n~ you love me that much that you don't want to lose me? Awwww such a cutie~" I buried my face in his back and soon I fell asleep.
"Y/n! Wake up! Yah sleepy head!" You gently rubbed your eyes and you smell the salty breeze and you are in the beach. It didn't take long to get your legs wet since Kun keep kicking water towards you. You stand in front of the sea and smiled to yourself. How lucky are you that you can spend your time with your crush. Kun stands next to you and said" why are you smiling like a idiot?" You rolled your eyes and said" I am just thinking something." Kun walk closer to you, your shoulder are touching with his, the warmth that sends you, keeping you blushing and you try to hide it from looking from the floor. You signed and turned to him" Kun. I really need to tha-" you haven't finish your sentence and you feel your lips are covered by his roughly. You step back and asked" what is that?! My first kiss is gone Kun!" Kun giggled and said" Y/n can't you see I love you? And also quit your high jump, focus on me playing baseball only." After he finished he winked and you walk away from him. He keeps chasing you and said" Yah Y/n! I love you!" You smiled and stop walking. Kun catches up on you and you said" I love you too." After you finished your sentence you hugged Kun and smashed your lips on his.
I am FinAllY upDatIng!
Since I am just keep watching stray kids, nct, seventeen vids all day:) But thanks for all your support! Feel free to message me for requests^^ i am always open for requests! Have a nice day everyone:)

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