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Stephanie shuffled everyone inside, "Okay, Sportacus wrote me a letter a long time ago telling me if he was ever in trouble and he was without his crystal, that it would make a certain low frequency noise-"
The crystal hummed like a violin and flashed red, "It's in panic mode. It's been programmed like that to attract the people of LazyTown. Only we can hear it."
"That's amazing." Molly said watching it glow. "Will it help us find him?"
"Yes, it's tracking him, the hum will get louder the closer we are to him."
"We must go. We have to find him, Who knows what Silvio will do."
"Silvio?" Stephanie asked.
"I'll tell you about it on the way, please show us where to go." Molly persisted. Stephanie opened the door and pointed left.
Robbie followed behind with Molly. Soraya decided to take to the skies to see if she could spot anything from her aerial view.
"How is it that I can hear the crystal too?" Robbie asked Stephanie. She shrugged, "I think he may have thought of the possibility of you being his last hope if anything went wrong."
"Really?" He looked surprised until he caught Molly looking at him curiously. He blushed and looked down at the ground. Robbie was absolutely smitten.
"Hey elf! Wakey wakey." Silvio said from behind his dungeon door. "Lunch time."
Sportacus' energy was low and he ended up slumped on the floor from exhaustion and hunger. Silvio opened the food panel and pushed a plate with a caramel apple inside and left.
"You've got to be kidding me."
"What's wrong Elfie? Someone doesn't have a sweet tooth?"
This was too awful, under that sugary layer was what he desperately needed to stay alive and Silvio made a game out of it. Sportacus took it and started peeling off the caramel from its skin, after he had finally gotten to the apple underneath his hands were sticky. He didn't care as long as he could eat it without crashing. He took his shirt that was already drenched in sweat and wiped off the remnants of what sugar may be left. He took a bite hoping for the best, "You're going to have to think harder than that, Sylvia." He joked.
"It's Silvio! And I will. You lucked out this time." Silvio walked away angrily and Spo jumped up to figure out a plan. There was a barred window and the door was rickety. He might be able to get away. He looked at the rusty hinges of the door and started to rip them out he opened the door and made a dash for an exit.
"Where are you going, you gnome?!"  Silvio's voice boomed in the hallway of the underground fort. Spo wasn't fast enough, his strength wasn't enough against the two thugs that hooked him with their arms and dragged him to a lower floor in the place.
"Sit down!" Silvio threw him into a chair and tied him to it. "Who is your wife, Elfie? Hmm? Is it the queen? Did they finally court the new Princess that looks like she belongs in a birdcage?"
"I'm not telling you!"
"You will tell me!" An idea popped into the Viking's head. "Tell you what, since you love sirens so much, I want you to meet someone. Bring her in boys!" He called to his thugs. They carried in a beautiful female siren in a cage with dark green wings. She trembled in fear and her wings looked like they were loosing feathers, "My God! What have you done to her?!" Spo shouted as he struggled in his chair.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners, this is Ora. She was captured a few months ago. Ora, this is Sportacus."
"Oh so you do know my name. I thought for sure you had forgotten it already." Spo's smart remark earned him a solid punch in the stomach, Sportacus winced in pain trying not to shout.
"Now, Let's play a game shall we? Sportacus, every time you lie to me, I pluck a feather from her wings. Everytime Ora lies, I get to stuff a sugar cube in your mouth like a horse."
Spo's eyes widened. Silvio was satisfied that he had gotten through to him, "Now I have your attention, don't I?"
Ora was a pale woman with radiant brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her dress was nothing but rags now and there were no shoes on her feet. She shivered in fear and her tired eyes looked like they were stained with tears. Spo looked t her with empathy wanting to help her.
"I hear you're a hero back in your town, a guy who can't stand the sight of a suffering soul. So tell me Sportacus, would you let this innocent soul suffer while you lie to me?"
Spo looked at Ora once more and she shook her head, telling him not to say anything.
"I told you before, I'm not saying anything!"
"Find then, Ora I'm so sorry for this but-"
"No you're not. You're enjoying this!" Her voice was strong and defiant towards her capture. Silvio smiled and reached into the bars to caress her cheek, "Yes, I am." With one slick motion, he yanked a long feather from her wing and she cried out in pain before biting down on his arm.
"Agh! You rancid buzzard!"
"How does it feel Silvio!" She screamed. Silvio pulled his arm out and laughed,"I guess I'll never learn. Never stick your hands in the cage of a wild animal."
"Come here, I'll show you wild animal!" She growled.
"Ooh! You're feisty today. I like it."
"Go to hell!"
"Tell me, Ora. Is the kingdom getting ready to attack our village?"
"Why would we waste our time with ugly, disgusting humans like you. We're above you...literally." She smiled evilly. Her remark made Sportacus laugh a little and Silvio glared at him, fuming.
"That's not an answer!" He took a sugar cube from his pocket and clasped his hand over Spo's mouth, "Eat up horsy."
Spo whipped his head back and forth and sucked in his lips but it eventually made its way in. Sportacus held the dry, unmelted cube to the roof of his mouth and pretended to swallow and go limp from the sugar.
"Now, I'm going to come back in ten minutes to see if you both have changed your minds."
"Come back in ten years, you idiot." Ora commented as he slammed the door.
Spo spat out the cube when the coast was clear. Some of the sugar did indeed melt and he started growing tired.
"Hey!" She clapped getting his attention. "Look at me." Ora ordered. Spo struggled to keep his head up, "you're bleeding." He uttered.
"Never mind that. You're an elf aren't you?"
Spo could only nod. She looked around and whispered to him, "what are you here for? Are you connected to the kingdom somehow?"
"No...my wife.."
"Your wife? Is she a siren?"
Sportacus nodded again tiredly. "Stay awake, Sportacus. What's your wife's name?"
Sportacus locked eyes with her and spoke so quietly, he almost mouthed the name of his fiancé, "Jewel." He then fell asleep, his head dropping.

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