NCT 127 3rd anniversary!!!!

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You are best friends with NCT 127 today is their 3rd anniversary and you want to do something for them.
Your pov
Oh gosh today is NCT127's 3rd anniversary... what should I do?! Buy gifts?! Writing cards?! Or what?! I lay down on my bed and think about what should I do. Suddenly I hear a knock from the door, I walk to the door and opening revealing Taeyong, I frowned and ask" What's wrong?" He lightly smiled and said" we are heading to practice and eat celebration dinner tonight! So do you wanna come?" I slightly smiled and said" no thanks Taeyong, you can go haha I am not joining!" Taeyong nodded and left me with a wave goodbye.
I closed the door and look up on internet what to do to celebrate. I scroll through the internet and it mentioned to make a card with photos and bake a cake and decorate the house with balloons. I smiled and change into some comfortable clothing to go to the mart to buy the ingredients for the cake. When I am shopping, I recognise a familiar figure, I walk closer to him and I found out is NCT127's manager, He seems to recognise me too so I walk up to him and asked" Manager-nim may I know what time will their celebration end?" He slowly takes out his phone and check the timetable and said" around 7. What's wrong?" I smiled and said" I want to celebrate the 3rd anniversary with them, do you want to join?" The manager smiled widely and said" Of course! I can help you to do the contacting!" I bowed and said" thank you manager-nim!!! " he smiled and said" anything for the boys" after that I walks away and head to the counter to pay. I walk home with ingredients and head to the kitchen.
Since I don't want the dorm to be dirty, I go to the house that I used to live in. I went to my apartment and prepare the decorations and the cupcakes. I failed a lot of times, but I still managed to make 12 perfect cupcakes, I each put the member's names on it and decorated it and put it into the freezer. I have no idea what time is it now since I put a lot of effort and I am too concentrated in the cupcakes decorations, I washed my hands and walk to the living room, as I sit down at the sofa and when I look up, revealing it is 4pm already! I quickly clean up the mess I made and download all the photos I took with 127 and also including manager-nim. I scan the whole house before I rush down to the printer shop, and print all the photos I have in my USB.
~Time skip~
It is currently 5:30 pm. I double check that all the decorations are perfect and all in place. I call Haechan and said in a really hurry tone" Haechanie.... I think I am a bit sick in my old house... can you come when you finish your dinner...?" I hear the other side is very noisy and Haechan's voice is really worried " Noona! Wake up first! I will bring the hyungs to your home after 15 mins! Hold on (Y/n)!" Then he cuts off my phone.
This 15 minutes feels like years, suddenly the door knob is being opened. I carefully take out the cupcakes from the fridge and hide in the fridge. I hear Haechan screaming" noona! Where are you?!" I prepare the candles and I see manager-nim walk to my side and I sing happy birthday to NCT127. They all are shocked but they soon formed a smile on their face. I carefully asked them" Surprised?" They all nodded and I open all the lights and they see my house is welly decorated and the walk to the table and sit down. Taeyong scan around the room and said" you made all this?" I nodded and smiled" I didn't forget your group's anniversary! I never did!" They all smiled and thanked me. I bring the cupcakes out and said" Guys eat the cupcake that has your name please! Inside has a little paper strip indicate where to go to find my secret present!" The all take their cupcakes according their names. I see them munching the cupcake cutely, i giggled at their facial expression and they all start to leave their seats. I shouted" after finding the present please come back to the living room!" Some of them went to the basement or the roof. After around few minutes they all got a box in their hand.
I said calmly with a smile on my face" Open your box and read the letter everyone!" They all opens a box and each of them got a envelope and Taeyong's envelope is blue, to match his hair. I giggled at his reaction and all of them read the letter slowly. They all smiled and giggled when they are reading the letter. After they finished I said" Guys you all can open your present!" They slowly unwrap the wrappings and each of the reveal a different present. Taeil got a little moon lamp, Taeyong got a new sippers, Johnny got a sunglass, Jaehyun got a new hat... everyone are amused and satisfied with their present, then when they are just chit chatting in my house, Taeyong back hugged me in the kitchen, I giggled and wipe the water remain on my hands and turning to face him and ruffles his hair. He pouted but I said" Thank you for the hard work for 3 years Taeyong... It is really hard to be a leader and take all the pressure at one time right... It is okay Taeyong-ie. everything will be good because you paid a lot of hard work in your excellent team. Trust me, things will turn good soon." Taeyong nodded and let go of my waist... the boys' laughter fill up the whole room...
The end
(A/N: Happy 3rd anniversary with NCT127! They hve been through so much and their hard work need to be appreciated! They boys have work really hard to achieve this result now! I am really proud of the boys!!!!Sorry for late posting🤦🏻‍♀️ I am really sorry about this...)

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