Designer Headphones x Reader

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For EdgeLordMask
Sorry on how late it is!!!

(e/c) eye color
(f/c) favorite color
(f/g) favorite gear
(b/f/n) best friend name

You were quite excited to go to the arcade with your best friend, (b/f/n). The two of you have been planning this for weeks, especially since they stocked the UFO Catches with new prizes! You were there first, so you decided to look around, making notes of which ones you'll play. One caught your eyes, making you very excited. It was the newest plush for Wahoo World! Excited, you decided to play this one, you hands touched another.

"Heeeeeeeeeeh?!" The voice beside you spoke, surprising you. "Wha-?" You turned to look, seeing a cyan inkling who was a bit of in shock. "I'm sorry! I um.."

"It's alright. You didn't did anything wrong" you reassured the cyan inkling, taking a better look at him. You noticed his features, mostly the cat like smile he had which was kinda cute to be honest. That's when it hits you, you recognize him. "Hey...aren't you Designer Headphones of the cyan team? Of the S4?"

"Heeeeeh?! You know about us?" Designer Headphones replied as you nodded. You knew about them back at the plaza, more so the cyan team. You heard and learn about their hatred against people who enjoyed themselves though that seemed to change, especially when you found them at the square. "Yeah! I heard so much back at the plaza. Oh and my name is (y/n)! It's nice to meet you!" You smiled at him, getting a strange look. "Um, it's nice to meet you too (y/n)."

While you wait for your friend to come, you got to learn a lot more about Designer Headphones. You learned what his favorite game was to his favorite manga. You even learned he's making his own manga too! "That's amazing Designer Headphones! You have a goal in mind?" You asked as he shy nodded, a small blush forming on his face. "Mmhm. I've thought of a horror manga, like dealing with zombies", he replied as you nodded. That did kinda sound interesting after all. "That's really fresh! I hope you get a chance to finish it" you replied as he nodded, the blush never escaped his face. "T-Thanks" Designer replied as your phone went off, signaling your friend was here. "Oh, I have to go now though it was nice to meet you, Designer Headphones" you waved at him and turned to leave. Suddenly you felt your hand being pulled back. "W-Wait a minute!"

"Is there something wrong?" He asked him, confused. "Umm the thing is.." Designer said, looking away, "if it's alright with you, can I get your number?" He asked, blushing a bit deeper. You nodded, giving him your number as he gave his, a small smile appearing on his face. "Thanks (y/n)" he said as the two of you said goodbye to each other. You ran to where your friend was, who was playing on the DDR machine. "Hey buddy~  I didn't know you were here early~" (b/f/n) joked, causing you to roll your eyes. "Geez, you're the one who sleeps late" you replied as your phone went off with a text. Looking at it, you silently read it.

Hey (y/n), it was nice talking to you today. If you like, can we meet up again soon? I would love to get to know you better soon!

You smiled reading the note, texting him back before (b/f/n) notices. A smirk appearing on their face. "Ooooo~ Did (y/n) get a boyfriend~"

"S-shut up."

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