Free falling.

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That night, Jewel tossed and turned in their bed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't command her eyes to close.
"This is useless." She said sitting up. She looked down at Spo and slowly slipped out of her bed. Her wings shook, still aching from her flight.
"You're going to be okay. Just a little flight this time." She stood by the pole in the middle of the ship and commanded it to lower.
The stars shined extra bright in the dark night. Jewel would've obeyed Spo's suggestion of not flying for a while if there wasn't  such an urge to search for something.
She was searching for something that she didn't know. She didn't know what it was, or where it was. the only thing she knew was that it was out there in the sky.
"I feel so strange." Her wings spread out and felt the breeze caress under them. She leapt off the platform and took off into the air. This flight was different, it wasn't a mission to restore memories. She enjoyed it much more, like she used to. She smiled brightly in the moonlight, dipping up and down in the clouds and leaving a trail of mist behind her from ripping the clouds open.
She hovered in front of the silvery silhouette of the moon. "We've never explored outside of LazyTown in a while." She said to herself. Her wings jolted forward, leading her away from LazyTown, "what's going on? Stop!"
She couldn't stop, something was happening to her wings they sensed something she couldn't. "Come on what is it?!" She covered her eyes, this only happened one other time and that was when Adel died and she ran away.
This could only mean something grave. She flew so far and fast that she feared of her wings quitting and getting weak.
"Watch out!" She heard another voice and she ran into the owner of it before she could uncover her eyes.
They both tumbled through the air wildly. The other untangled their wings and flew away, Jewel hit the cold stone ground before she could parachute her wings out.
She opened her eyes to see the sun shining through stained glass windows. She felt a sharp pain in her wings as she sat up to see she was in an infirmary.
"Where in the world am I?"
"You are in the great Siren castle." She turned her head to the voice.
There a tall woman with brown hair and blue eyes sat across from the bed that she laid in. Her wings were a dark blue and she wore a matching gown. A silver crown on her head caught the light of the sun in its topaz jewels.
"Please don't get up, dear. Your wings took a hard blow last night."
"But I have to get back home. My fiancé is probably worried about me-"
"What's your name, child?" She asked.
The woman's eyes widened, "Jewel?"
"Yes. What's yours?"
"Queen Martha."
"'s nice to meet you, you're highness. But I have to go-"
"Do you not remember this place?"
Jewel stopped a moment, "the castle in the sky?"
"Your name sounds familiar. Why does it sound familiar. I've never met you..." She started getting scared. The queen nodded, waiting for her to put all the pieces together in her mind. "I've had dreams of this place. My wings brought me here...why?" Jewel started to get a little frustrated.
"You are here for a reason, dear Jewel."
"What reason am I here? My wings just don't take charge of my flight for nothing. This has to be important..." Flashbacks of her dreams and memories flooded her mind like a breaking dam. She remembered, this was her home when she was young. Who was this? Martha looked so familiar...she looked like her. The thoughts were too overwhelming. ", no. I can't handle this. No!" Jewel stood up and opened the door leading outside. The queen followed her down the hallway, "Jewel, please let me explain."
Jewel started running through the halls, trying to find the welcoming outdoors so she could fly away. She knew her wings couldn't carry her fast enough away, but she could make it home.
Martha chased after her, unwilling to call for the guard in fear of frightening her, "Jewel, please!"
The frightened Jewel burst through a pair of doors leading to a balcony. She looked up to see a flock of Sirens flying so effortlessly, "Wow." She quickly came to when she heard the queen call her name again, she stripped off the bandages and took flight. Martha was left staring after her, "Soraya!" She called after her daughter. A young, chirpy Siren donned in teal wings and light brown hair came to her mother's side, "Yes, Mother?" She said in a light and airy voice.
"Follow your big sister, won't you?"
"Of course, mother." Soraya spread her wings out and quickly followed Jewel away from the kingdom.
Her wings felt like they were going to fall off, a sharp pain surging through them caused her to dip in and out of the air. Could that really have been the castle in her dreams? Could the woman she met be her...? She felt an overwhelming fear in her that made her skin crawl. Tears blinded her vision and her heart cried out for help...
"Someone's in trouble." Sportacus looked up to the sky seeing Jewel returning to LazyTown, "I'm coming, Juju!" He activated his sky wings and headed towards her, her wings suddenly gave way but he caught her before she dropped. He landed with her in his arms and her wings going limp, dragging across the ground, "what's happened to you?" He asked her. She opened her mouth to speak but her tongue couldn't form any words.
He ran as fast as he could to the hospital to find out what was wrong with her.
Soraya stopped, seeing the scene unfold below her. She didn't want to be seen. "This isn't good."

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