Episode 11

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LARP and the Real Girl

Sam: We have the most powerful weapon we've ever had against demons, and we can't find a way to use it.

Dean: Yeah, well, Kevin's on it. And when he finds something, he'll call. So we wait. Look, we have both had a rough go over these past couple of weeks. And, uh... I know what you gave up wasn't easy. Maybe we ought to take the night off, go see a flick, hit a bar or two, have some fun. You remember fun, don't you, Sammy?

Sam: Look, it's bad enough you're tracking us, but it's even worse when you say we've been "Garthed".

Sam: Huh. So, anything... missing from the body?

Sheriff Miller: You mean aside from the arms and legs? Uh... nope. All there, twig and berries, too.

Sheriff Miller: The two of them talked together for 15 minutes, and then Lance sent Ed here all kinds of angry texts. Some of them were your typical threat stuff, but some were a little weird.

Sam: Weird now?

Sheriff Miller: Like, uh... "You shall bleed for your crimes againts us," followed by the emoticon of a skull. And, uh, this beauty... "I am a mage. I will destroy you". These kids today with their texting and murder. My men just brought Lance into the station for questioning.

Lance: Those texts weren't from me. They were from me, but they weren't from me me.

Dean: Did you really think that sentence was gonna clear things up?

Charlie: So, I'm droppin' my sword and walkin' off the stage, bitches.

Charlie: You sent Sam a phantom text from his ex? Dick move, sir.

Sam: Nice outfit.

Dean: You love it.

Gerry: Greyfox and Thargrim became part of the honor guard. they got close to the queen, but they did it by breaking the rules, playing off other players with real money, rather than Moondoor currency. They were cheating.

Dean: Oh, and using magic isn't?

Gerry: Magic is a part of Moondoor.

Charlie: If the last 24 hours have taught me anything, it's that escaping isn't what it used to be. No more replacement characters for me. I got to face reality from now on. Sadly, reality actually includes monsters, but what are you gonna do? If I can ever be of help to you guys, let me know.

Charlie: Apart from the fact that you blocked me from banging a fairy and I'm about to go lose my crown in battle thanks to my army being decimated, yeah, totally good.

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