Aloha x Emotionless!Female!Reader

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Requested by Mina-Chaan

(e/c) eye color
(f/c) favorite color
(h/s) hair style

You were hanging out with Octoglasses, a good friend of yours, despite the different personalities the two of you had. While she was optimistic and party loving, you on the other hand expressed no emotion but the two of you became friends somehow. She was also the one who introduced you to her teammates; Straw, Snorkel and Aloha. Aloha, who was very well known and the most excited inkling you ever seen. It didn't help the fact you loved him, the party king, but you knew you were way out of his league. He's like a god compare to you. Plus you were so sure he didn't like how emotionless you are. But that didn't change the fact he was hanging out with you.

You of all squids, who wasn't fazed whenever he flirted with you. "Wow (y/n)~ Are you the sun cause you shine~" Aloha winked, his hand landing on yours. Where on earth did he come from? "Hey Aloha~!" Octoglasses waved as Aloha sat next to you with a grin. "Hey you two~ What's up?" Aloha asked as he look towards you, winking. "We're just-" you started as Octoglasses interrupted you. "Oh snaps! Is it that time already?! I need to meet Straw! See ya laters!" Octoglasses waved goodbye, leaving you alone with Aloha. "So (y/n)~ How about you come to the party I'm hosting this evening~? You'll always be on the guest list~".

"I'll see" you replied with a blank stare as Aloha chuckled. "(Y/N) can be so cute~" Aloha blurted, as you look at him, your cheeks flushing (f/c). "Hahahaha~" Aloha smiled, patting your (f/c) (h/s). His eyes met your (e/c) ones, as he quickly kissed you on the cheeks. You quickly looked at him, your expression never changing, but your fave did flush more. "You.."

"I like ya, (y/n)~! Would you like to be my girlfriend~?"

You nodded, as he gave you the biggest hug ever.

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