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And here we go again. Art class lectured by Ms. Robin. You are never a art student, your art never get a high grade, although you tried real hard in the pieces.
As you walk into the art room, the room is quiet but you noticed the class's popular guy— Taeil. Sitting there reading his book. You quietly take a seat at the table next to him, and start to use your phone quietly.
The silence is broken when a whole bunch of girls surrounding Taeil's table and keep asking him go out for dates or dinner. But when you look up, Taeil's eyes meets yours, the first time you feel butterflies in your stomach, but you shrugged off this feeling because you know he will never like you back. He is popular, kind, good looking. That's why the girls like him?
After the bell ring, Ms. Robin walks in with a green dress and me and my friends trying really hard not to laugh out loud. After that Ms. Robin takes out a list and she announced " okay class. Today we are going to announce the grouping of your greek myth art project. Jasmine and Jack, Alisa and Jason, Y/n and Taeil, Jessica and Tom...." I heard my name right? Why the hell am I with Taeil. When I am just a art nerd, that only interested in calculating maths or doing writings? When he is the good one and I am going to work with him.
The rest of the class my whole mind went blank, after the teacher's voice quieted down, after the teacher announced that we should find our partners and start doing our project. You packed your things and walk to Taeil. You stutters and said" ummm Taeil, I am in a group with you can I sit next to you so we can start our project as soon as possible." Taeil nodded and gives you a warm smile, and you sit at the place next to him. You quickly opened the your MacBook and starts to research for greek and myths background information for easier to start of you project.
When you turn to Taeil he is also about to say something and both of you stuttered and he siad " I- you can go first Y/n" you nodded and showed him all the researched informations, he read it with a frown on his face, but soon turned into a light smile. He said" Very good Y/n! As expected form your results though haha!" You giggled and said" So what do you want to tell me?" He showed you 4 sketches and 4 of them are really amazing.
You gasped and said" Taeil! Your drawings are really good!" You see one hidden at the back of his art, as you wanna see the last one, he took it away with embarrassment and said" you can't see that one!" You nodded and both of you deciding which one fits the best with the topic. At last you selected a one with suns moons and a ancient couple.
The time is passing really fast you don't even know it is already the end of the class. You bid goodbye to Taeil, just as you are readying to leave, Taeil scratches his neck and said" ummm Y/n do you mind if we meet at the art room everyday after school to finish our project?" You nodded and said" then I'll see you soon" after you turn back you smiled to yourself, you best friend sees the situation and teased you," ohhhh look Y/n~ I thought you said you are not interested in him~" You shakes your head and said" I never said that."
___time skip_____
"Class you are dismissed. Remember to finish your work kids~" you stare at the blackboard with a blank face and soon you hit your head on your notebook. You closed your eyes wishing to take a rest. When you are deciding what to do when you are back home you Suddenly remembered that you promised Taeil to finish the art project together after school.
When you wake up you see your bestfriend looks at you while smirking and said" have a nice date Y/n! Spill the tea when you get back home okay?" You rolled your eyes and nodded. You pack your things and walk to the art room on your own, the hallway is quiet since not much student left ,you quickly walk to the art room and see Taeil already drawing on a large canvas with our decided theme. His sleeves are rolled, his face is cold but a frown formed when he noticed me. You feel embarrassed and walk to the seat next to him and start working.
When you are just about to help him painting, he grabbed an apron and help you to wear it and tie a ribbon behind you quickly. Just as you are about to thank him he gently rolled both of your sleeves and smiled." here you go! You can start painting with these colours........" Taeil continues to talk but you didn't pay full attention just because of just now's confusing moment. That feeling makes you more confused that are you having a crush on him. He snapped you back to reality by keep patting your shoulder. You nodded awkwardly and trying to focusing on what to do next.
has pasted and the project is finished, you build up a good relationship with Taeil and his friends which are Mark, Johnny Taeyong Winwin and more. Your feelings for him are getting stronger and stronger but sadly you are timid and you afraid Taeil will reject you.
Since art project had finished so you decided to have a good sleep at home. But before you go, you walk to your locker and found a little moon note and it said" find me in art room:) you know who;)" you obviously know it is Taeil, you packed your things and walked to the art room. When you open the door, revealed Taeil working on a piece and signing his name on it. When you are just about to walk and see it, he covered your eyes with his hands, his warmth leaves you into a blushing mess, the room is silent and Taeil's voice start to to talk. "Y/n... you know.... after few months , I kinda become closer to you and having you as best friends is really nice, but after the project finish when I acknowledged that I can't have a chance to talk to you anymore, I-I'm scared. I know you might not like me back, I just wanna tell you this to relieve my stress... I really really love you y/n" you slowly smiled and you removed your hands from your face and said" come on Taeil, who will reject a talented boy and who also is my crush?" You giggled as you see Taeil's face lit up. You hugged him and bury your face in his chest, he caresses your hair gently and said" So...are we a thing now?" You giggled and left his embrace, you laughed a bit and said" Yes Taeil, we are in a thing. We are dating." This time is Taeil's turn to be a blushing mess, he hid his face in both of his hands and wiggled his shoulders, you laughed really hard and he said" what are you laughing at?" You said while catching your breath" you're-you're too cute!" You continue laughed again and until when you feel a pair of hands hugs you on a waist and his face is extremely near, you gulped and look at him right in the eyes, he whispered " oh gosh I can't resist you anymore Y/n." After he said that his soft lips smashed on yours, your eyes widen but soon you closed your eyes and kiss him back.
After that kissing section which lasted for few minutes, he grabs your hand and said" let's go on an ice cream date!" He holds hands with you and happily walk to the ice cream shop for your first date.

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