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Welcome home." Molly spread her wings and took flight along with her fleet of ten sirens, donned in silver armor. Jewel looked up seeing the army a send row by row into the air. She then looked over at Spo who was staring at her fondly, "I'm so proud of you."
She came to him and kissed his lips, "let's go kick some human ass."
Jewel took flight and joined the ranks up above. Spartacus took to the grounds and fought along wit the others. Silvio and his men were waiting in the barricades when a sea of flaming arrows cascaded like a waterfall over them, the barricade burst into flames and the men scurried around trying to douse the flames.
"Look to the skies!" Silvio shouted as their arrows shot upward and fired at the bird like creatures in the air, some dropping like dead weight. The hunters advanced along the grounds and the sirens swooped down taking some of the men clear off the grounds and dropping them from dangerous heights. Molly and her fleet flew into hunter territory setting fire to the gunpowder and weapon supplies, making the barricade useless and exposed as it exploded. The Wind Fleet dipped upwards like fighter jets to avoid impact and once it was clear enough, the dipped back down headed straight for Silvio.
"Fall back!"
"To where?!" A hunter asked. "The barricade is finished."
Silvio looked up to the sky, "Stay near the fort and fight." He left the fleet and into the fort. Molly spotted him and followed him as he rushed inside and rummaged through a trunk, "There you are."
Molly swooped down and peered in the window, he was holding Sportacus' flight pack.
"He's going to commit suicide doing that by himself."
Silvio strapped it on and ran back into the battle. He started pushing buttons on the contraption trying to figure out which button would launch him into the sky.
Jewel flew over the battle, over looking everything until she saw Silvio trying to work his pack. She smiled and swooped down and grabbed him, sending him high up into the air.
"I believe you have something that belongs to my husband."
"Let me go!"
"Okay." She dropped him and he was sent hurtling back to the ground. He finally pushed the right button and the wings parachuted him with a jolt. Silvio collided with Jewel as he ascended back up into the sky
"I will wipe of every stinking winged vermin off this planet!"
"This is my kingdom!"
Molly spotted the two fighting as they ascended into the skies and she flew towards them at incredible speed, "let go of him, cousin!" She ordered. Jewel quickly let go and Molly dove for him, instantly stripping him if the flight pack. She then swooped down and dropped it into the arms of its rightful owner, "thanks!" Spo called after her as she flew back up.
Silvio was free falling helplessly. An onlooker from a far would think that the two sirens were playing a game with the human, tossing him about like a rag doll.
Molly grabbed Silvio out of the air and tossed him to the ground enough to knock the wind out of him. She landed and faced the evil Viking who looked exhausted from all of the air time he had in the sky, "End this now, Silvio or regret it." She warned.
Silvio only smiled and stood up on his feet, "Not until I wipe every stinking, ugly, bird like creature out of the sky for good!" He pulled out a long knife.
Molly shook her head and wielded he chakrams, "Then what you do now is your own fault."
"Just remember who taught you your moves. I know them all."
"Just remember that I know them better than you."
They circled each other and stared each other down, fury in their eyes burning like embers that won't quench.
Silvio went to stab her but her circular weapon caught it, blocking him. Each blow she received was either blocked or received with minimal injuries. Silvio on the other hand was covered in blood, his arms cut open by her light and super sharp blades.
"We could stop this, Silvio. We could make peace with our two kingdoms." She stated, blocking another blow, cutting his wrist.
"Never in a million years. Not even after my death!" He stabbed, swung and cut with all his might but Molly was too fast for him. He was going to tire himself out eventually and bleed out if he didn't perish first.
"Silvio, don't make me do this! There's always a way around all of this!" She finally looped her chakram around the hilt if his knife and yanked it from his hand. Silvio stood a little stunned, "I can't, I can't make peace with a kingdom that killed my father!"
"You know very well why he died. You know very well who killed him." Molly's heart thundered with rage. "He didn't want us to get married so he came to the palace, caused a scene and tried to kill me!" She paced forwards towards him.
"What I did was merely what you taught me."
Silvio covered his ears, "Stop!"
"I defended myself, Silvio! You know this!"
Silvio dropped to his knees and screamed a savage sound out of his throat, "Shut up!" He cried.
"Now what are you doing?!" She asked. "Tell me what you're doing?!"
"You're doing exactly what your father tried to do with me!"
"Stop!" He spat, giving her an insane look in her eyes.
"Are you going to kill me, Silvio? Because if you are do it, avenge your fathers death!"
"I hate you!"
"Kill me and leave everyone else alone this time, Silvio. My people do not deserve what you're doing to them. Don't punish the kingdom for one persons wrongdoing." She dropped her weapons and looked down at him. Silvio didnt know what to think for a moment but his rage soon returned and he grabbed his knife. He shakily stood up.
"This is all my fault. Now end it before I hurt anyone else." She closed her eyes and waited.

His Jewel 2: Kingdom Blood. Where stories live. Discover now