Episode 5

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Blood Brother

Sam: We're on the case, remember, Dean? The- the Winchester holy grail, "shut the gates of hell forever" case.

Dean: Sure are. But in order to close the Gates of Hell, we need our Prophet, am I right? So step one, find Kevin Tran. Well, he ain't here. But he wanted us to be, which means we're probably as far from him as he could possibly put us. So step two, find Kevin Tran. You mind if I take the Toblerone?

Sam: Wait. Dean, seriously?

Dean: Hey, the trail is dead but the the room is paid for. You've got some research to do and I've got some personal crap I got to take care of, that's all.

Sam: What does that mean, personal?

Dean: Did you have a stroke? Vocabulary! Personal. As in my own grown-up, personal, I don't know, crap!

Dean: Wow. You, uh... look okay.

Benny: Getting there.

Dean: Dude, you were double-hamstrung.

Benny: Yeah, well, a little rest, a half a cooler full of AB-negative, most wounds short of an amputation will mend up... vampirically speaking.

Benny: Well, I got to admit, Dean, he's got his strong points, but holy hell if he ain't a magnet.

Dean: Well, before we found Cas, you said it was my humanity that was drawing too much attention.

Benny: Yeah, that too.

Castiel: Well, I think we're clear for the moment. It does present a curious curl in the metaphysics, doesn't it? If you murder a monster heaven, where does it go?

Benny: And this is the crazy aunt I want to take on the road?

Castiel: I am not your aunt.

Benny: What? Really?

Castiel: I have no possible relationship to your sibling offspring.

Benny: Now you're kidding me.

Dean: Oh, you two are killing me.

Sam: So, you think I'm creepy?

Amelia: I think it's creepy that you buy all of your clothing at army surplus. White supremacists do that.

Sam: Yeah, but I'm not.

Amelia: Drifting serial killers do that.

Sam: Fair enough.

Dean: Benny, what's going on?

Benny: You and that whole friend thing, man.

Dean: Vampire pirates. That's what you guys are. Vampirates!

Benny: You know all the years we ran together, I can't believe nobody ever thought of that.

Dean: What do you mean? It's like the third thing you say!

Benny: No, it's not.

Maker: You're right. I've been here so, so long, Benny, seen all the outcomes, all the patterns a trillion times. It all means so little. This universe is a pyramid of despair, nothing else.

Benny: A little dark.

Maker: I am evil, after all. At least I've had much to keep me cold at night.

Sam: Why are you whispering?

Dean: It's kind of hard to explain right, but I'm sort of in the middle of cleaning out a vampire's nest, and it's sort of gone a little sideways on me.

Sam: What?! Are you an idiot, Dean? You know better than to go into a vamp nest alone.

Dean: I'm not alone, damn it. All right? I'm not alone. I've got backup, guy who's been tracking the nest for a while.

Sam: What guy? Garth?

Dean: What? No. You don't know him. He's a friend.

Sam: A friend? Dean, you don't have any, all your friends are dead.

Dean: That's not what I called to talk about!

Maker: This is my story you gnat... it ends the way I choose, not you.

Sam: Kid's like Rain Man.

Dean: He's like a crappy little credit-card-counting criminal prodigy Rain Man.

Sam: Well, he was in Advanced Placement.

Dean: Shut up.

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