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What do you mean you've lost part of it?" He asked.
"I don't know just yet." She said with a determined look upon her face, as if she were trying to dig up the memory that had interrupted her flight.
"You're not making any sense, dear. What's wrong?"
"I don't know!" She covered her face with her hands and shook her head, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you."
Sportacus just stared at her, concerned. "Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked. Jewels wings pulled him close to her, "I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm missing some bits of my memory."
"How did that happen?"
Jewel shrugged. "That's something I'm trying to figure out as well." She gave him a weak smile. Spo hugged her tight, "I'm always here for you."
"I know."
"Come on, Stephanie has invited us for dinner." He helped her up.
"Oh. That sounds lovely."
They left the field and arrived at Stephanie's house where Milford and Bessie were setting the table. "Hello there." Stephanie greeted them at the door.
All of them sat at the table and the food was passed around, "So Jewel, what are the plans for the wedding?" Bessie asked.
Jewel's eyes went wide. No not now, not when she has so much worrying to deal with. "I do not know, I thought a nice wedding in the greenhouse would work." She said smiling at Sportacus.
"Oh, no dear. That simply won't do." Bessie said cutting into her food. "It's humid and uncomfortable in that greenhouse, your hair will frizz and we'll all be wet with sweat."
"It's a greenhouse,Bessie. Not a sauna."
"Not only that, some of us are allergic to certain flowers-"
"I'm not allergic to any flowers, neither is Uncle Milford." Steph interjected.
"Well, so? What about the others hmm?" Bessie asked.
Jewel looked down at her plate and scowled, she didn't come here to be criticized about her own wedding.
"Regardless, the wedding plans are up to Jewel. I think the Greenhouse is perfect." Stephanie defended.
"Thank you, Steph."
"I'm just putting in my opinion, what about the lake? That would be lovely."
"Oh, that won't do at all seeing how you're so allergic to water. Don't want to fall in do you?" Jewel said defensively. Sportacus looked at her surprised.
Stephanie held in her laughter for she knew that it wasn't going to be useful in the conversation.
"What did you say, young lady?" Bessie asked a but irritated with Jewels tone of voice.
"This is my wedding, not yours. If you weren't so overbearing I'm sure Milford would have popped the question long ago."
Bessie and Jewel tried to get along as best as they could in LazyTown. She would stick her nose where it doesn't belong, like now and it annoyed her so much.
"I have never been treated so horribly in my life."
"Oh you have, Bessie. You just choose not to have it in your face." She stood and Sportacus blocked her from the door, "Juju, please don't leave."
"I will not let my wedding plans be controlled by her."
Sportacus spoke softly in a way that always calmed her, "she won't, I promise. This is our wedding. I know you're really stressed right now with your memory, please don't take it out on anyone."
"I'm not. She had it coming."
"I know and she has no right. Just let it go. Okay?" He caressed her cheek.
"What are you two whispering about?" Bessie asked.
"Bessie, please?" Spo said trying to get her to hush.
They both sat back down and Jewel looked at Bessie, "my apologies, Bessie."
"Of course dear-"
"You are not allowed to help with my wedding, okay?"
The dinner was silent after that. Spo and Jewel were walking home in the moonlit night. "Are you angry with me?" She asked.
"Why would you say that?" Spo looked at her confused.
"No I'm not mad at you for that."
"I should've handled that better."
"You were stressed out. It happens."
"Doesn't make me feel any less-"
"What you need is a good night sleep."
"Maybe you're right. I'll be better tomorrow."
They climbed up the ladder and they jumped into bed. Spo pulled her close and they both fell slowly asleep...
Jewel found herself flying over a castle shrouded in golden clouds. Several sirens circling around it, singing in unison. She suddenly found herself inside and sees a crowd of happy and laughing people, dripping in jewels and covered in fine linens. "Hello, Jewel." A woman in a dark blue ball gown picked her up in her arms. She had short hair and blue eyes like hers. Her skin was white as milk and she smelt of roses.
"Why are you out of bed, dear?"
All of the sudden gun shots were heard in the palace. The guests screaming and falling onto the palace floor.
"Ah!" Jewel jolted out of her sleep. The scream echoed in the ship and woke up Spo, "what is it, dear?" He asked.
"I-I'm sorry, it was just a nightmare."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine." She panted. Sportacus stood from the bed and fetched her a glass of water, "here."
"Thank you."
"Want to talk about it?" He asked her.
"I can't remember now. " she lied. She didn't want to lie to him, she wanted to know what the dream meant before she told him what it was. Unlike any other nightmare she ever had, this one felt familiar. As if it happened in the distant past. She shivered and brought the covers closer to her chest, "why is this happening to me?" She whispered to herself. 
"Try to get back to sleep." Spo stroked her hair not hearing what she had said. The anxiety in her chest swelled and didn't let up, "I think I'm going to take a quick flight."
"Yeah, just to clear my head a little."
"Please be careful."
She kissed his cheek, "I will."

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