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Winwin. Your boyfriend. But he never told anyone, somehow you guys are dating secretly, for 8 months. He is popular that's why he has a lot of friends. But he is very sweet and kind towards you. But you guys are the first year in senior, meaning that he will get a lot of female friends, or somehow the mean girls. All you can say is. Wish us luck.
As expected Winwin, waiting you at the front of your house, you look up and smiled while pulling him into a hug,"Hey Sicheng! Morning! Shall we head to school?" He nodded, he is weird, somehow. He normally will greet you, but no he didn't, instead when you guys are walking, he focus on his phone more than you. You said" Umm Sicheng? Let's have lunch together?" He shakes his head and he left you confused. You thought: Maybe he was just stressed or not in a mood to chat or anything. You quickly follow him and walk him to school. The whole walk you guys didn't say anything. Not even a good morning.
You walked to your locker, and your best friend________come to you, pulling you into a hug, saying" Hey Y/n! What's up?" You give ________ a sad smile and tell her all the things that happened this morning. " Y/N YOU CAN'T JUST DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!" You shake your head, closed your locker and leave your friend alone. She immediately runs up to you and whispered " Hey Let's check him out during lunch." You nodded and rest your head on your friend's shoulders.
During class you see Winwin chatting with the school's popular pretty girl Cha Young Mi. She is popular with her looks obviously, even in her name, means beautiful... you are jealous, not much people know that you are dating Sicheng. Only your bestfriend and your family knows about it. Seems that Young Mi is trying to get Sicheng's heart. You sighed and tried to focus on the class, but you always stole glances to check if Sicheng is still talking to her and obviously it is a yes. You lay your head down, slowly your eyelids are getting heavier. Suddenly someone shakes your shoulders continuously, making you to sit up, rub your eyes and see your best friend didn't say anything but dragged you to somewhere.
You keep running and at last your best friend covered your mouth and give you a dead glare. You see your friend peek out, and you look out and see Sicheng talking Young Mi happily, he showed her the smile that he usually showed you. The feeling of disgusted and anxious is taking over you. That feeling of jealous and when Young Mi sitting and lean closer to Sicheng. You didn't say anything but just smiled bitterly and left your best friend.
Before you leave you said deadly without any hint of sadness of emotion" I'll take a break from school, around a week. Please tell the teacher. Thanks." You packed your books and left the school soullessly. When you walk to your house, you sighed and remembered that your parents are on honey moon. But it is good that you can take a break without any bothering. You flopped yourself on bed, you changed yourself into some comfortable clothes and finally sitting on your bed and scrolling through social media. Well could you say expected? Sicheng not texting you are you okay or anything. Maybe he just don't love you anymore.... then a notification popped up. It is Sicheng's message....
Sicheng❤️:Y/N WHERE DID YOU GO???
You: I left school.
You: None of your business Winwin.
You then turned off your phone, ignoring all the texts or calls from anyone. You never called him Winwin. He allowed you to call him Sicheng since you guys met. And if you say Winwin he knows there is somethings wrong. On the other hand, Winwin seating at the rooftop, he can't text you nor call you. He then thought about everything happened. You are not on your period today and you didn't even show up at lunch... He then acknowledged that he is with Young Mi the whole day! He ignored you! Suddenly a tiny figure sits next to Sicheng. Young Mi obviously. Young Mi said " Sicheng~why don't we head to the mall~?" Sicheng rolled his eyes and untangled her hands from his arm. Young Mi rolled her eyes and said" So you want to go to that Y/n. She is disgusting. She is a gold digger. She don't-" Sicheng glared at her and mumbled" Stop. It. And from now on. I am not yours." Winwin give last death glare to Young Mi and she rolled her eyes .
Back to you. You are resting and suddenly someone came into your house. You grabbed the cutter from your drawer. Reading to fight that one person who broke in. And it seems to be Sicheng. You immediately put down your cutter and looked to the other side. And Sicheng, sits next to to you and said" Y/n I'm sorry." You finally glanced at him. You said annoyingly" Go find Young Mi." He hold your hands and intertwined them with his. You tried to pull away. But it made you fall into his embrace. Your cheeks flashed red and his nose slightly touching yours and you stared into his eyes. He said breathily " Look. y/n I love you." You hummed in response. He continued and said" That Young Mi girl came up to me and forced me to teach her study. Since I hate her, and she is being really disgusting and somehow clingy which i hate, I pushed her away." You nodded and he continues " So stop being a big baby and get jealous." You pouted and leave his glaze and said" Who won't be jealous when that pretty girl comes up to you..." he smiled gently and pinched your nose. You two giggled
He said" Y/n I love you okay. So I am sorry." You nodded and said" I'm sorry too... being too jealous..." he shakes his head in response and said" Nah Y/n that means you love me which I am really happy about that~" you giggled and he said" Since I left you out for the whole day so in return I will cuddle and give you kisses everywhere." You giggled as he showered your face with whole bunch of kisses.
I'm sorry for being too jealous, but it's because i love you too deep and I can't control it...

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