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Robbie and Molly searched the halls for her sister, "Molly?!" They heard a voice at the end of the hallway. They both looked at eachother and ran down the very end and burst through the doors, what they saw was horrifying. Silvio wasn't lying, they really were plucking out her feathers.
"Don't touch my sister!" Molly lunged at the man savagely and Robbie unlocked the cage door, "can you move?" Robbie asked her, she nodded and he helped her out of the dirty cage. Her dark green feathers hardly covered her wings now. The shoulders of her wings were bare, exposing pale skin. Robbie had the urge to join in the fight but Molly looked like she was handling it.
"Molly, I have her. Let's go."
Molly didn't hear him, she had the large chunky man in a choke hold, determined to finish. Robbie didn't know what to do, was she going to kill him?
"Molly please, let's just get out of here." Ora chimed in.
Once again their words went unheard,without thinking Robbie pulled her off the dying man, "That's enough."
She looked at him with a feral type of rage, he only looked at her with a mix of surprise and disappointment. Seeing his face made her come back to reality, "Let's go." She avoided his eyes and led the way. Robbie scooped Ora up in his arms and ran down the corridor. Sportacus met them at the other end, "Stephanie and Soraya have gone back to the palace to warn everyone."
"What do we do now? I mean, Molly can't carry all of us." Robbie said thoughtlessly. Molly looked at him trying not to laugh at him, "You do know I'm good at other things too right?"
Robbie stood silent for a moment. She shook her head, "Follow me, humans." They made their way outside and snuck to one of the carriages outside.
"Get in everyone." She shuffled them inside and she sat at the drivers seat and galloped away from the village.
"Hey, watch it!" The carriage jolted to one side before taking off.
"Sorry, hold on guys."
Stephanie and Soraya landed and rushed to find Jewel and the Queen, "Mother, we're back! Ready the troops!"
They turned a corner and met the queen face to face, "that is out of the question."
"Mother, we have to fight. Silvio and his thugs could be right behind us."
"I will not go to war again!"
"We have no choice!" Jewels voice echoed down the hallway, meeting their ears.
Martha looked at her eldest daughter, "I will not allow you to turn my home into ruins."
"And who said we were going to lose? With all do respect mother, going to war is part of reign. I know you don't want it to be a part of yours and I admire that but the kingdom will be under attack at any time. We need to alert our army."
Martha stared at her knowingly and gave a very discreet nod, giving Jewel permission.
"Soraya, take your sister to the army's barracks." She ordered her youngest daughter.
"Yes, mother."
The sisters ran down the corridors, rushing towards the soldiers rooms.
"All soldiers, fall in!" A guard called once he spotted the two royals. The soldiers left their rooms and stood in in front of their doorways at full attention.
"I'm calling on the army to protect the kingdom, Silvio and his large tribe of Vikings will strike at any moment and we must be ready for them. We are at war gentlemen, keep your eyes peeled and your senses alert."
"You heard the Princesses, call to arms gentleman!" The guard said.
All of the soldiers rushed back and forth like fish in the sea, strapping on their wing blades and equipping their weapons and shields.
"Permission to speak freely to the Princess." One soldier bravely asked out of the crowd. Jewel looked at him curiously, "uh...Permission granted."
"Are you the lost Princess of the royal family?"
"Yes, I believe I am."
The young siren with golden wings gave her a bright smile, "Welcome home your highness."
"Thank you."
Both of the girls left the barracks and joined their mother at the entrance, there seemed to be a commotion.
"What's going on?" Jewel asked.
"It looks like you were right. Silvio has come personally to warn us again."
Jewel looked at the carriage outside, "why would he come alone? He already knows that we are at war at war why what do he want to warn us  of something we declared on him?"
The guards aimed ther guns at the carriage until Molly uncloaked herself, "Don't worry it's me." She held her hands up. "At ease."
Jewel rushed out of the doors and yanked the carriage doors open, "Oh my God, you're still alive!" She clung to Sportacus and kissed him repeatedly.
"Of course I'm still here. Calm yourself, dear. It's okay." He said softly.
"Let's get you inside and clean."
Robbie stepped out with Ora in his arms, Jewel was pleasantly surprised by his arrival and also shocked at the state of the siren he was holding.
"Let's get her taken care of first."
"So honored to meet you, Princess." Ora uttered weakly.
"And you too, dear. Let's get you to the infirmary."
They all entered the palace and Robbie carried the little siren one last time with Molly leading the way.
Robbie was still shaken at what he had seen Molly almost do back at the fortress. It made him look at her in such a different way now. As if he were looking at a beast instead of a beauty.
"Don't be upset with her." Ora piped up.
"Molly was only doing what she was trained to do since childhood. Yes, she let her rage get the best of her but the point is that she let you stop her."
"Really? Because it felt like I made her stop."
"My sister is a savage fighter, she wouldn't let anyone get in her way during a fight unless that person is dear to her. Trust me, she'd fight you off too if she didn't like you."
"Where did she learn to fight like that?"
"That one, she'd have to answer. Just don't think that she's not sorry for how she learned it."

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