Episode 4

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Michael: In a world where nothing is as it seems, one brave, shockingly handsome, virile young man, and his faithful, learning-disabled, robotic man-servant must battle through waves of cybernetic ass-hats in order to sexually liberate the women of...

Michael: Is it just me or are you getting a workplace romance vibe from those two?

Dean: Hey, check this out. "Werewolves that are turned up to four generations from pureblood..." Think he means Alpha? "... are less feral and can transform before, during, and after the lunar cycle." Boom.

Sam: Purebloods don't black out during the transformation. They can control themselves... Some have been able to subsist off of animal hearts.

Dean: So- so, what? We're hunting a- a werewolf with a pedigree? Awesome. Let's hope he has his papers.

Michael: I'm a werewolf. A werewolf.

Kate: Michael, come on. Baby, you need to calm down.

Michael: Calm down? I'm a werewolf!

Michael: The FBI is trying to kill me.

Kate: Shut up! Everybody, shut up, okay? First things first, those guys- those guys aren't FBI, all right? I'm pretty sure that FBI agents don't say "awesome" that much. You know? And- and they definitely don't hunt and kill college kids.

Michael: Did- did they say anything else?

Brian: Dude, they just sat and talked about how they have been apart for a year. You were probably right about that whole office-romance thing.

Kate: I'm leaving. And you'll never hear from me ever again. Look, I know that there's another way. I can eat animal hearts. I've never hurt anyone. Nobody human, anyway. I didn't choose this. Please... please give me a chance.

Sam: Look, Kate's right. She hasn't hurt anybody, well, anybody human at least.

Dean: Yeah, she didn't- she didn't choose this. Let's give her a shot.

Sam: Seriously?

Dean: Hey, Sam?

Sam: Yeah?

Dean: Do I really say 'awesome' a lot?

Sam: No. No, no. No.


Dean: Awesome.

Michael: Please tell me you taped it.

Brian: C'mon who loves you?

Michael: I wish  could quit you.

Sam: Well, based on what we've got so far, we could be dealing with another Mayan god.

Dean: Ah, that's fantastic, 'cause the other one was such a joy.

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