New Breed

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Jewel and everyone else sat in the drawing room in silence,mentally preparing what was to come. Jewel gripped Spo's hand as she tried to block out the worry that consumed her, "it's going to be okay, Juju."
"Just wish there was another way around this."
"We all do, war is an ugly thing." Martha replied. Jewel looked up at her mother as if she had committed the worst sin imaginable, waiting for her mother to bestow punishment. "But I do trust you, my dear. You're just like your father. He was just as spirited and stubborn."
"What happened to dad?"
"He died while trying to get you to safety." 
"Do you think he'd be proud of me?"
"Oh, I don't doubt that one bit. He would do anything to see you all grown up and engaged."
Robbie quietly stood from the table to let the family talk freely. He sat at the window, overlooking the great dark forest. Molly approached him and he looked up at her.
"I'm terribly sorry about earlier."
"You really scared me. I didn't think anyone as sweet as you could be capable of doing...that."
"I know. I'm not proud of it."
"where did you learn how to do that anyway?"
"Oh dear...that's a long story."
"I'm willing to listen if you're willing to share." She scooted over and patted the space next to him.
"Well, the Sirens and the hunters weren't always at odds with one another."
"Nope. We were allies for quite a while. I was trained by the Viking hunters to fight and kill. Silvio...was my teacher."
"So, that's how he knew your name."
"Yes. He and I were very close and then an incident happened."
"What happened."
"A siren and a human started to fight, about what I'm not exactly sure. It turned so violent that it left the human dead. After that the two kingdoms fell out of alliance with each other and we've been at odds ever since."
"I see."
"So, I am truly sorry for what you've seen. I've just been taught to survive and defend myself to the end."
"It's okay. I don't get out much so that's probably why it terrified me so badly."
Molly gave him a faint smile and looked down at the floor.
"Would you like to go for a stroll, Robbie?"
Robbie's eyes seemed to widen quizzically, "aren't we supposed to stay put. The hunters are readying their troops."
"It's okay, I'm watched like a hawk since I'm third in line for the throne...well that is unless jewel or Soraya have an heir."
"Okay then, let's go."
Both of them stood and left the room, Jewel watched them leave and chuckled, "I had a feeling they liked eachother."
"So did I, Steph and I spotted them cuddling under a tree earlier." Sportacus replied.
"Oh how cute, I'm so happy Robbie has a little lady friend now." Jewel said excitedly.
Molly and Robbie walked around along the turret bridges under the moonlight, "I have a question."
Robbie asked.
"Ask away."
"Are those heavy?" He asked pointing to her wings. Molly laughed a little.
"Not at all, it only hurts when our wings have been folded in for too long."
"Would you like to hold a wing?" She asked.
Robbie almost blushed, "sure."
She fanned out a wing closest to him and laid it over his arms, they were long and light. He caressed the black feathers, half gasping at how soft they were.
"They're soft as silk. That's amazing."
"One of the reasons why the hunters like to take them."
"they look much better on you"
Molly laughed at his remark, "thank you." She closed her eyes still feeling his hand pet her wing, she didn't say anything it just felt so lovely. Robbie didn't stop until he looked up at her face, "Sorry, it's so soft"
"It's okay, it felt nice."
"It did?" Robbie blushed and Molly giggled seeing his face.
"Well, yes. You were petting a birds wings." She smiled.
"Yore more than a bird, Molly."
"Fine if you want to get technical, part bird. Happy?" She grinned.
"Yes, thanks." He smiled back. "What kind of bird anyway? Each and everyone of you that I've seen have different colored wings."
"just like there are different birds there are many different sirens. I am a raven."
"so is your family all Raven as well?"
"No actually, that's one of the great mysteries about us. Everyone is born different even in family. It's very rare to find a whole family the same breed like a Jules family for instance, all of them are blue macaws."
"that's interesting what is your sister. I noticed her are a bit greener than yours."
"she is a great tailed grackle."
"A what?"
"it's a meadow bird. It's basically called a blackbird by most."
"Ah OK so you are closely related."
"in breed, no. In the family bloodline, yes."
"this is so strange and so new to me. Before jewel came along I had no idea what a siren was now here I am in a kingdom full of them. This is something out of a storybook."
"yes it is. Who said that story books can be a real?" She smiled up at him. Robbie not it at that, she was completely right. Who knew what other little mysteries  the world had? What in the world was he doing underground wasting his life away like a little hobbit? What good was he actually doing for himself? He had to admit that seeing this huge castle shrouded in clouds was breathtaking and that everything that he went through that day was worth seeing it. Is this what Sportacus Felt like every day? Robbie couldn't even imagine such a feeling until now. He looked over at Molly who was sitting perched on the wall looking up at the sky. Just by looking at her, Robbie was now fighting off another feeling he couldn't handle.

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