Johnny part 2

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Johnny said" now Y/n do you mind take me to my office, and you will need to move your whole desk in my room." You nodded and you head back to your seat, looking depressed you look to Yuta's seat he is working really hard. He suddenly looks up and said" what's wrong? You seems sad" you lay your head down" I need to move my seat. Bye Yuta" Yuta hold your hand and said" at least let me walk you home tonight?" "Yuta... You can leave first I got loads to do tonight...Sorry..." Yuta pat your head and said" no problem just give me a text when you arrive home okay?" You nodded and you pack your stuffs, heading to your new seat.
You placed on your things and immediately open your laptop continue to finish your proposal and whole bunch of emails. You started working and you didn't even notice that Johnny came in few minutes ago. You keep drinking your coffee wishing to finish your proposal tonight. You keep working until night. After finishing the last email you lol at the time and it is 12 am. You signed and even the CEO has left. You go to the shop nearby and brought 3 coffee. You suddenly remembers that you need to buy one pack of candy or else you will be out of sugar. You went back and grabbed the candy and walk back to your office. You sit down again and when you open your laptop again, you see 200 more emails to finish, you grabbed your coffee and drink a sip. And start working. You eye lids are getting heavier and you drift to sleep.
Johnny pov
I went out and grab a sandwich from the store and when I come back i see Y/n laying her had down, I take a chair and sit opposite her and look at her face while she is sleeping, and I saw a note on my table
[Johnny remember to wear well and sleep well. I will finish my proposal before tomorrow's meeting thanks!!] I laughed and take a photo of her sleeping and with the sticky note. I smiled at her and said"y/n....we are once secondary school friends...maybe...I am the school's player and Yuta is the one who saved you...but I like you from that time.." i start to drift into sleep too. I kissed her forehead gently and said" sweet dreams..."
------ next day ------
You continue finish your proposal and emails and you finish it before Johnny wakes up. You feel relieved. And you see Yuta's text
Yuta:wake up
Yuta:did you sleep at the office again????
Yuta: is the office your home sjdjisbgisjgjjfifjf
Yuta:see you :p
You laughed at the text and you go to the bathroom the fix your hair and makeup, since the meeting will be held soon
----- after meeting -----
You are tidying the notes but you didn't feel so well since you forgot to eat some sugar before the 6 hour meeting, it makes you so dizzy but you put some lipstick on your lips so it wont be really noticeable for your pale lips. But soon the lipstick faded and you are too busy to take any Candie's at the moment instad you ate pills. That calmed you a bit but the dizziness is still so bad.
You trying to go get a coffee again when you are walking you fainted but luckily Johnny catched you in his arms...
Johnny pov
I am just checking my co workers's status and suddenly y/n walked pass me but she suddenly fainted i run and catched her. She is so pale and she is so sick. But she isn't having any fever. i carry her to our office and I lay her down on the sofa. I walk to her table and saw a pack of medicine for higher sugar rate in the body, meaning she didn't take any sugar before the meeting so that she fainted now... So what should I do.... I searched it and she awake and she rubs her temple area she looked at me and she said weakly" thanks Johnny..." I shake my hand and I gave her my mints, she ate 3 and she become way better.
Your pov
After eating the candy is like way better, i stand up and walk to my seat. Then Johnny ruffled my hair and said" y/n take a rest. You just fainted. The work i can help you do it. Now go sleep " you nodded and went back to the sofa. For the rest of the day Johnny is doing your proposal and emails and you drift into sleep.
----- time skip -------
It is 3 am and I see Johnny lay his head down and he is sleeping quietly with his glasses on. You grabbed your chair and sit next to him. You studied his face really well with his beautiful hair and cute lips, after studying his face when you are about to head back to your place Johnny opened his eyes he said " i know i am hot but you studied my face for an hour miss. " You face flashed red because of embarrassment. You said" sorry..." Jonny then cheekily said " i want you to pay me back because of studying my face for an hour." You modded and said" okay i will do everything." He then said" kiss me." You are shocked and said" where?" "Lips" you looked at him and you walking close to him, you gulped and you kissed him on his lips. When you are about to leave he pulls you close to him and his hands brushing your hair and your hands on his neck his second hand holds your waist. And you smiled and said" to the school player.. i love you" Johnny giggled and he hugged you, you hide your face in his chest and he hugged you back. Your tears drop off when you think back the time before.
----- throw back to highschool ------
"Johnny! Stop fighting with Yuta please!"
" Y/n leave now! I said leave now"
"No I wont."
" I will date you if you find me 5 years later."
" Two of you atop fighting..." You cried while rain dropping on you. You cried a lot because you love the school player he is cute he is kind to you he didn't force you to do anything.
---- throwback done----
You look up to Johnny seeing he is smiling and he uses his thump to wipe your tears off you but instead you hugged him one again, you hugged him more tightly smelling the same scent 5 years ago, he hugged you and said" shhh.. don't cry...." You sobs and hugged him more tightly. You pulled out the embrace and when you are about to speak, Johnny smashed his lips on yours and after that. You said quietly" thank you Johnny..... I love you..." Then you feel tears dropping and dropped on your shoulder. You patted his back and ruffled his hair. He hugs you and keep rubbing his back. Johnny said" i have been looking you for five years and I found Yuta last year, i bought up the whole company just to see you. Sorry for keeping you wait for 5 years my angel...." You shake you head and said " I've been loving you wanting you for five whole years Johnny Soe..." Johnny suddenly bend down" Y/n...Thinking that we met 7 years ago i am a school player and you are just a little angel you changed me. That time Yuta love you and you became his Guardian angel. I like you for 6 years. Remember how you cried in class just because of your grades? Someone gave you chocolate and i am the one who gave you. During the rooftop fight you screamed wishing Yuta and I wont fight. You cried you screamed and that time You promised me that you will date me 5 years later and that means you dated me for 5 years. This time may I please be your one and only guardian angel?" You see Johnny taking out a red box with a ring in it. You nodded and he put the ring on your hands. You hugged him and both of you burst into tears .

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