Humans andSirens

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Jewel slowly woke up hearing muffled voices in the background, she opened her eyes and spotted Sportacus sitting beside her and talking to the doctor.
"She needs to be extremely careful or her wings won't be able to work again." The doctor said. Spo's heart broke hearing him, Jewel fully awoke with a devastated gasp.
"Juju! You're awake." Spo took her hand.
She looked at the doctor, blinded with tears, "what do I need to do to heal?"
"Rest. You need to take it easy. No flying for at least two weeks." The doctor said.
"That's not possible." She stated truthfully.
"Then it's possible you may lose the use of your wings if you don't rest and let them heal." The doctor prescribed medicine for the pain and left the room. One of her wings struggled to wrap around her and she hugged it carefully and closely, "I'm sorry." She sobbed.
"Jewel. Can you tell me what happened?"
She shook her head, refusing to say anything, "I fell asleep while flying." She lied. Sportacus knew it was a lie, he didn't want to press her any further. He knew that she was going through enough, she would tell him when she was ready.
"Ju, please try to sleep. Try to rest. You need it, your wings need it the most."
How could she rest? She just received horrible news, how could she sleep now that she was left worrying about her wings? Sleep wasn't going to happen as quickly as Spo wanted. She couldn't sleep even if she tried her best, her heart felt like it was being zapped repeatedly by a tazor.
Sportacus crawled into the bed with her and stroked her hair, "it's going to be okay."
It took a few hours to calm her down and eventually drift to sleep. Spo gazed at her, he hated seeing his fiancé this way. His eyes scanned her wings, the feathers were rough and ruffled and they twitched in pain as they tried healing themselves. At the tip of her right wing, he spotted something strange and white. He reached down to get was a piece of a bandage.
It couldn't have been from the doctor, he didn't bind them yet.
"Where have you been?" He asked himself.
Wherever she ended up, it must have scared her to death for her to keep it from him.
Soraya fidgeted in her nurse's uniform. She followed the two into the hospital and found a garment more suitable for the environment around her. Her wings weren't very happy being put away either. She peeked in every room until she spotted the familiar man in blue with Jewel.
He whispered to her while she slept, "I wish you would tell me what happened up there. Your eyes were full of so much fright. Why keep it to yourself? We're getting married after all."
Soraya gasped on hearing him and Spo looked over where the sound came from, no one was there. Jewel was getting married? Soraya had to report this back to her mother. She ran from the door and out of the hospital to share the news...
"Mother!" Soraya returned to the palace and landed next to the queen, "Jewel is engaged to be married."
"Yes, I know this. She stressed that to me before she left."
"To a human, mother. He had no wings...nothing. She's going to marry a human."
Martha's heart gave one painful thump, "we need to get her to the palace as soon as possible. She must have her past clarified before something evil happens."
Soraya nodded, "yes, mother. She's in the hospital with him now. Her wings are in no shape to fly."
"Keep watch over her dear. Make sure she stays safe."
"I will." The tiny siren flew away back to her mission.

Stephanie lightly knocked on the door before entering the room. Spo motioned her to come in and she set the bouquet of blue flowers on the table next to her. "Did you find out anything?" She asked seeing his distraught face.
"Nothing. She's not having a nightmare this time which I suspect is a good sign. She's supposed to keep from flying for two weeks depending on how fast she heals."
"Oh dear. Jewel, not flying for that long? That sounds impossible."
"It does but I'm willing to make it possible, if she doesn't comply she'll lose the use of them..." Sportacus sucked in his lips to keep the whimpers beating at his throat at bay. Stephanie rubbed his back to comfort him, "Everything is going to be okay. The town loves Juju, we're a family. We'll look out for her and keep her safe. I promise. She'll be bolting through the clouds in the sky in no time."
Spo smiled and a chuckle escaped him, Steph always knew what to say to cheer him up, "Thank you Steph. You're an awesome friend."
"Would you like me to inform the town just in case?"
"Yeah, just tell them she's injured herself. There's no need to tell them the rest I have spoken to you about."
"Of course."  She left to inform everyone. Sportacus returned to his fiancé, holding her hand. His heart felt like part of it crumbled to pieces leaving a gaping hole, "I'm here, my dear. I'm not leaving you. Whatever you're going through, I'll go through it with you." Tears formed in his eyes and Soraya returned to peer through the window, hearing the very words he uttered to her, "how can a human love a Siren? How can this be?" She whispered to herself. Humans and Sirens had a feud with each other through history, the scene before her eyes was unheard of. Humans were depicted as dirty, evil creatures with no remorse. The very King was killed by the human hunters, they kill for sport. Killing innocent lives for fun and Jewel wanted to unite with him? She must have forgotten what had happened that fateful day...

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