Episode 17

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Goodbye Stranger

Dean: Well, hello. These Men of Letters weren't so boring after all. Konnichiwa. Hey, check this out.

Dean: So, somebody's killing demons. Well, that is awesome. I feel like we should send a card or flowers. What kind of flower says "thanks for killing demons"?

Dean: Well, he puts the "ass" in "Cas," huh?

Castiel: You know, I can hear you both. I am a celestial being.

Dean: So, I got to ask. Um... What's up with the hair? What?

Meg: Aww. Thanks for noticing, Dean. But this wasn't my idea. It was Crowley's. And it's just another reason I want to stab him in the face.

Dean: Why lie?

Meg: Buy myself some time, dummy. Try to find a way to get free.

Sam: Wait -- so... A bunch of innocent people died so you could... buy yourself some time?

Meg: Hi. I'm Meg. I'm a demon.

Meg: ...finding that angel tablet.

Sam: Wait a second. Did you just say "angel tablet"?

Meg: You know, I get why Crowley calls you "moose" now. Yes -- "angel tablet." Crowley found out Lucifer had it, figures it's stashed in a crypt.

Meg: You ever miss the Apocalypse?

Castiel: No. Why would I miss the end of times?

Meg: I miss the simplicity. I was bad. You were good. Life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kind of good, which sucks. And you're kind of bad -- which is actually all manner of hot. We survive this... I'm gonna order some pizza and we're gonna move some furniture around. You understand?

Crowley: Just to be clear... you can't find a hole in the ground. Your coworkers have met with an untimely demise... and you've lost my favorite chew toy? Brilliant. What's that old expression? 'If you want something done right... blah, blah, blah.'

Meg: You're not gonna tell me? Seriously? How am I not team Sam? Fine. Whatever it is, you okay dying over it? You don't want to say, fine. But remember, I spent time in that walking corpse of yours. I know your sad, little thoughts and feelings.

Meg: Wait, h-hold on. There's one part I don't understand. You hit a dog and stopped. Why?

Sam: That whole story, and that's your takeaway?

Meg: Oh, I heard the rest. You fell in love with a unicorn. It was beautiful, then sad, then sadder. I laughed, I cried, I puked in my mouth a little. And honestly, I kind of get it.

Dean: This isn't you. Cas, I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Cas, it's me. We're family. We need you; I need you.

Meg: Go. Save your brother... and my unicorn.

Crowley: Naomi. Fancy meeting you here. Haven't seen you in a dark age. Love the haircut.

Sam: So... what happened? I mean, Cas touched the tablet, and it reset him to his factory settings or something?

Dean: I don't know. And I don't care. All I know is that he is off the reservation with a-a heavenly WMD. Listen, man, I can't take any more lies -- from anyone.

Sam: Yeah. Um... I know. I'm sorry. I should have told you. I-I... just wanted to believe I was okay. I don't know.

Dean: Well, you heard what Cas said -- that that first trial hurt you in ways that even he can't heal. Sammy, I need you to be honest with me from here on out, man.

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