Johnny part 1

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You are just a normal secretary in the 127 office. This is the second biggest company in Korea and you enrolled your job here last month as a secretary. Your boss DongYuk is really cold and mean to everyone including you, but everyone still have a crush on him.
One day when you are back in office you sit at your normal position opened your computer, and logged in and see 685 emails waiting for you to reply, and 13 proposals needed to be hand in next month. You are stressed and you haven't get a deep sleep these days. Suddenly someone tapped on your shoulder, it is Yuta. He gives you a warm smile and give you a cup of coffee. You received the coffee the give him a warm smile, the said" Thanks Yuta that is so nice of you..." Yuta smiled and ask " Y/n wanna have lunch with me later on?" You nodded and said " Sure what are we gonna have?" Yuta show his most charming smile and both of you look at each other and said in sync " Takoyaki!!! " Yuta and you both laughed and you two continued to work on your work.
*Time skip*
You and Yuta head out for lunch and goes into a Japanese restaurant, he helped you to pull your chair out and you blushed while thinking, " wow what a gentlemen...". While you are ordering, you feel someone staring at you, and you see a cute guy drinking a cup of coffee. He winked at you and you smiled. After ordering you and Yuta just chit chat as usual.
While you two finish eating you saw Yuta take a piece of tissue and wipe your lips, your face flushed red and You stuttered"than....thanks....Yuta.....". You both went out of the restaurant, and you checked your watch you still got a hour left you suddenly looks at Yuta and said" why don't we head to ice cream shop! Pleaseeeeee~~~my princeeeee" Yuta ruffled your hair and said " sure my little princess" you held hands with Yuta, but it is just in a bestfriends way. You two went into a nearby ice cream shop and Yuta knows you well and said to the waiter" one cup of chocolate chip and one cup of vanilla please. Thanks". Yuta looked at you and you are laying your head down. Yuta brushed your hair slightly and said" y/ look tired..." You woke up and said" yes Yuta urgh kill me please." Yuta giggled and said " come on y/n! We will change our CEO soon~" you look up at Yuta shocked. "Really?!" You nearly screamed but you really can't since this is public venue.
After finishing your ice cream you and Yuta head back to office and finish your work. And you just keep typing in thousands of words.

___time skip___
In the night, Yuta is ready to go he wore his black coat and said bye to you. You suddenly remembered Johnny the school palyer, also your  crush. Before Yuta leave you grabbed Yuta's hand and said" Yuta do you still remember Johnny?" Yuta nodded and said" If he finds you come tell me, no matter what I will always be at your side!" You giggled and noddeed, whiile he oulls you into his embrace. Yuta then quietly said" Y/n I love you." You are shocked, but you just said" sorry Yuta, I still can't move on from Johnny..." Yuta shakes his head and said" no problem~ just remember I'm always by your side." Yuta then waved and left, he didn't say anything or look back... While I'm doing my work, everything is just too pressured, so while doing my work, I drift into a deepsleep..
You woke up and seeing it is 8 in the morning you redo your make up and tidy up your hair. Suddenly a girl come to your seat and said " y/n have you heard there are going to be a new CEO coming to our office today I believe he is called Johnny Soe he is REALLY hot you know even better than Donghyuk, tall and muscular body with a charming smile....I am truly gonna fall for him!!!!!" You shakes your head and laughed and said" come on go work urgh". When you are working on your proposal, you heard some noise at the back, some girls talking" Oh my gosh I just saw Johnny...He is so cold just like Donghyuk...." When you are about to continue your work, you heard your manager said" guys stand up, we need to greet our new CEO!!!" You rolled your eyes and stand up, tidying your clothes and fixing your hair while you are waiting. When everyone bowed you bow down. You tried to look up and you are really shocked: isn't that guy I saw yesterday in the Japanese restaurant?! He is our new CEO?!" Everyone eventually clapping their hands and welcoming the new CEO--- Johnny Seo.
While you are day dreaming, your manager asked you to talk with Johnny since you are the secretary of this office. You smiled and walk up to Johnny and take out your hand and said" Mr Seo I am Y/n your secretary. Nice to meet you!" Both of you shake your hands and you said again " mr.Soe let me take you to your room. You walked and suddenly Johnny asked" are you the same age as me?
Y/n? I am 23" "oh me too Mr.Soe!" Johnny laughed and looked at you he said " don't use formal language we are in to same age~" you shake your head and said," we can't Mr.Soe we are in different levels." Johnny stopped and looked at you, it make you stop too. You re confused and you said" what's wrong Mr.Soe" he looks at you and said" call me Johnny. This is a order from the CEO." You are terrified and you said "sorry Johnny" Johnny smiled and ruffle your hair, he lean down and your eyes meet his eyes. You are 170 but Johnny is like 190 or something. He ruffled your hair and smiled, you heart fluster because you don't feel this kind of feeling before....

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