Wake up

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Stephanie and the others woke up at sunrise and continued to trudge through the woods only to see endless trees and branches, each one looking identical.
"This is getting useless." Robbie said tiredly.
"Don't say that Robbie. At least it's still blinking." Molly replied.
"Sorry, I just...don't stay out this much."
"You're not usually this nice either." Stephanie snipped.
Robbie made a face at her and she scowled before heading on. Soraya took to the skies as usual while the rest swept the grounds. Molly looked at Robbie as if it were news to her that he was a mean guy, "you're not?"
Robbie avoided contact with her, "In my town I'm known as the meanest and laziest person in LayTown."
Molly looked even more surprised, "You must not be that bad. You are helping us look for Sportacus. Maybe you are too hard on yourself." She said compassionately.
"I wish, but it's the truth. I'm the villain."
"Well, you may not be a hero but you're certainly not a villain. A villain doesn't have heart, like Silvio. You do."
Molly walked on ahead, Robbie staring after her. He blushed a bit flattered at what she had said. He's never been spoken to that way before, he kind of liked it.
Sportacus was returned to his lonely cell, Silvio didn't like the fact that Him and Ora conspired together. The best way to keep them from doing so was to keep them away from each other. Spo didn't know how much he could take, he was still served sugary foods and didn't have much of a choice at times. His only hope was Jewel, she now knew who had taken him captive and had to believe that she had a plan. Why did she have to declare war?! Anything but that would've sufficed. It was a foolish choice but he would never call her foolish, he trusted her. She knew what she was doing, Jewel always was one to follow her instincts.
"Please hurry." He said to himself as if his friends could hear him. Oh how he missed his home in LazyTown. He missed Stephanie's bouncy and happy attitude towards everything. He missed playing with the kids and he missed Robbie and his silly little pranks. He never thought he would miss him but he did, Robbie was almost like a brother that he didn't get along with. It was weird to think of, maybe it was his fatigue effecting his mind. Or maybe in his survival mode, he actually started to value what was now lost for the time being. Spo looked up at the bars of his little window, "there's got to be a way to get out that way. We are underground after all. Sportacus stood and removed the wooden boards that was used as a wall in the room. Jackpot! It was all dirt, he could dig his way out. He punched his hands into the dirt and dug until his fingertips felt numb. He scooped away enough dirt to pull the bars away from the window and make the hole bigger. He had to keep glancing at the door, making sure that the guards or Silvio were coming. Once the hole was big enough, he climbed out with what strength he had left and stumbled away as quickly as he could away from the underground shelter.

Stephanie and the others started to once again get tired from walking so much and they stopped near an apple tree where Molly picked a few for them. She handed one to Stephanie and she took it gratefully, "thank you."
"We're going to sit and rest for a few minutes, Robbie looks as if he's about to fall over."
"Go ahead and look after him. I'm going to see where we are."
"Okay. Don't go too far." Molly returned and sat next to Robbie who could hardly keep his eyes open. She shined the apple with her skirts and handed it to him. He looked at it for a moment and then stared up at her shining blue eyes, "I might as well. I'm out here getting exercise." He chuckled. Molly smiled and scooted closer to him for warmth. Robbie took a bite if his apple and ate it silently, "Sportacus loved apples." He muttered.
"You must miss him." Molly said observantly.
"A little." He replied. "I mean, who am I going to fight with when I get home?" Robbie said finishing the apple and tossing it. Molly laughed at his reply, Robbie's face lit up hearing her. Her laugh was lovely.
"You two must have an interesting friendship."
"Yeah, a love/hate relationship. He loves everyone and considers me a friend while I try to drive him out of town."
"I won't question it. If it works it works." She giggled. Robbie shivered in the cold wind and Molly wrapped a wing around his shoulders.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"You're cold. Let me help?" She asked him with those shining blue eyes again. They were enchanting.
"Okay." Robbie tried not to blush as he slid closer to her and she cocooned him with her other wing.
"Much better, thank you."

Stephanie took the crystal out from her pocket and watched it as it gleamed brightly in her hand, "that cant believe right. If it's fully lit, then he should be here." She froze and looked around carefully, "Sportacus?"Her slow scanning of the forest grew frantic, "Sportacus?!" She looked in the trees and along the ground. Where was he! "Sportacus, please if you can hear me say something!" She was almost forced to tears now. Did the crystal still work if he was....dead? Her heart stopped, no...no! He was alive. Stephanie knew it in her gut, she just had to look harder. "Please, please don't be dead." She whispered in panic. Then just before she lost it, she saw it. It was his flight cap, it wasn't the bright blue that it once was, it was dingy and covered in dirt. He must be close, she neared a clearing and finally spotted her hero slumped up against a tree. She didn't waste any time running towards him and stooping down to make sure he was okay, "Sportacus, wake up its Stephanie." Sportacus didn't respond.

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