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You are the daughter of starship company, you always got straight As from your homework or tests, which made you have a lot friends, you are enjoying your last year with friends and they all takes picture with you and teachers.
When you got back home, your parents sits at the sofa drinking tea, and their facial expression makes you really worried .
Your parents asks you to sits down with them, and they said quietly." Y/n... I am sorry to tell you that you are going to marry Xiaojun which is X company's son. I am sorry daughter..." you dad keeps apologies, but you held their hand and said" Mom and dad its okay⋯
You followed your parents to a dinner they told you. You wore a white dress with rose and a pair of white high heels. Since you are meeting your fiancé, so you wore a very formal dress to the venue. When you entered the restaurant, you see a boy with curly black hair, his cold face and dangerous look is driving you crazy. You slowly walk to them and said " Hey I am Y/n, nice to meet you!" Suddenly Xiaojun look up and smiles and he stands up," hey I am Xiaojun, nice to meet you." He shows you a cute smile and he sits back down. And you blushed after his introduction. He is really cold on the outside and really warm and cute in the inside, and you have no idea why are you having a crush on him already.

*the wedding day*

Now you guys may kiss. After he finished this sentence Xiaojun's lips meets yours and you smiled. This kiss didn't last long it is just a quick peck. And you two are living together from now.

*6 months later*

"I'm home!!!" You shouted wishing someone could at least say" welcome back" but sadly no one. The maids are busy and Xiaojun isn't back, as usual he is just coldly talking to me everything is cold towards me. No smiles no kisses no hugs. Just living in the luxurious house with no warmth. You take off your shoes and head to your room. You saw a wedding photo of Xiaojun and you, your eyes are full of tears, wishing at least once xiaojun can hg you and said" welcome back!" But this is all in your dream it never did happen. And you two barely have any other talks. Suddenly the door bell rings, and revealing a tiring and drunk Xiaojun. You are worried, you are worried for his health and worried that he is just a guy living with you and have no contacts. You carry him carefully and help him to massage and gives him your place to sleep. You quietly packs your things in a bag, and you took away the small wedding photo, writing a small piece of note for Xiaojun on the table.
Dear Xiaojun:
Hey Xiaojun i know i am really extra in this home. I am not a good wife. I don't know how to cook i don't know how to make you feel happy . I am sure you have another girl to chase for. I know this is a just a fake marriage but for my parents please don't break this contract. I made a bowl of soup which is a Chinese soup you love. You can either throw it or reheat it to drink it. And this is the last good bye. Thank you and sorry. I have no idea why am I still loving you. This love is not gonna work right, its just in my own imagination where me and you living happy together and talking together. Sorry I might have just love the wrong person.
Xiaojun pov
I woke up and it is 1 pm I see the wedding photo is gone, and I am in y/n's room and my back is not hurting anymore, i rushed out seeing a piece of note and a bowl of soup. I read the note carefully, I screamed "y/n I love you please don't leave.... "i cried my tears are fading the hand writing. I opened the bowl of soup it is still a bit warm i have my tears in the soup, I slowly drink the soup, the familiar taste that Y/n first made me when we lived together for a month, I immediately got up and searching her everywhere but no one is here except for the maids. I rushed out, and went to the park the ferris wheel. It is 6 already I am still haven't find her.... as I am searching in the amusement park, i see a familiar shadow... it is Y/n she is wearing the bracelet I gave her... I rushed to find her she turns back her face is pale but still smiling, asking" hey Xiaojun what can I help you?" My eyes are getting wet and y/n is worried said"Xiaojun don't cry is your family having problems? Or your girlfriend is gone?" I feel my hot tears streaming down, y/n smiled and use her shirt sleeve to wipe away my tears and rubs my cheek. I hold her hand and she didn't wear the ring. I asked her" where is your ring?!" She answered " in the drawer I returned it to you... you don't love me anyways." She smiled weakly and the next ferris wheel is for both of us. When we are in the ferris wheel, she said" why am I loving you ah Xiaojun...." i hugged her and she is shocked by my action...
Y/n pov
Suddenly Xiaojun hugs me. I feel my hot tears are streaming down on my face, Xiaojun too. He said while sobbing" Y/n I am sorry, i am not a good husband and I never did... you help me to clean the house, make food for me, massage my back and even take care of me. I did nothing to receive this love. Today I woke up seeing you not in the house, the wedding photo is gone, and you are not saying good afternoon as usual. And I know that I like you. I know it is half a year since we married but I just realised that I love you. Y/n I sorry...." I patted his back and he is keep crying"shh.... don't cry don't cry.... i didn't blame you or angry at anything...shh.... don't cry" he stopped and suddenly he took out a ring from his pocket, the ring we got in wedding day. He asked me again" Y/n no matter what if you are sick and having any disease. Me Xiaojun will take full responsibility to take care of you. Now will you be my wife again?" You nodded and he puts the ring or your finger. And you two kissed and you two hugged. And you finally whispered " thank you, i love you..."

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