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Lucas: What am I supposed to do while you're gone?????
you: ... What do you usually do when I'm gone??????
Lucas: Wait for you to come back;)<3
That's what you receive before you went to England for Competition. You went for running competition, in England. This competition will decide you whether joining the national team or not. You are speedy, but when it comes to competition, you will get slow down by the tense atmosphere and those fast runners. Normally Lucas will come along with you, but sometimes or you can say mostly won't. He needs to study, you are not bad at study, but not as good as him.
He will go to oversea competition with you, he is your personal cheering leader, you are soft for him, since he is your bestfriend for years, you can't just leave him alone when he is a handsome af person. He always gives you unlimited supports, he'll make you less stressed during competition, and making you run the best time you could. But this time, he is focusing on studying, and he didn't come to competition with you... you are sad and hopeless, he is your supporter he is your motivation, he is the reason you wanna run...
Before heading to England, he texted you and said"Y/n, don't be stressed, just remember I'll stay with you spiritually lmao:0" you smiled slightly a bit before your friend teased you and she asked"ooooOoOoooo Y/n is that your boyfriend?" She smirked after saying this. Leaving you into a blushing mess. Your parents never scold you because of bad results both in running and studies, all they said is, go with your interest. And you love running making you continue and now popular because of running and joining various of competitions. But this time you are unsure about either winning or going into national team. As the airplane takes off, normally Lucas will hold your hand but this time you just grabbed the pillow really tight. You missed him a lot... but you don't want to bother him....
After you arrived England. You plopped yourself on bed and quickly you drift into a deep sleep, preparing for tomorrow's full day for competition.... before you ready yourself to sleep you texted Lucas: hey Lucas:) I arrived England, don't worry much! See you soon:)" and after texting him. The next morning you thought you will receive Lucas's text but no. He didn't text back nor call back. But still you have competition, so you shrugged off that depressed feeling and head to the venue. During the ride to the venue you stared at the window blankly. But when you arrived the venue, a pair of hands covered your eyes and a familiar scent rushed up to you. you removed the hands, turn back while you are still in shock and still processing what happened. Lucas is here.
You see Lucas holding a banner saying"DON'T FIGHT WITH Y/N OR ELSE I'LL HIT YOU" you giggled at him holding the banner emotionlessly but still you knew he flew all the way from Korea to here. He gave up his studies and literally came here to cheer for you. Your tears started to form suddenly, tearing up because he is being such a supportive bestfriend. You faced to the wall and trying not to drop down your tears. Then Lucas's strong hands surrounded your waist, his head resting on your shoulders, his cute voice saying "Yah! Y/n~ I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend, even you don't like me, I'm just being a supportive bestfriend which is also handsome and cute. You walk to your lane, number 4. Lane 4 usually represents the fastest runner among the heat, but sadly you have no certainty about winning. "GET READY" your muscles start to tense and your breathing stops and "BEEP" your feet running with speed , the competitors are similar speed as you. And at the 5 meters before the finish line, your last step runs through the finish line. You slowed yourself down, turned to see the timing. 4th. You run your hands through your hair and in a sudden you receives a warm hug. Lucas hugs you extremely tight. You hug him tightly too and he said"hey. You did well! It is your personal best! I'm proud of you!"
Your tears slowly falls down. Your dream, and every time you've spent time to train just to win. And now the result is not what you wish and you can't go to the national team... Lucas said while patting your back gently and lightly"Hey it's okay, I wish you can't go to national team too! Not because you run slow but because um you can stay in Korea with me..." your smiled brightly and pecked his lips gently you grabbed his arms, pulled him to your mother and said"Mom let me introduce you, Lucas my boyfriend" your mom's dream is you two being married and so on. Both of your parents like Lucas a lot even Lucas's parents wishing both of you can have a family soon. Maybe their wish has granted;)!
/You can never say you are bad, because in my eyes you are perfect as heck./

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