Episode 19

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Taxi Driver

Kevin: An innocent soul has to be rescued from Hell and delivered unto Heaven.

Dean: What?

Kevin: 'Unto.' That's -- that's how God talks.

Dean: What happened to the hot chicks?

Crossroads Demon: Please... All right, look... For a price, y'all can be smuggled across Hell's border.

Dean: By who?

Crossroads Demon: Rogue reapers. They got secret ways, in and out. Not just Hell -- the Veil, Heaven.

Sam: Rogue reapers smuggling people?

Crossroads Demon: People, souls...

Sam: So, what? They're like Hell coyotes?

Ajay: Smuggling a mortal across the border is risky enough, but gate-crashing a Winchester into Hell seriously blows.

Sam: What do you mean this is Purgatory? This isn't what I paid for. I booked the Hell tour.

Ajay: Whoa, whoa, Winchester, detach. This is Hell-adjacent. Been down this highway many times before. Follow the stream to where three trees meet as one. Where they meet, there are rocks. Between the rocks is the portal.

Dean: No, like I told you before, this isn't going to end. Look, man, other guys, they got it easy, you know? It's all backyard barbecues and... bowling teams, but you and me? We got to carry a little extra weight.

Kevin: I'm gonna -- I'm gonna be in my room. Let me know when there's a good day.

Crowley: As you may recall, patience isn't one of my virtues. Well, I don't have any virtues, but if I did, I'm certain that patience wouldn't be one. So, sure there's nothing weighing on you? Nothing, say, about making a deal with the Winchesters?

Bobby: Balls.

Benny: I'm not a good fit, Dean. Not with vampires and, for sure, not with the humans. I don't belong. And after a while... that starts to wear on you. Right? Cry me a river. Like you need to listen to this.

Sam: He's a buddy of Dean's, Bobby.

Bobby: A buddy?

Benny: A good buddy.

Bobby: A frigging vampire? Well, you two really went off the rails while I was gone, didn't you?

Bobby: Already said goodbye to you once, Sam. Didn't seem to take. No reason to think I won't see you again somewhere down the road.

Sam: Dean, look -- Benny, uh... He got us out. A bunch of vamps showed, and he used himself as bait. I get the feeling that even if that didn't happen, he didn't want to come back, you know? I'm sorry.

Dean: You're probably right. So, uh... Bobby -- how -- how'd he hold up down there?

Sam: He's good, all things considered. Ornery as hell, of course.

Dean: As he should be. Let's put that old man where he belongs.

Crowley: Bureaucrat! You're fighting outside your weight class.

Naomi: Don't call me a bureaucrat.

Crowley: What you people never seem to understand is that you are nothing! Fleeting blips of light. I am forever.

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