Winwin Part.2

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You slowly walk back to the classroom, And Jaehyun smirks and runs to you, suddenly bumps on me and said" y/n hold on me, " you stood up by myself and yu rush to the girls bathroom. You cried and cried, you decided to walk to your locker, hugging your books, and walks to home slowly and quietly. When you arrived home, you see Winwin drinking water and texting, so you walk to the back door and get into the house. When you are trying to lock yourself up in your room," y/n. Let's talk." You stopped and you look back it is Winwin. Winwin walks closer to you and drag me into his room.
When he locks up the room he sat on the sofa and he asks you to sit next to him. He asks coldly " why are you ignoring me Kim y/n?" I am so scared, this is the first time him he calls your full name in a serious tone. You look at the table and your tears start to form" Nothing..." "KIM Y/N! I DON'T WANT TO SHOUT. just tell me what happened... i am worried. Seeing you got dragged by Jaehyun and your pale face when you come back, and you crying voice. Please I am worried, tell me whats wrong?" You stood up and said" there is nothing wrong with me. I am just having my own problems thanks for your concern." When you are just about to walk straight to your room, Winwin back hugged me. "W-what are you doing?" Winwin rest his head on my shoulder and said" hugging you." Your tears slowly drop off, you look at the floor and your tears hit the floor, and that sound is loud enough that Winwin tightens the hug and rest his head on your head. "Y/n tell me what's wrong please..." you took a deep breath and said" Yes.Winwin I like you very much like it is a no ending love. You will never like me anyways. I am tired, even Jaehyun told me. You got a girlfriends you just treat me as friends and you are using me. But why Winwin Why am I still loving that much, just leave Winwin, I don't wanna bother you anymore. Yes Jaehyun told me I am an idiot who just thinks everything will be better and even thought I'm just a exchange student in your eyes, a girl still falls for you and being the third wheel between you and your girlfriend. You can just tell me you have a girlfriend... Then I won't like you... Dong  SiCheng, tell me what can I do?" You cries and falls on the floor, and keeps crying. Winwin hugs you tightly and rubs your back"You did nothing wrong. And please don't believe in Jaehyun... all my friends broke up with him  because of his mean actions, now don't cry. Also I don't got a girlfriend. But you really did nothing wrong y/n, because I like you too." You are shocked, you look up and Winwin is looking at the door still hugging you. You frowned and said" you really didn't used me or having any girlfriends?" Winwin released the hug and said" Y/n are you not believing in me? I know Jaehyun hurts you, i got hurt too, Jaehyun told you to leave me and Jaehyun can have you, Seeing you cry and everything you did is perfect. That's why I love you..." you cried again. Winwin just patted my back slowly and after a while, you calm yourself down. Winwin helps you to stand back up and we stared at each other for a few seconds but you think it is awkward and planning to the room first. When I am turning back to the door, Winwin grabs my waist and spins me forcing me to face him. He smashed his lips towards yours. Your tears drop off and kiss back him. After few minutes, he asks quietly next to my ear, his hot breath touching mine" Will you be my girlfriend?" You kiss him and the lips for one last peck, smiled and walk out of the room.

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