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The morning came and Silvio busted through the door once again, kicking Sportacus awake.
"Good morning you blue elf. We're going on a field trip."
Despite the exhaustion of sleeping on the floor he gave him a wry smirk, "oh goody."
"Since you cannot tell me who your soon to be wife is, then I'll just have to take you to the castle myself."
The guards unchained him and pulled him up off of the floor. Silvio's patience was wearing thin and the longer this difficult prisoner stayed, the angrier he would get. Putting up with Ora was one thing but two prisoners who wouldn't break under pressure was just too much for his temper to handle.
Jewel was walking through the corridor to meet her mother when a subject stopped her, "Your highness, Silvio has sought ordinance with the queen. You must come with me."
"Silvio has my husband."
"We do not know that for sure my Princess but if he sees you he will-"
"Have to listen to me." She finished the scared girls sentence. Jewel raced towards the chamber room where her mother was and stopped when she reached the door, "My dear buzzard queen." Silvio addressed the woman on her throne. "Does this prisoner belong to you? Or to one of your subjects?"
Jewel peered over the entrance to see Spo slumped onto the floor with a chained collar on his neck. She clasped a hand over her mouth seeing her beloved in such a state.
"What is his name?" Martha asked.
"Speak, pooch!" Silvio kicked him in the side. Sportacus coughed a little bit before answering.
"Sportacus." He rasped out.
"Speak up pup!"
Spo huffed out a few angry breaths, "My name is Sportacus!" He said with the last bit of power in his voice. Silvio was finally satisfied, "You see, Sportathing here says he's to be betrothed to someone here in the kingdom."
Martha didn't bat an eyelash and it infuriated Jewel that he wasn't being defended.
"Who are you to be married to, Sportacus?" The Queen asked. Sportacus made eye contact with her and shook his head. Silvio kicked him again to get a rise out of him.
"The longer you stay silent, puppy the more I'll make sure your sides bleed!"
"Your highness,no!"
"It's me, you sweaty puss ridden oaf!" Jewel strode into the chamber and Martha looked at her daughter disappointingly. Silvio smiled evilly and nodded his head pleased, "Wow, Sportacus. She's quite the catch, I mean if only those wings were ripped off...then she'd be almost breathtaking." Sportacus was now filled to the brim with anger and pulled on his leash, getting to lose his grip and snaking it into Silvio's eye with the end of it.
Jewel came forward to Spo's rescue while the rest of the guards came forward to seize him, "DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM!!" She put her hands up and a gust of wind kept them at bay. It frightened her but she didn't question, it was working. Silvio pushed her to the stone floor and dragged Sportacus with him as he left for the door, then he stopped.
"How rude of me, what's your name?" He asked. Sportacus shook his head, pleading with her to say nothing.
She stared at him defiantly, "My name will strike fear in your armies, your subjects and your family. My name will be the last words on your warriors lips as they are defeated one by one. My name is Jewel."
Silvio's eyes widened and then narrowed, "Are you asking for a war, little bird?"
"The moment you stole my fiance, the war started."
"As you wish, Princess. Welcome home." Silvio left and Jewel went to reach for Sportacus but a few of the palace guards came to protect her, "what are you doing?! That's my husband!" She screamed and kicked.
Martha stepped down from her throne and stared at her daughter, "I don't care what you have to say."
"You don't have to care, you just have to listen." The Queen spoke harshly. "You just declared war against the hunters clan. That is not your place!"
"I didn't see you doing anything useful while you sat on your painted seat, there!" She pointed to her mothers throne. "You knew exactly who he was and you let him be dragged out by his neck back to that cave!" Jewel left the chamber.
"Jewel, I order you to come back!"
Jewel stopped and clenched her fists, "You, order me?" She came to her mother. "You order me? Let me straighten one thing out. I'm not a Princess yet until my husband is rescued and alive. Even after all of this is over, you're lucky if I accept the crown at all."Jewel left the corridor and returned to her room. "Molly where are you?"

Martha stood in the middle of the throne room as if she had sentenced someone to death. What was more important? her daughter's happiness or the safety of the kingdom. she was torn between those two choices and the feeling ripped her heart in two. As a Queen she knew by the death of her beloved husband, that saving everyone didn't work all of the time. She exhaled a breath and walked down the halls towards her room.

"Jewel dear." she knocked on the door of her chambers. Jewel lifted her head from the pillow and approached the door before opening it. "Please, forgive me if i seem monstrous in your eyes. Im doing my best to do what is right for all of us. I don't have just you to protect."

Jewel leaned up against the door and shook her head, "You could've saved him."

"I know, and i am so sorry."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I know you're my mother and that i hardly know you...but, apologizing isn't going to fix this. Something needs to be done now and if I cannot do it then get your army to do it. I will flip this kingdom upside down to get him back into my arms and there will be no one to stop me."

"I understand. Ill send more people to search for him."

"That is all I ask. The more the better." she opened the door.

"Where has your sister run off to?"

"Oh, that." Jewel almost smiled. "I guess i just committed treason."

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