Episode 12

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As Time Goes By

Dean: Let me tell you what I understand! Some asshat pops out of my closet asking about my dad, smashes up my ride. So why am I not getting violent, again?

Abaddon: Henry. Silly man, you forgot to lock the door. But then spells never were your best subject, were they? Why don't you be a doll and give me what I want? And I pomise to kill you and your friends here quickly.

Dean: Where'd you come from?

Henry: She's from Hell. I'm from Normal, Illinois, 1958.

Dean: Yeah, right. Seriously? Dudes time-travelling through motel-room closets? That's what we've come to?

Dean: How come she didn't die when I stabbed her?

Henry: Because demons can't be killed by run-of-the-mill cutlery. At the very least, you'd need an ancient demon-killing knife of the Kurds.

Dean: That's what this is.

Henry: Where'd you get that?

Dean: Demon gave it to me. We've been around this block so many times.

Sam: Wait, wait, wait. Listen to this. According to dad's journal, he once tortured a demon that said he made his bones working for Abaddon, who, it turns out, is a Knight of Hell.

Dean: What does that even mean?

Henry: Knights of Hell are hand-picked by Lucifer himself. They are the first-fallen, first-born demons.

Henry: John was a legacy. I was supposed to teach him the ways of the Letters.

Dean: Well, he learned things a little differently. 

Henry: How?

Dean: The hard way. Surviving a lonely childhood, a stinking war... only to get married and have his wife taken by a demon... and later killed by one himself. That man got a bum rap around every turn. But you know what? He kept going. And in the end, he did a hell of a lot more good than he did bad.

Dean: Listen, I understand that this in not your idea of happy ending, okay, and that- that you're disappointed that me and Sam are mouth-breating hunters. But you know what? We stopped the Apocalypse.

Dean: Henry, you need to understand something. When my dad died, I couldn't save him... no matter how bad I wanted to. I never want that to happen to Sam... ever. If there's a chance that I can save him, I'm gonna do it. He's my brother. He's the only family I got.

Abaddon: You still didn't kill me.

Dean: No, but you'll wish we did. The demon trap in your noggin is gonna keep you from smoking out. We're gonna cut you into little streaks and bury each strip under cement. You might not be dead, but you'll wish you were.

Henry: I'm sorry I judged you two so harshly for being hunters. I should have known better.

Sam: About?

Henry: You're also Winchesters. As long as we're alive, there's always hope. I didn't know my son as a man, but having met you two... I know I would have been proud of him.

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