Renjun∆birthday special∆

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-20190323-i know i posted a bit late;(

Today its your bestfriend's birthday you and Renjun had been friends for up to 12 years, and you two are really close and you two even live next together
*a day before*
When you are struggling, what to give to Renjun for Birthday present you recived a message from him:
Renjunnieeeee: Y/n can't believe its my birthday tmrrrrr!!!!!!
Y/n: yah you're getting old how are you that happy!
Renjunnieeeee: Y/n~~~ come to dreamies' dorm for the celebration i bet you will enojoy it. With me;)
Y/n: urgh fine :)
You continues to stroll your Instagram, and you saw a post talking to make a pop up memories book. You suddenly changed your clothes and grab your money and left the house, you went to the closest book store and grab all the materials you need and printed all the photos that took with Renjun before. You walked to a gift shop and saw a really nice blue bracelet that might suits Renjun really well, you went in and you said" sorry, can I have the blue moon bracelet outside please? " The shopkeeper nodded while said" I bet you are buying it for your boyfriend right" your face flushed red and heard her giggle. She said again" what name do you want to write on it?" You thought for it and said " Renjun please" you smiled and she smiles back and said" wait for a moment miss"
After a while you got the bracelet back and it is so pretty, you thank the shopkeeper and rush back home to make a pop-up memories book. You took out all the photos you printed earlier you smiled and you start writing the pages one by one, after writing you use a cutter to cut the paper, suddenly you were out of your mind and you cut your hand. You shouted" Aish why now?!" You grabbed a Bandaid and wrapped your bleeding finger, then you continue your work. While you are making the present you smiled at all the photos, and somehow you tears up by looking at all those memories made by you and Renjun. You smiled and the last time you put your bracelet box to the middle part where it will pop up at the last. You carefully put inside and closed the lid of the top, then you grabbed a paper writing: the most kind, pretty, warm hearted, humourous Y/n;)
After finishing it, you check your time and it is 2 in the morning, you checked your phone and see 5 messages from Renjun.

Renjunnieeeee: Y/nnnnnnnn

Renjunnieeeee: Are you hereeeeeeee

Renjunnieeeee: remember to come to our dorm~~~~

Renjunnieeeee: okay its late i bet your are asleep already•~•

Renjunnieeeee: good night princess~ remember 12 pm at our dorm tomorrow!!
You laughed at his text and you prepared to sleep.
*The next day*
You wake up and look at your watch showing 10:29 am you get up quickly and put some light makeup with a pretty pink pastel dress, you ate your breakfast and brings the present with you. When you are walking to the dorm, you are really excited because it's your best friend's birthday. You walked and you arrived the dorm. You pressed the door bell and inside you hear Chenle screaming " cominggggg" you giggled and after a few seconds the door opened and revealed Chenle and Haechan. You smiled and they invited you in. The dorm is all decorated in coloured ballons and pretty colour straps. You sat down on sofa and Haechan and Mark sits next to you and said "y/n.... we are preparing the birthday surprise for Renjunnie, he is still sleeping in his room and you can put down your gifts on that table and the cake in the fridge." You smiled and said"thanks!!!!" You get up from the sofa and put down the presents and put the Cake into the fridge. You helped the boys to decorate the house.
After a few hours, you guys hear Renjun's door opened and you all hide beneath the table or behind the sofas, you hear footsteps walking towards you and you pop up and said"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENJUNNNN" you surprised him and he see all his dreamies giving him smiles. Renjun is shocked but he said thank you afterwards.
You all sat around a table and you carefully take out the cake you made, Renjun said curiously " y/n you made this?" You nodded and he gives you a tight hug, and you guys sings the birthday songs and cuts the cake.
After chit chat for few hours he decided to open all the presents. He opens Haechan's first and it is wrapped in a beautiful wrapper, he carefully opened the box and the present is a tissue roll. You all laughed and Haechan feel proud of himself since he think he knows Renjun well. Then it is Jaemin's present he opens and it is just a signed photo card of him. You all laugh about how cute that photo card it is. At last after opening all the presents, Renjun looks at your present, it is a big blue box with a cute ribbon on top. He opens carefully, and revealed a black box, when he opens he looks at how cute the photos are and the words you wrote in Chinese. He looks at all the photos and giggles. Your face flashed into a dark shade of red that makes you look down, he opened the last box on the top and it is a blue bracelet with his name on it. He gasps and all the boys look at the bracelet you gave him, they all pouted and said" y/nnnnn" you laughed and said " fineee I will give you all one when you guys birthday are coming!!!" They all cheers and suddenly Renjun hugs you and you hugs him back, you heard Mark said" guys give them some spaceeee we can eat our food upstairs!! Find us when you guys finish " mark smirks and left us alone.
Renjun said " Y/n thanks this meant a lot to me , we've been friends for 12 years this is really touching you made this for me... but I have something to give you too."he gives you a blue paper bag. You are confused, and you opened it and revealed a blue box with a ribbon on it. You opened it and you see the same bracelet you gave him earlier but it is in pink and it got your name on it. You look up and see Renjun smiling and wearing that bracelet on his left hand, you asked" why do you have the same bracelet as me?" He said " At first I saw that bracelet quite fits you so I bought it and wow we bought the same bracelet for each other hahaha" you smiled and said " thanks Renjun but you really don't need to. " Renjun shakes his hand and said" look at the back of the bracelet." You turned it and you see today's date" you are confused then he said" y/n i am not sure do you have the same feelings towards me but I really like you and I love you with all of my heart I am not lying because I really do love you after I left you and came here for practice and training a few years before I feel sad and depressed without you for the first time in my life Before I thought you are just my bestfriend that I should care about you and be with you but now I feel different i feel so strong that I love you. Y/n can you be my girlfriend and this is the only wish for my birthday..." When you look at Renjun he closed his eyes and he thought you are rejecting him since you stayed quiet so you get up and you cupped his face and kissed him. He opened his eyes and totally in shock you sit back down and smiled. Renjun smirked and walk towards you and he smashed his lips on yours. You smiled and kissed him back.
At last you walks up with him with your hands intertwined with his. And he whispered " this is the best birthday present i got"

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