Episode 22

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Castiel: I like this bunker. It's orderly.

Sam: Oh, give us a few months. Dean wants to get a ping-pong table.

Castiel: I've heard of that. It's a game, right?

Sam: Dude, go easy on Cas, okay. He's one of the good guys.

Dean: Dude, if anybody else -- I mean anybody -- pulled that kind of crap, I would stab them in their neck on principle. Why should I give him a free pass?

Sam: Because it's Cas.

Sam: Is that a devil's trap? It takes up half the room. These chains -- they have spellwork etched into them.

Dean: So we have a dungeon. Finally! What do you got there?

Father Simon: A demon is a human soul, twisted and corrupted by its time in Hell. Father Thompson believed that you could wash that taint away and restore their humanity.

Castiel: Where's the pie?

Chris the Minimart Virgin: I think we're out.

Castiel: You don't understand. I. Need. Pie.

Metatron: Put the virgin down Castiel.

Metatron: Look, I've been on sabbatical. I'm trying to play catch-up, but I have to talk to somebody about what's going on back home.

Castiel: And by home, you mean Heaven?

Metatron: Right. I've been looking around, crawling through a few divine nooks and crannies, and from what I can see, without the archangels, it's a mess up there. Open warfare.

Castiel: I thought Naomi was running things now.

Metatron: Is that what she told you? I mean, Naomi's a player -- don't get me wrong -- just one of many. There are factions upon factions, all fighting, betraying each other. It's just a matter of time before they start ripping each other apart. It's all broken.

Castiel: What did you mean, we can shut down Heaven?

Metatron: Oh, you know, the trials -- God's little 'pull in case of emergency.' The Leviathans get out of control, you put them in Purgatory. Demons get a little too demonic, toss 'em into Hell. Angels get uppity, slam the pearly gates.

Abaddon: Father Max Thompson, born October 12, 1910. Died August 5, 1958. Who do you think ripped him apart? Word got back to home office that Maxie was messing with things, so we made an example.It wasn't my most artful kill, but it was effective. And bonus -- before he died, he told me all about Josie Sands. I found her, and I rode her into the Men of Letters. And what I did to them, that was art.

Sarah: Yeah, I... his name is Ian. He works search and rescue. Guess I have a type. Our daughter, Bess -- she'll be one in a month.

Sam: That's, uh, great. I mean it. I'm really, uh... I'm really happy for you.

Sarah: Thanks, Sam. And what about you?

Sam: Me? Pretty much the same, I guess.

Sarah: No, you're not. You're not the same. Look, it's been years, and I can't even imagine the things you've been through. But I don't know. You just seem... more focused, confident, like... like you know what you want. You grew up, Sam. I do miss the old haircut, though.

Crowley: I thought of sending in a few of my bruisers, really letting them go to town. But then, well, trial one was kill a hellhound. trial two was rescue a soul from the pit. So, from here on, I'm gonna keep everything Hell-related -- demons, et cetera -- away from you. Safe side and all that -- plus, I just thought it seemed fitting. From what I understand, Sammy took that bird's breath away. What's the line? 'Saving people, hunting things -- the family business.' Well, I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused -- the one thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there happy and healthy because of you, you great, big, bloody heroes!

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