NCT 127 part 3/ End./

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Okay the last part here you go!!!!!!

Okay the last part here you go!!!!!!

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Flower::Asiatic lily.
>orange Asiatic lily, symbolises energy, creativity and passion.
>Kim Jungwoo, the most active member in your class, the second popular person in the school. He is really soft literally a fluff ball. To everyone.
>and you are the opposite one. Never active in class, quiet, but good at results. You don't even dare to talk to Jungwoo, even he always finds you to start a topic.
>but one day, Jungwoo cones to find you with his math homework on his hand, he said" sorry Y/n do you mind tell me work on this problem? I've stuck at this for a few minutes already. Thanks" you smiled and check the question and explained to him precisely. He somehow is checking out on your facial features, and he is falling for you.
>after you finished the explanation, he smiled and said thanks once again. And you two starts to be closer after he found you with his homework, you had never been this opened up to anyone, you felt very comfortable with him.
>and one day, you passed him a Orange Asiatic lily. You wrote a card on it and left it on his table. When Jungwoo sees it, he is blushing really hardly, so the girl I like it liking me back!!!!
>he hopped happily back home and texted you:
Junguwu: Y/n~ thanks for your flower!
You: so you saw it?
Junguwu: of course. You left it on my table, and the orange is too outstanding, I can't just ignore it;)
Y/n: so you knew I like you okay?
Junguwu: yes I know I like you too
>you have nothing to say. Suddenly your phone ringed and it is Jungwoo. He said" Y/n I am jot kidding, I like you too! You are different from the other girls, and hmmmm, I think you are a piece of art work in my eyes, your facial features, and your heart is actually colourful,but you never showed it." You blushed by his words and said" Jungwoo!!!! You don't need to compliment me!" He shakes his head and said" I love my beautiful girlfriend." You covered your face in blankets and he giggled and said" I'll see you tomorrow princess, good night"
flower: Calla Lily
>flower language: youth and rebirth.
-Doyoung, had been living for few centuries already. He was ordered that if he can't find his true love and stay with him the rest of the lives, he won't be able to stop this cycle. And obviously, Doyoung can't find any good and stable partners, through the few centuries.
-until You appear. You and Doyoung are classmates, he likes you, and you like him back too. But you guys never state that you like each other. That's why the class is always teasing you two.
-one day as you are having lunch with uour friends, Doyoung comes to your table and sits next to you. You face flashed red instantly. You have never been this close to Doyoung before. You continued to act like nothing happened and continue eating your lunch. Doyoung seeing you being a shy person, he giggled slightly and moved his body closer to yours. How he wish he could break the spell with you.
-after weeks of spending timing together, you and Doyoung are being really close. And the whole class thinks that you guys are really cute.
-until one day. When You confessed to him his hand slowly appeared a lily tattoo you said"Doyoung what is that?" Doyoung giggled and said" When I met my soulmate that will stay with me for the rest of my life, the tattoo will appear. So apparently you are my soulmate, so that the tattoo will appear." You blushed really hard, and held his hands. And that's how you guys started. The cute relationship.
>>Amaryllis symbolise self confident.
-you got a seat mate called Haechan. He is always somehow really proud of the things he did. Making you feel extra annoying. He always talks about how cute is he. How handsome he is. Or how good is his grades.
-you are always annoyed by his action. You say you hate it, but actually sometimes you enjoy his persistence. His charming smile or when he sings. His actions always impresses you a lot.
-one day you are finishing a art project with him. As usual, bragging about how his art is really good, and giggling as usual. He says stuffs quite straight. He never take back any mean words, leading to when a girl is confessing, he never say something mice to them for rejection.
-but when you are thinking about this, Haechan put some paint on your face, you immediately wake up from those thoughts and frowned. You said" what was that for?" He said proudly" if I didn't do that maybe you fell asleep on our work already dumbass." You rolled your eyes and started to get back to work.
-unexpectedly everything went quite well and you guys finished it quite fast. It is Valentines day tomorrow and you are quite interested to see how Haechan reject those girls, it is mean but quite fun to watch.
/the next day/
-you walk back to school, and already see some girls running out of the classroom with tears on their eyes. You expected this and walk back to your seat casually. And when you are unpacking your stuff, you heard a girl said" Haechan oppa.... I-I have a crush on you..." Heachan said" Leave." The girl obviously didn't leave and said" why?! Is Y/n your girlfriend?!" He smirked and grabbed you hands, intertwined and said" Can't you see my girlfriend is angry?!" Your eyes widen, you thought: SJICHSJFJSJCH NO HAECHAN! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! You calmed yourself down, and see the girl give u a death glare and runs out.
-you removed your hand from his, but you failed, his grip is getting stronger and stronger. You said while controlling your anger" what. Are. You. Doing?" He smiled and said" I confessed obviously." You turned your head to the window, not wanting to face him. He said while nagging you" come on~~~~~ Y/n~~~~ your best friend also said you like me too~~~~~" you see your best friend giggling at the back and thumbs up. You said" so what do you want?" He sat on his seat while supporting his head with his right hand. He said closing his eyes" Date me." You crack up a little smile and said" sure. Deal."
Author's note:
I am on a trip and my network is really really weak. I am trying to update it:(
I am sorry if I made you disappointed. But here you go^^ the last part of language of flower. I really enjoy this series since it is really really cute. Anyways if there are any mistakes feel free to point out and tell me. I will edit it asap^^ thank you for your supports

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