NCT 127 part 2!!!

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So here's the part two of the language of flower series!!!
If there are any mistakes welcome to tel me I'll correct it asap!!!!! Please enjoy this series>~<

So here's the part two of the language of flower series!!!If there are any mistakes welcome to tel me I'll correct it asap!!!!! Please enjoy this series>~<

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Language of flower Part 2
Flower: purple anemone
>>purple anemone, meaning of protection from the evil.
> you suffered from bullying since your parents dumped you without a reason, leading you to be lonely and not loved, but you got a best friend—Yuta. He is nice, kind, lovely and very popular.
>but one of the bad boys came into your life, leading you to become a bad girl(is that a word or what😂?)
>you become hatred to anything, left Yuta, goes home late. Yuta secretly has a crush in you, you too but you don't think he will like the current you.
>in Yuta's point of view, he is worried that who turned you to this bad state. Going home late, drunk, skipping school. He is worried, he is scared, but no matter what he still loves you.
>one day he sees a necklace, a purple flower and tagged as purple anemone, he walked in and asked the shop keeper, he soon understand that the flower language of it: Protection from evil, he bought the necklace immediately.
>he then texted you to go out with him. In your point of view, you phone buzzed and you check it is Yuta's message. You never expect he will send message to you, you thought must be those negative breaking up messages and asked you to leave him alone or something else. But no. He asked you out, TONIGHT.
>you removed all your emo make up and dressed welly, and wearing some light make up, fix your outfits and clean your house, in case he will come.
>you went to the park and waited for him. While you are checking on your phone, the leader from the your gang come to you. You are tired of it, but for your own benefits you said" what do you want Taeyong? I am tired of the gang's life. Leave me alone." You never expect you will blurt out this, since they take a huge part of your life, giving you money and food. Taeyong smirked and said" Don't come and beg us for money and food, or else I'll hit you up. Also if you spill out our secrets, die. I will see you soon. Kim. y/n." He then left you alone.
>after a while, you feel like going home since Yuta haven't come, but when you just about to leave. Someone from the back said" so you are being a emo girl and skip school and everything for money and food." You know it is Yuta's voice but you don't dare to turn back. You just coldly replies "yes. Yuta leave me alone, I don't suit you." Yuta slowly walking towards you, and putting something cold on your neck. A necklace.
>you turned back with your teary eyes, saying with your dry voice"why?! Yuta?! Why are you being so nice to me after all these years?!" He smiled and said" because I like you. Don't you noticed it?" You shakes your head and he drags you into his embrace. It is warm and full of his scent.
>you tears can't keep it anymore, and your tears slowly making his shirt wet. After you calmed yourself down, you asked" May I know why the purple anemone?" He giggled and said" the language of this flower is protection from evil."
Flower: blue rose
> blue rose: secret or impossible love.
> unexpectedly this year passed quite fast. Last year of high school. Exam finished, friends still being at my side, and obviously having a crush on Lee Taeyong. Your class's monitor. He is handsome, talented and nice.
>you are writing a card to put at the blue rose you bought. You decided to write a little short confession, Taeyong and you are friends, but seldom talks at class, mainly talks when you two are heading home.
>you are writing a card, for confession to Taeyong. You prepared a blue rose for him since blue rose represents secret or impossible love. Since Taeyong will never have a crush on you. He is popular and there are more pretty girl around him.
>you smiled bitterly after writing the card, and prepare to sleep.
>the next morning, when you are heading out, you see Taeyong. Leaning at the wall and with his headphones on. You walk up to him and asked" what are you doing here?" He said while smiling," I am waiting you. Obviously." You hit his arms and walk back to school together.
>and after the ceremony ends, expected that a lot of girls are confessing to Taeyong. And he keep replying as he got someone else in mind. You expected that also. But when a unknown boy tapped your shoulder, you shake away your thoughts and said while smiling" what can I help you Jaehyun?" He passed you a rose with a small card on it and said" I-I like you Y/n! Please be my girlfriend!" And when you are struggling to say no to Jaehyun, someone patted your shoulders you look up and see Taeyong.                                                                                                                    >When you are about to say Taeyong said codly, "I'm sorry Jaehyun, but Y/n is mine. Also you can leave now." you mouthed sorry to Jaehyun and he hugged you suddenly. You hug him back and bid good bye to him. Taeyong then grabbed you to the rooftop. The wind makes your hair messy, you use your left hand that is free to fix your hair. Then Taeyong asked" what are you hiding behind your right hand?" you look away from his glaze and passed him the blue rose. You can see he is shocked.
>when you are turning back, your wrist is grabbed by Taeyong. You then said quietly"you know what is the flower language of the blue rose? It means that secret and impossible love. I like you Lee Taeyong. I know you won't like me back. I just want to tell you this. "                                                  >He giggled and said" Y/n you are special to me. You really are. You even give me blue rose. This already proved that you are special. That's why I like you too" when you heard this, you turned back and see Taeyong blushing madly, you rushed to hug him. And this is how you and Taeyong started your love story...
Flower: White lisianthus
> white lisianthus represents adoration.
>you and Jaehyun, had been friends for three years, and you developed feelings for each other, but both of you never admit it.
>Valentines is coming, you wanted to give something to Jaehyun, but you have no idea. The popular girls will obviously give chocolates and pink heart cards to Jaehyun. How can I stand out? Thought Y/n. Meanwhile, Jaehyun also thinks about what to prepare for the Valentines day, for you. The day passed quite fast, and you two bid goodbye, since Jaehyun said he has something to do after school.
>he pick up his pace and walk between shops, when one flower necklace caught his eye. He quietly read out" White Lisianthus." He thinks it will suit you well, so he went in and said" sorry, can I please have the flower Necklace please?" The shop keeper smiled and said" I'll put a flower language card on top, is it okay?" He nodded and thanked the shop keeper.
>He rushed back home. When you are just thinking what to write on the blue card, you recieved a text from Jaehyun : Hey kid, meet me up at the roof tmr sharp•_•.
>you smiled and his text, and decide to confess to him.
/time skip to the afternoon/
>you brought your card to the rooftop and waited for Jaehyun. And after a while, you see Jaehyun waved at you. You smiled and sits next to him. You asked" Is there anything special that brings me here?" He smiled lightly and said" Yes." You tighten your grip to the envelope. You smiled and said" What is it then?"
>he stolen the envelope from the back of my hand when I'm staring at him, you quickly tried to take it back before it is too late. But nope, you are late already. He is now reading the card, and you look at the sky to prevent from the embarrassment. He giggled and when you are daydreaming, you feel something cool on your neck. A flower necklace. You stared at Jaehyun blankly. And you asked" What is this for?" He said proudly," you know it fits you well, even the language of this flower fits well to you and me. Adoration." You face flashed red, and he pulled you into a hug, and spent your lunch at the rooftop, inside his embrace.

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