Taeyong-Comfort series.

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A/N: hey guyssss I decided to start a series called comfort series! I know some of you may be confused with the title, so lemme explain! So apparently these years my mental health is not stable and not much people helped me get through it until now. I've always thought about what others say will comfort me the most when I'm not stable or when I suffer the most, so I decided to create as to give a sense of comfort to whoever feel like alone❤️ and most of the Y/n's inner thoughts are real situations when I'm overthinking
you may not know me but I'm always here<3 happy reading❤️
"You've worked hard. I know you did."
You cried on Taeyong's shoulders. You don't care about the large stain on his shirt. You grabbed his hem of his shirt and his shirt is wrinkled.
Few hours ago
"Y/n! I'm very disappointed with you! I never expect that you failed this test." The teacher shaked his head and sighed. Your head faced down and walked back to your seat. You sobbed and lay your head down. The teacher looked at you one more time before the class.
"What should I do?""I tried my best didn't I" "I'm not going to make the teacher disappointed again" "Why?" " I'm such a failure" "I can't believe this," " this is so bad"
You tried so hard for this history class, however you just cannot focus on history things. Let's say your favourite subject is not history. You're not the best student in class but you're working so hard on each subject and tried not to make the teacher be disappointed with you. You spent countless hours on working on assignments, test, quizzes. You never failed any classes however, this is the first time that you failed a quiz. The students behind you murmured different things like " I thought Y/n will be the top student, looks like Y/n is just trying to  be teacher's pet." " Y/n is just trying to brag." You feel stares and the class's attention turned towards you. Though you tried your best to ignore them, you cannot. Taeyong sits at the corner of the class and he can clearly sense there is something wrong with you.
For the remaining history class, you didn't pay attention to it, your soft sobs continued and the tears flowing continuously. While you are laying your head down, you didn't care about how messy your face is and how the teacher thinks. Taeyong is hurt when he sees you in this state. He never thought you are very pressured and what made him sad is that you never approached him and he didn't sense there is something off with you. His runs his fingers through his hair and sighed quietly.
His seatmate, Yuta asked Taeyong " Hey, why are you so down bro? I've never seen you in this state," Yuta pulled Taeyong closer to him by wrapping one of his hand on his shoulder and another hand supporting his head. Taeyong sighed again while looking towards your figure and started "It's nothing... just- nevermind forget it." Yuta followed Taeyong's gaze. Everything make sense now. Taeyong cared about you.
Yuta smiled and whispered to Taeyong,"Oi, you should go talk to Y/n later~" Taeyong nodded lazily and continued to scribble on his textbook.
"Okay class, remember to finish your work, I'll be collecting it next Thursday." The class nodded and started to pack their things. "Ah Y/n, please come out, I wanna talk to you." An anxious feeling rushed up to your brain, your palms started become sweaty and you lowered your head and walk to the teacher.
"Oh no, I'm getting scold. I'll fail this class." "People are disappointed." "What should I do."
You quickly walked out and said"Teacher! I-I'm sorry! I'll do better next time!" You bowed and apologised to the teacher a few times. The teacher smiled and said"Y/n, I hope you can learn from mistakes, I'm sure you're just careless this time! If you have any problems do feel free to approach me!" The teacher said while patting your shoulders.
The voices and scenarios in your head are all gone. You sighed again and head to washroom. While you are washing your face, you heard the girls from your class murmured.
"I bet Y/n is getting help from Yuta and Taeyong" "Bruh she can't even pass this test? " "I don't like her. " "I mean just look at her, trying to be teacher's pet" you heard all their conversations and rushed out of the washroom. The tears flowed again and you tried to stop it, but seems like they are not listening to you. You rushed back to your classroom and lay down again.
Taeyong walk passed you and realised your glassy eyes and slowed his pace. He turned his head and see you're running back to classroom. Yuta sense the tension from Taeyong. Yuta patted his shoulder and nodded. Taeyong rushed back to classroom. When he entered the classroom, he can't see you on your seat. He started to worry. He asked the classmates but none of the see you. While Taeyong is searching for you, you sit on the bench on the attic of the school. You hide your face with your palms, you take a deep breath and faced the the sky. You screamed whle breaking into loud sobs again, hoping no one will notice you.
"Y/n. " the familiar sound said your name. "Y/n" the familiar sound of his foot step walking towards you. You move away and said" um, T-Taeyong! I'm fine" you said while wiping your tears away with the back of your hand. Taeyong started again "Y/n, I know you're having a hard time." You snapped back, "NO YOU DON'T! You know what the girls said about me? DO YOU KNOW?" Your eye turning red and warm again, "THEY SAID I AM JUST TRYING TO BE TEACHER'S PET! THEY SAID I'M JUST GETTING HELP FROM OTHERS!"
Your legs turned weak, when your knees are just about to hit the ground, Taeyong rushed to your side and supporting you while grabbing your arms. "Y/n-" you started"Taeyong, I'm not so special right, I can't even get a high grade in a simple history test." "Y/n" you shaked your head while covering your ears. "Y/N" Taeyong said while covering your hands that are currently covering your ears.
"Y/n, I know others might judge you and not acknowledge your hardwork and the time that you've spent. I know you might not believe this but I know you've tried hard. I know it. Y/n, I know the amount of time you've spent. Y/n, I love everything about you. Please know that I love you so much. You know, I cannot express it, like- Y/n, I love you so much. It hurts so much when seeing you like this. You may not love yourself now, but at least let me love you and make you love yourself slowly day by day, yeah?"
You look up from the ground and look into his eyes. He is not lying, he is telling you the truth. You asked with a shaky voice "Really? You-You mean it?" He nodded.
His embrace tightened between your waist and push you close to his chest. The steady heartbeat of Taeyong's made you calm down.
"Take your time. I'll be here. Whenever you need me."
His lips softly touching your forehead, a sweet smile spread across both of your faces.
A/n: HAHA THANK YOU GUYSSSSDNSNDNSD🥺❤️hope this can make your day🥺❤️
Oh btw pls comment down something makes u happy:D i hope people can share happiness with each other uwu❤️

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