Mark: insecurities🌀

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A/n: Someone pls save me from nct highschool AU🤡✋🏻i mean- school is where most romance happens i guess💀💀💀💀💀oh and btw I'm too lazy to put photos sorry😭🥲
And if this is sensitive to you pls feel free to skip it:) just know I love you, someone who cares abt you love you for everything❤️

"I love you, I love your everything " he said while patting your back gently.
You are a highschool student. You don't have any specific friends besides your seatmate, Mark. Different from you, Mark is a straight-A student, and he joined the basketball team, he is also a team leader, so it is not surprising if he has love letters on the table suddenly ecspecially valentines day. He is not close with you but you two are friends.
" Good morning Y/n! Did you sleep well last night?" You nodded while smiling. As a charming person he is, obviously you fell in love with him. He is perfect in your eyes, he is charming and caring, you seldom even see him getting angry.
You are very insecure, although your friends told you it's fine, you still cannot accept your insecurities. You seldom laugh because your "Friends" told you your laugh sounds funny, after that you seldom laugh out loud. Mark knew this but he liked your laugh. A lot. He thinks you're very attractive in all ways

(A/n: SOS my friends told me this- they said I laugh like a duck 🤡i'm using this here I hope I didn't offend anyone, if yes, I'm really sorry😭)

/flash back/
when you were with your friends, you smiled brightly and laughing at their joke, although the canteen is noisy and very busy, he sat few tables away from you and he can still hear your laugh. For the first time, he thinks your laugh is music to his ears, different from the other girls, you laugh is genuine, not to attract anyone's attention. Your smile itself attracts Mark already.
/End of flash back/(very short but ok-3-)

Mark after greeting you, you smiled to yourself, letting the hair fall down to your sides and covering you blushing face. Greeting in the morning is making your day way better already, his energetic and warm voice You feel Mark's elbow gently touching yours, the warmth sent from the touch made your face turned red immediately. The sound of your heartbeat is reflecting loudly in your ears. The voice in your head is making you ignoring the noise from the class. Mark's laugh and his touch making scenes from drama and mangas floats up in your mind.
After greeting you, Mark will usually head to his friend's class but today he stayed and keep staring at you. You feel his intense stare so you look to Mark, your eyes meet with his.
You questioned " Um...What's wrong...?" His face slowly warmed up and scratched his neck nervously and said"O-Oh! I-It's nothing! I was zoning out just now! Yeah Zoning out! " he giggled nervously. Mark is secretly admiring your side profile. He thinks you radiate an energy that other people don't, very attractive isn't? he smiled to himself and decided to continue his work. He gently moves his seat towards you. His elbow gently touches yours, your flower scent rushed into his nose and he leaned towards you unconciously. When you are just about to ask Mark about he math problem that you've been struggling, your lips brush against his lips gently, your eyes widen when you realised what happened in that moment. Both of you quickly seperated, you instantly missed his warmth. Both stay silenced. You quickly fixed your hair and said "I-I'm sorry!" He looked away with his red ears and quickly shake his head and said "N-No! I'm Sorry!" The atmosphere between you two is extremely awkward so you decided to lighten up the mood a bit. When you are just about to speak "Um!" Both of you said it in sync, you two giggled. When you are just about to laugh,you rememebered that Mark might not like the sound of your laugh so you decided to keep quiet.
Mark seemed to notice something's wrong due to the quietness you suddenly had, he gently, cautiously tapped your arms, the sudden touch made you jump slightly, you turn to meet Mark's worried eyes. When you are just about to say anthing, the school bell rings in the right timing. You quickly gather your things and left the classroom, leaving a confused Mark
(Mark be like: NO ONE EVER REJECTED ME HMPH! :<<<<<<No jk)
You rushed to your science class and decided to pay attention to class instead of worrying Mark. Although you tried to be attentive in class, the moment that his lips brushed against yours of that moment still stayed. You tried to forget about the moment, however the more you try to forget the more it showed up in your mind.
"Y/n? Y/n?" The teacher called your name and you stand up. The teacher said"Y/n, are you feeling alright? " you nodded quickly and sit back down. If love sick count as a type of disease, then you are sick, very sick.
After all classes, you head back to your classroom, and see Mark is not here, his chair is neatly put back and his table is clean. You automatically assume he left school already. A sudden loneliness rushed to you. You thought about all possibilities like he decided to not see you again, he has a girlfriend secretly and more. The more you think about it, the more anxious you get. But you think about it again and say to yourself "He is none of my business right? I'm just a seatmate of his and nothing else, right?" You shake your thoughts off and decided to head to library for stuudying.
"Mark, I-I like you since we met. I know you might not know me, but we can work it out together! I think we make a good pair so can you please give me a chance?" A voice said in the library, loud enough that you can hear it from the next aisle. Your heart immediately shattered into numerous pieces. Just as you are sinking into your thoughts, a familiar voice said, "I'm so sorry, um I cannot be with you, as I have a crush already, but we can be friends!" You peeked through and see Mark's figure, leaning to the bookshelf. To be honest, it didn't surprise you that he has crush, you expected it since the first day you guys met. You peek through the books again and see the girl is very stunning, her brown eyes shining under the sunlight, her dark silky hair lying freely on her shoulders, a sweet scent of perfume gently flow into your nose. You wondered why Mark rejected her, she was pretty and seems like a good person as well. Just as you are about to leave, the girl walked in front of Mark, she cupped his cheeks with one of her hands, another one pulling his tie, readying to slam her lips towards his. You rushed out of the library with tears flowing down your cheeks. Love stings doesn't it? You thought while smiling bitterly to yourself and run towards the rooftop and sit down, hugging closely to your knees.
What you don't know is that Mark covered his lips with his hand. The girl released his tie and her glassy eyes looked towards Mark and said," So, I guess this is your answer right." Mark stay silent but he smiled. The girl said again, in a more quiet tone, "You love Y/n right?" Mark's face flushed red and covered his face with the back of his hand. The girl smiled bitterly and said," I guess you really like her, don't you?" Mark didn't reply. The girl smiled and look at Mark one last time before running off with tears staining her face.
You sobbed, you knew this will happen. But not this soon. The scene replayed in your head repeatedly. It's hurting you so deep. You look up and see the sky is blue, too blue that it hurts your heart. You sobbed harder and eventually there's no more tears, your eyes are sore, and the sounds in your mind is getting louder and louder.
"You're not as pretty as her."
"You don't have good grades, are you even dreaming to be with him?"
"How are you so confident?"
"Your laugh is ugly"
"Do you even have self-consciousness?"
Mark decided to find you have a talk, since his feelings are getting stronger and stronger. He also see some other boys started to show interest towards you. He cannot accept you in other's arms.
He rushed back to classroom but he can't see you there. His sixth sense telling him you are still in school, he rushed out while holding his bag. He remembered that you once said you like to take a break at the rooftop when you're not feeling well.
He rushed to the rooftop and see a curled figure. He cautiously walked to you and said"Y/n, is that you?" You tense up and hide yourself deeper between your palms. Mark saw your reaction and sit next to you.
"Y/n, you know..." he started. You take a peek to see Mark is looking towards the sky. "You're so special Y/n. I like your laugh, I like your smile. You might not know, but when you smile or laugh, your eyes and nose are scrunched and it's very cute to me." Mark suddenly stare back at you again, you quickly look away feeling embarrassed. You hear shuffling sound. Mark moved towards you, his hand pushing your head towards his warm scent, the familiar cologne scent rushed into your nose.
His hand gently caressing your hair. The moment he hugged you, your tears started to flow out. "He loves me." He begin again,"I love your smile Y/n. I love your everything. Your insecurities are what I love the most ya know?" You hugged him tighter, his arms hugging your waist and he put his chin on top of your head.
You may not know but his face is blushing so hard. He is so flustered but at the same time so hurt because he didn't know your insecurities are eating you up. "M-Mark, the girl in the library-" he slammed his lips on yours.
"I'm yours, and you're mine." you smiled and nodded in his chest. His chest vibrated and a small giggle escaped his lips. You asked "What's wrong?" He quietly said,"I can't believe I got the prettiest person as my partner!"
Thank you for accepting who I am🔆

A/n: FINALLY! I FINISHED THIS CHAP😩I think I'll be updating in coming summer cuz exam season is hittin me hard rn🤡✋🏻

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