Prince x Agent4!Female!Reader

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Requested by  Mina-Chaan

(E/C) Eye Color

(F/C) Favorite Color

(H/S) Hairstyle

You were returning home after a long day helping Marie find her cousin, Callie. Ever since you heard about her cousin's disappearance and about DJ Octavio, you agreed to help her, becoming Agent 4. While on your way back home, you noticed five older inklings picking on another, cornering him with no escape.

"Hey you losers! Leave him alone!" You yelled, ready to punch the losers. The bullies turned to you, staring into your cold (e/c) eyes. "Wha' you going to do 'bout it", the taller one, which you presumed who was the leader, taunted, causing you to frown. "This", you replied, quickly going through them to grab the inkling boy as you picked him up, dodging the other bullies as you ran away from the group, carrying the inkling boy in your arms.

Minutes passed by, as you assumed it was safe, you put down the inkling boy, getting a better look at him. His yellow eyes look at your (e/c) eyes as he noticed a few things about him. His hairstyle wasn't something you've seen before as his clothing as well. "T-Thank you Miss!" You heard him say as you smiled softly. "It's no problem. Now do tell me what were those losers doing with you, uh", well shoot you actually didn't know his name. The inkling boy noticed this as he smiled, "Prince! My name is Prince miss!"

'So that's his name' You thought with a thoughtful look. "Well Prince, my name is (y/n). Could you tell me what's with those losers?" You asked, as Prince looked off to the side. "W-Well, I got kinda lost after a turf war battle I had with my brother and our teammates. I was trying to find my way back when those five cornered me and taunting me! I didn't do anything wrong though!" Prince said, looking sad, as you pat his head with a small soft smile. "Don't worry Prince, I'll make sure those losers won't bother you again. For now, let's get you to your brother", you said as Prince nodded, following you once he told you where he lived.

You got to learn a little more about Prince and his team, Team Emperor. He was surprised you never heard of them, due to your agent duties, but you two made small talk. He even laughed, as you told him a few stories about your own team. As you made it to the front gate of his home, surprised on how big his house was. 'Oh my sticks, is he rich or something?!' You thought as you were still surprised. "Thank you, (y/n)" Prince said as you gave him a smile. "No problem, Prince! If those guys or anyone hurts you again, I'll make sure to take care of them!" You replied, as you felt something hugging you. Looking down, you noticed Prince was hugging you, as you pat his head again. "I should go, before my brother gets any more concerned!" Prince said, letting go of you as he quickly left, his face flushed which went unnoticed by you. Watching him return home, you waved your hand, before turning your heel to go home, a bit tired. You wondered if you'll ever see Prince again, not knowing how happy he was talking about you to his brother.


Emperor decided to find you for his brother, who nonstop talked about you as his hero and as an angel. You got to meet Prince again, both of you happy as Prince hugged you again. He missed you. And blurted how cool you were. And how he developed a crush on you.

You accepted of course. 

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