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She remembered nothing while she was in flight. Nothing at all. The dark indigo sky seemed to almost glow with it lit up by the stardust in the air. She flew back to the air ship, "Door!" She called out and the door folded out and she landed onto the platform. Sportacus didn't go back to sleep, he waited up for her. "Feeling better?"
"No, not exactly." She scratched her head in frustration. "You didn't have to stay up for me, dear."
"I wanted to. Something is bothering you and I-"
"I know." She hugged him. "I'm trying my best to figure all of this out."
"I know you are. Take all the time you need, don't you worry."
The spine of her right wing twitched, "Do they ache after that long flight?" He asked her. She nodded and without hesitation, Spo started to knead and massage the spine of her wings and she sighed, smiling.
"Oh you're such a sweetheart." She closed her eyes and sat on the bed.
"I love you too, dear."
She fell into another deep sleep, this time she was flying towards a castle in the sky. A young little siren flew by, facing her.
"What are you waiting for Jewel? Race me!" The siren had long flowing brown hair and icy blue eyes. Her wings were almost a teal color and she smiled brightly at her. She circled her once and took off flying towards the castle. The palace was shrouded in golden clouds that danced around it in the breeze. She flew towards the lovely sight, smiling as she filled with joy seeing that she wasn't alone, several other sirens joined in flying with her. "Morning Princess!" One flew by her and waved. Princess?! What a dream.  They all flew in synchronization, like birds in a flock flying through the air. "There's the Princess!"
A harsh voice from the ground up into the air. All of the sudden a few of the sirens in the flock fell being perched by arrows. "Protect the princess!" One of the sirens from the flock darted over to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the castle. "What's going on?" Jewel said frightened.
The siren didn't answer, "Leave this place Silvio!" A voice in the distance threatened.
"Silvio?" Spo nudged her awake. "Darling, wake up yore having another nightmare."
Jewel woke up in a cold sweat looking at her fiancé.
"look at you you're wet with sweat. What on earth were you dreaming about?"
"I-it's nothing Sportacus."
"i'm sorry but when I see my soon to be wife suffering in her bed while she sleeps I can't take that as a good excuse." He said why think some of the sweat from her forehead. "now, who is this Silvio?  You've been screaming out his name."
"I have?" She asked.
"Yes. What's going on, dear?"
"It's just another dream."
"Please tell me about it." Spo asked. He hated seeing Jewel in such distress. She took in a sigh and took his hand, "I was flying with another siren, there was a huge castle on a mountain above the clouds. Everything was perfectly beautiful until someone started shooting them down.."
"And where does this Silvio person come in?"
"It's just a name I heard being shouted."
"I see. Well, it's just a dream right? Everything is going to be okay." He pulled her close. She laid her head on his shoulder, "that's the problem, it feels more like a memory than a dream."
"Do you believe they're memories?"
"It's too early to say, to be honest. I mean, if these are memories then..."
"Then what Juju?"
"Then the castle must be real." Jewel laughed at the thought of such a thing.
"Well, would you want me to have the computer find it for you?"
Jewel shook her head, "No. That's the last thing I need right now. There's so much to do what with the wedding and invitations-"
"Okay. Okay, dear I understand. Let's not worry about it right now." He sat her down on the bed. "Just relax. You look like you need more sleep. There's dark circles under your eyes." He caressed her face and led her back into bed.
"No. If I continue to have these dreams I'd rather stay awake."
"That's not healthy and you know it." He covered her up and kissed her. "Please get some rest. I have to go into town. You know where to find me if you need me."
"I love you."
"I love you too, darling." Sportacus pressed a button to cover the windshield of the ship. He knew she couldn't sleep properly without the light of the day blocked out from her eyes. Jewel dreaded going back to sleep, she didn't want to be tortured any further. So many memories were leaking through and it scared her thinking they might be true.
"Door!" Spo flipped his way out of the ship and into town where he met the kids in the park, "Hey Sportacus." Stephanie ran up to him giving him a hug.
"Good morning, Stephanie."
"Where's Jewel?"
"She had a rough night sat night. She needs her rest."
"May I ask what's wrong?"
"She's getting these nightmares, she's pretty shaken up about it."
"Oh, no."
"She didn't look good, she took flight last night about three in the morning."
"that's unlike her. do you think it's the stress of the wedding?"
"No, I don't think so. I think there something greater that she still trying to figure out."
"Well if there is anything you need, if Jewel needs help with the wedding or anything at all I'm here."
"I know you are Stephanie. It's greatly appreciated thanks."
"You're welcome." Stephanie was now sixteen. Her and Sportacus were very close friends. Stephanie considered him family and helped in any way she could.
"maybe you should take on some responsibility in the wedding planning she is very stressed."
"I can write up the invitations."
"that's splendid, thank you."

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