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-Galaxy. Will you find him? Out of those 7 billion people? Will he like you back? Is he the boy that I saw? Is he the one...That made me thinking of him during day and night, and wanting to text him but don't dare to?
-Xiaojun. Your childhood best friend, after all those years, you still love him, the heart beats for him, the butterflies in your stomach because of him. Your world is full of him, no matter what, you will relate everything to him.
Xiaojun, your crush, you met him this year, but everything between you two went well, he is nice to you, or maybe everyone, he sits next you, all those love chemistry is always happening, for example, texting literally every night, calling you until you slept and your call will still be up. The sweet little messages from him when you are sick, he'll give you little pieces of candy when it's near the special occasions, like Christmas will have a candy with a card, Valentines will have a small rose, which apparently you are the only one who has it. But you are not sure, is this just an act of friends or an act of relationship . You always just believe he is just treating you as friends, since you won't believe the fact that he likes you.
"Class welcome Violet." You look up, and a girl with a wavy blonde hair, a bit freckles and when her voice started to talk, you already know she will be popular and she will be so mean. The teacher pointed the seat next to you. You give her a smile out of politeness. She also gives you a warm smile but this smile is deep, mean, and a winning sign. She said politely "Hey Y/n, I want to sit with Xiaojun i know you won't mind so please move." That sick smile, making you pull up a fake smile and moved your seat. You knew it, she will go closer to Xiaojun and left you out then they will have happy ending, while you will have a tragedy going on. Expected. From the first smile, first walk, first sentence. You knew it.
During class, Violet always left you out, and lean extremely close to Xiaojun, and Xiaojun giggled, blushed when she walks in. You knew it again. She is beautiful, she is KIND and obviously popular. What is her purpose you never know, but you are quite sure with the fact that, she needs Xiaojun, she wants Xiaojun. She needs to have Xiaojun. Well Xiaojun will obviously choose her over you. The few classes today went normal, they left you out during lunch, break. Now you heard the bell rang. You thought you can hangout finally. But Violet went first. Xiaojun said while smiling widely"Hey Y/n want to go together?" You shake your head and see Violet rolls her eyes and you look back to Xiaojun while saying"Nah I walk the different way. And you need to bring Violet home too. I won't bother you." You didn't see Xiaojun's disappointment in his eyes, instead Violet pulls Xiaojun out and she screamed"HA BYE Y/N you suck." You run out of the class accidentally bumped on Violet and said"You said I suck? Come on sis, I met Xiaojun for at least 10 years? You? A random girl just want to steal everything from me. Interesting." Xiaojun pulled Violet away and said"You'll regret it Y/n." You said"Tsk, let's see how it goes."
After you said it you left and rushed back home. Nothing stopped you to cry, and you decided. Violet Fight right? Deal.
After a few months, you gain popularity, due to the poor personality of Violet. And obviously Violet is not happy about that. On the other hand, although Violet and Xiaojun is dating, but Xiaojun didn't feel loved, cared but pressured and tired. For example she is extra clingy, not much personal space, and Violet needs Xiaojun to stay by her side nearly 24 hours. And all of his friends left him because of this and that made Xiaojun extra unhappy. When Xiaojun thought about the personal space you gave him. He missed you, a lot. He said to Violet"Tsk let go of me. " Violet rolls her eyes and said "I knew you want that disgusting Y/n back." Xiaojun holds his fist tight and the knuckles turned white. Instead of giving a punch on her face, he slapped her he said"Don't judge Y/n. I don't expect you are this ugly, both inside and outside. Leave now." Violet screamed and asking Xiaojun to come back, but no Xiaojun didn't even wanting to see Violet. In his mind he rushed to your house, the same route everyday every night, seems like your home is his second home.
Meanwhile you are chilling in your house, and still thinking about the fight happened between you and Xiaojun. Until someone knocked the door, you opened and see Xiaojun. He didn't say anything but drop his bag on the floor and ran to hug you. Oh so he is the one who got hurt at last. You asked"What's wrong?" He said quietly while burying his face into your neck"I missed you, your scent, your laugh, our movie nights, literally everything. You made me become Xiaojun that I know, i am sorry that I mistreated you." You patted his head and you said"no problem Xiaojun. So what do you want to do now?" He simply just take your hand, intertwined with his and he said "Date night. I know you like me too."
"I'm sorry if I missed something important before, but now you are my everything my oxygen my water my need, so I need you."

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