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"Yo Y/n!" Your best friend wrap her hands around your neck. You got scared and looked at her. You rolled your eyes and said"Can you actually stop scaring me like this?" she giggled and said"I'm sorry Y/n, today's sports class is-" "Dancing. Social dancing." You sighed and walked away with your bestfriend. You head to the bathroom and changed to sports clothes and head off to sports class.
What so special about this social dance is that you need to pair up with a boy partner in order to perform the dance. You hope to be with a nice guy, although you are friends with most of the boys, still, you hope you can have a good partner. The class is mixed with nervous laughs and excited squeals, the girls hope they can dance with their crush, and boys too. And obviously you want to dance with you boy bestfriend and also your crush, Yangyang. Well Yangyang is your sunshine, everyone's sunshine, your number one supporter and he's clingy, but in a good way. Since when you started to like him? You're not sure but the feeling has been there for quite a while, you think the chance of being together is quite low. You walked into the class with your high ponytail. Being a popular kid, a lot of secret admirers in the whole grade, but non of them catches your eye, except Yangyang. That uncontrollable love and desire to love, and thinking about all this made you nearly tripped. As you are fixing your ponytail, a warm hand pulled it harshly.

You turn back and it is Yangyang, no one else. He's making fun of you, you are mad in some way but if it's Yangyang, you can never get mad at him for more than an hour. So you tried to be angry at him, ignored him and walks away. Normally you will either slap him on his arms or pinch him or ruffles his hair, but today you walked away and talked with your best friend, Yangyang is obviously confused. You talk with your bestfriend until the teacher came. The teacher made everyone stand in two lines and stand according to their height. Well you originally thought you will have yangyang as your partner but instead is another student called Lucas. He liked you. A lot. The whole class knew it since the first day of school, he used various of ways to attract you and get your attention, but it never succeeded. The whole class is giving you both a smirk and you send help to your best friend, but she just ignored you and held her laugh. While Lucas walked to your front already. You're not that kind of mean person and you are really bad at rejecting people. Yangyang who is few meters away, stared at Lucas and you constantly.
"Y-Y/n! I-I- Let's dance!" You giggled and nodded, you put your palms on top of his and the warmth is totally different from YangYang's. As you are struggling how to dance properly without having Lucas notice that you're acting weird, a familiar scent surrounded you and a warm palm holds your wrist, you look up and see YangYang, he's face is somehow angry but trying to be kind to Lucas, he said with a polite tone"Sorry Lucas, perhaps I'll dance with Y/n instead, you don't suit her" Lucas glared at him and smiled and said"Oh really? Why not let Y/n choose her partner, I'm sure she'll choose one of us!" Your mind is filled with raced thoughts, you tried to calm down with few deep breathes, you don't want to hurt any of the boys mainly because they are both good friend of yours. You closed your eyes and said "I'll choose...." both of them stared at you with strong stares made you blush. You sighed and said"Sorry Lucas... I'm dancing with YangYang, I'll dance or maybe do something with you soon!" You scratched your neck and fixed your hair a bit. In YangYang's eyes, those gestures means that you are embarrased and sorry. Lucas walked away with a warm smile and said"Oh it's nothing, if YangYang suck at dancing, I can just replace him if you want to. Have fun, see you soon!" He winked at you, and that made you blush harder. Meanwhile, YangYang rolled his eyes and said"Tsk, if you blushed at him, why don't you just simply ask him to dance with you, not like I really wanna dance with you or something..." you are shocked but you decided to tease YangYang a bit and said"fine then, if you don't want to dance with me I'll find Lucas instead."
You take away your hand from his loosen grip, as you were just about to leave, YangYang rolled his eyes again, and looked the other way and grabbed your wrist gently"Don't go then, I said I don't want to dance with you, doesn't mean that you can dance with him..." you giggled and pinched his cheeks slightly and said "I'll stop teasing you, we should start dancing now..."
The moment he sees you smile, he giggled slightly as well, he blushed slightly and he wanted to use his hair to cover his blushed face, but you still see it as you look up and meet his eyes. He suddenly acting as a cute little puppy and seems like there's a drippy dog tail shaking at the back and using his cute puppy eyes and said"I thought you would choose him instead of me! I thought I might loose this chance!" He said with a voice of nearly crying, and you can't stand it anymore,you ruffled his hair slightly and said"I still choose you as my partner!" After ruffling his hair, you quickly realised that the class is still watching you two. You quickly pulled away your hand and put your hand on his palms and said"I-We should start dancing, or else we'll fail the dancing exam" he giggled at your gesture and he suddenly walks close to you, your breaths are noticeable, the warm flower scent is rushing into your nose, you look away from him and he pulled away the distance between you two said"now according to what I've seen the teacher dance right now, should be like this."he walked in a few steps to the front and few steps to the back and as he continues to try out the steps, you stared at him quietly, his dancing skills are always good and it is well known in school. He seldom dances in front of you, so you are shocked but, instead it is filled with more of fast heart beating sound in your ears, and the butterflies in your stomach. You never expect him to be this cute and handsome when he tries to dance. After a long silence, YangYang looks up and snapped his fingers and said"looks like my best friend is amazed by my dancing skills and appearance right?"he said as he teases you and laughs slightly. You said while stuttering and look away from him again"I'll  Try my best to meet your dance partner standard..." but your heart aches when he mentioned "Best friend" am I just his best friend? You wondered
As your palms lay on top of his, the warmth of his palms made you filled loved, and a warmth swims through your heart slightly. You guys tried the steps for the Waltz, and unexpectedly, you guys are dancing quite well and there are nearly no mistakes when you guys are practicing . Throughtout the whole practice hour, you guys either focus on the steps or focus on the teacher's comment, both you and YangYang didn't talk, but you take this as a comfortable silence, as the music goes on, the two of you are quite comfortable with each other holding hands, maybe because you guys were friends since junior high? You slightly peeked at YangYang and see him looking at you as well. You look up and said"I-I! Nothing!" When you are about to continue dancing, you accidentally stepped on him and you can see you're going to trip in any minute, a warm touch supported your waist, gently holding your waist, the warmth passed your clothes and you felt warmth. His hands tightly grabbing your right hand.
The moment your eyes connected with his, you can see clearly in his eyes, your reflection and strong unspoken feelings but you cannot read his emotions. You stared at him deep in his eyes, you haven't stare at him for a very long time, you didn't observe his facial features in details before, now you get the chance, and you find him extremely attractive which you haven't seen him in detailed before. He is a few inches taller than you, his eyes stared right back into yours. The moment you met his eyes, you quickly looked away and coughed for a few times, thinking how embarrassing that is.
"Y/n? Y/n?" You snapped your thoughts back to reality and YangYang see you being a blushing mess, he giggled and ruffled your hair softly. You look back up at him and said while staring right into his eyes,"H-Hey! H-hey! What are you doing!?" Just as your are raising your hand to hit his arm playfully, he slightly grabbed your wrist and gently spinned you around and hold your waist, gently pulled you close to him. Yo can feel his warmth through the thin fabric, he smiled cheekily at you and said"Y/n, I know I am attractive, but stop staring at me hm?" Your face painted a bright red colour. You hid yourface in his chest and said " N-No! Shut up!"
Yangyang decided to let go of you and stop teasing you. He thought how can a person can be so cute like you, he softly giggled and think about the warmth and the sweet floral scent from you. He can't stop blushing, and at the same time, you are internally screaming and thinking about that scene, it looks like kdrama and that happened you.
"Okay class! We will be having the showcase next class, so please prepare well and practice more! You are dismissed! And Y/n's group please come to me!" You and YangYang stared at each other and a odd feeling creeps up to you, you hesistantly greeted the teacher and frowned. The teacher looks at both of you with a grateful and brightest smile you've ever seen from her and she said happily with a giggly tone"Y/n! YangYang! Oh! You guys are chosen to perform next week at hall! How exciting! So prepare well I think you guys can go dance perfectly~!" After the teacher left, the both of you kept silent, until the teacher left the hall and you sighed deeply. YangYang wrapped his arms around your shoulder and said"Why don't we practice everyday?" You look up at him and meet his brown eyes, you nodded sadly, but dancing with the most handsome person you've met in your life is exciting isn't?

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