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"Move away."He said lowly. One of the man charged towards him and Doyoung dodge him away. He land a punch on him and another one charged towards Doyoung. I widen my eyes and took a step back.

I felt a harsh grip on my wrist and I was pulled in. I let out a gasp and feel a cold, sharp metal pressing against my neck. My breath hitched and I saw Doyoung fighting with one of them, two man was already groaning on the ground. I tried to kick his leg but he moved away. "Stay still. You don't want to die yet, do you?"He asked and I ignore him, trying to losen his grip on mine. "Stay still!"He yelled, Doyoung snapped his head towards my direction and a punch landed on Doyoung's cheek from the man he was fighting with.

He swing his arm and hit the man on his jaw, kicking his stomach before throwing him down. "Let go."Doyoung said sternly, his gaze falling on the man behind me. Three of them are all on the ground, groaning and cursing while the remaining two hesitate on attacking Doyoung. "It's an order from above."The man behind me said, pressing his knife even more towards my neck making me wince.

Doyoung glance at me briefly before putting his hand behind him. "Move. Head."He said, looking at me. I move my head slightly and he quickly took out a gun from behind him as a loud gunshot ranged through the empty parking lot. The sound of metal hitting the floor was heard along with the sound of the grunts coming from the four men.

I was frozen in my place. My breathing become heavy. I slowly look at Doyoung and saw him standing where he was with a gun on his hand. He shot the other two on their leg and they both fell towards the ground, groaning. He look at me and quickly walk towards me. His hand reach mine and I took a step back. "C'mon, we don't have time for this."He said, dragging me towards his car. He opened the door for me and pushed me inside.

My mind went blank as I stayed silent, unable to speak. He sat himself on the drivers seat and drove out of the parking lot. He was silent too, not saying a word. The road was packed, many cars are heading back to their home from work. He sighs and lean towards the dashboard, opening it and throwing his gun inside. I swallow the lump in my throat and started to fiddle with my own fingers.

My breathing slowly started to went back to normal. I could feel him staring towards me. The sound of muffled car honks was heard from the outside, other than that, it was silence. He leans in and move the hair falling in front of my face towards my back. "You're bleeding."He points out. I bring my hand towards my neck where the knife was before. I felt a sting and looked at my fingers. Red crimson blood was on my fingers.

He grabs a tissue and placed it on my neck, stopping the blood. I took the tissue and his hand went back to the steering wheel. The cars started to move and he took a turn away from my house. He stops the car and took his seat belt off. He grabs a first aid from the back seat and I stop him. "I can—I can do it at home."I muttered and he looks at me straight in the eye and I looked away.

What kind of a person is he?

He ignores me and turn the lights on, opening the box. "Forget what you saw."He said, taking out a disinfectant. "What exactly did you do?"I asked quietly, ignoring him. "You don't wanna know."He said, moving my hair back and gently dabbing on the wound. "Yes I do. I can't—"I cut myself off and let out a wince.

"Do you really wanna know?"He asked, looking at me and I nod. He lets out a breath and close the box. "I'm not really sure how to say this."He said, placing the box back at the back seat. "I'm the person you'd wanna stay away from."He said.

"We do bad things. Jaehyun, Ten. They're the exactly the same as I am."He said. "What do you mean?"I asked, confused. "We're bad guys."He said. "We do a lot of illegal sellings. You know, dealing stuff, black market. We kill people almost daily to stay alive"He continued. "You wouldn't do that."I said, denying him.

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