Episode 14

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Trial and Error

Dean: Not bad? I haven't had my own room, ever. I'm making this awesome. I got my kickass vinyl, I've got this killer mattress. Memory foam, it remembers me. And it's clean, too. There's no funky smell. There's no creepy motel stains.

Dean: Are you eating?

Kevin: Hot dogs, mostly.

Dean: Sure, yeah, breakfast of champions. Look, I'm gonna feel dirty saying this, but you might want a salad and a shower.

Dean: Look, you get on the net, see what you can dig up. I'm gonna go for a supply run because we need goofer dust, and the kid needs to eat something that's not ground-up hooves and pigs' anuses, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sam: I know. I do. But trust me on this- this whole "saving the world" thing, it's a marathon, not a sprint. You got to take better care of yourself.

Dean: All right, keep an eye out. Anybody with a hellhound on their ass is gonna be showing signs, hallucinating, freaking out, the usual.

Sam: And if we find someone?

Dean: You get 'em clear. I spike fido. The crowd goes wild.

Ellie: Alice is his oldest, and that's Cindy, the middle girl. She had a single on the country chart a few years ago. Then she atarted hitting the bottle, and, well... Her last album was a bunch of holiday songs for dogs. My favorites were "Jingle Bark Rock" and "Don't Pee on this Tree: Happy Arbor Day".

Dean: So she's the Devil?

Ellie: Pretty much.

Dean: Impressed?

Ellie: I do like a man who can handle his meat.

Cindy: Really? Keep it comin' Ken doll.

Cindy: Get cancer and die old man.

Noah: You first, sweetie.

Kevin: Sorry. Um, I found something on the tablet, uh, about hellhounds. Uh, this mean anything to you, "the dire creatures may be seen only by the damned or through an object scorched with holy fire"?

Cindy: Oh look. Daddy's drunk and armed. Must be Christmas.

Dean: Because of the three trials crap, God's little obstacle course. We've been down roads like this before, man, with Yellow-Eyes, Lucifer, Dick friggin' Roman. We both know where this ends, one of us dies... Or worse.

Sam: So, what, you just up and decided it's gonna be you?

Dean: I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation.

Sam: Dean-

Dean: And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know, it's that I'm gonna fie with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me, that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life, become a Man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and- and- and grandkids, till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra, that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trails. I'm gonna do them alone, end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. if landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg.

Ellie: Hey. So... I think you're really hot. You want to go to my room and have sex?

Dean: What?

Ellie: I... sorry. I don't usually do this. I guess I'm feeling my oats.

Sam: I'm closing the gates. It's a suicide mission for you. I want to slam Hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't, I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it.

Dean: Sam, be smart.

Sam: I am smart, and so are you. You're not a grunt, Dean. You're a genius, when it comes to lore, to... you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen, better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please, please believe in me, too.

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