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"Soyeon-ah, why are you so quiet today?"Lucas asked, snapping me from my school work. "I'm tired, I stayed up last night watching a drama."I lied through my smile and he chuckle.

"So that's why you ignored my text last night!"He gasp and I laugh. The class was empty, it was only the two of us along with some other students chatting on their desks.

I tried to pretend like nothing ever happened last night, but it kept on replaying on my head like a broken CD.

"Soyeon!"Yerim said, hitting my right shoulder making me wince. "I bought you a gift from New York! And you too Lucas, here."She said giving each of us a red paper bag. "Thank you! Did you get me chocolate?"I gasp and she nod, sitting at the seat in front of me.

"I've been craving chocolate since yesterday, thank you!"Lucas said patting Yerim's head. The bell ringed and she got up from her seat. "I'll see you after school."She said waving at us before leaving the room. Students started to walked inside the room and Doyoung's eyes met with mine. I looked away and wait for the teacher to arrive.

The last bell of the day ringed and students rushed out of the class, including me. "Soyeon! Do you have tutoring again today?"Lucas asked and I shook my head no.

"The teacher's sick."I said and he nod, swinging his arms around me. "Let's grab some ice cream with Yerim. I'm craving for something sweet this week."He said, dragging me towards Yeri.

"I'm home."I muttered, taking my shoes off. "Soyeon! Get dressed we're leaving on a business dinner!"My mom yelled and I replied with a quick 'okay' before walking towards my room.

I took a quick shower and get dressed into a formal attire. I brush my hair and let it stayed in their natural form. I put on a light make up before grabbing my small bag, putting in my things inside. I walked downstairs and saw everyone ready except Donghan, my other step-brother. I put on my shoes and Donghan walked down the stairs.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late."

"Dad I'm taking my car, I'm hanging out with my friends after dinner."Jungwoo said, taking his car keys and my step-dad nod. "Yeah, sure. Bring your siblings with you."My step-dad said before walking inside his car. "Soyeon-ah, do you wanna come with me or dad?"Jungwoo asked, looking at me. "I'll come with you."I said walking inside his car.

"How was your tutor yesterday?"Jungwoo asked, driving behind his dad's car. "It was okay."I said and he nod. "It's a relief he didn't do anything."He continued. "Ah right, hyung,"Donghan started and the three started to drown in their conversation.

It took a few more minutes before the car came to a stop and Jungwoo find an empty parking spot, parking his car before we all make our way inside the restaurant. We followed our parents and we were taken into a private room.

"We're having dinner with my business partner, I expect you all to be on your best behaviour."My step-dad said and we all nod, muttering a quick 'okay.'

It was silence while waiting for his business partner to arrive. Everyone was on their phone, not minding about making some small conversation. It's like a normal thing in this family, I guess.

"We'll be back to take your orders."The waitress' muffled voice was heard behind the door. The door opened and we all stand up, bowing down. I forced on a small smile over my face.

"Mr. Kim! What a lovely family!"Mr. Jung said and my step-dad chuckled. "Thank you, Mr. Jung. You have a very lovely family too."He said, with a friendly laugh. "Have a seat, have a seat"He continued, motioning them to seat.

"Where's your son, Mr. Jung?"My mom spoke up. "He's picking up his friend. You guys don't mind if we have one more teenager in the room?"He asked and they all laugh, agreeing.

They started to chat with each other and I stayed silent, playing with my drink. The door opened soon after and I looked up. Jaehyun walked in with another person following behind. "Mr. and Mrs. Kim, hello."He smiled, bowing down a little.

"Jaehyun-ah, come sit down!"His mom said and he nod, sitting in front of me. He smiled at me and I give him a small smile in return. "Who's this handsome boy?"My mom asked, looking at the person walking inside with Jaehyun. I glanced at him and my smile instantly disappear.

"Oh right, this is Kim Doyoung. He's my friend since childhood."

"Hello, nice to meet you all."Doyoung said, bowing down slightly. "He's in the same school with Soyeon. Right, Soyeon?"Jaehyun turn towards me and I smile, nodding. "Yes, he's in my class."I said, clenching my fist.

"You never told me there's a handsome boy in class, Soyeon-ah!"My mom said with a big smile on her face and I let out a fake chuckle.

Because you only cared about my grades.

Everyone ordered their food and continue with their own conversation. I glanced up from my seat and saw Doyoung looking at me while talking to Jaehyun. I looked away and took a sip from my drink.

It took a few minutes for the food to arrive. I could feel his gaze burning through my skull and my appetite to eat slowly left my body. I cut my food into small pieces, forcing myself to eat it.

It was uncomfortable.

I glanced up again and his gaze met mine. He smirked at me before looking away, eating his food.

We all walked out of the restaurant and walked towards the parking lot. Jungwoo and Yugyeom left earlier, leaving me and Donghan. Jaehyun and Doyoung was walking ahead of us while the parents was talking among themselves.

"Is the tutor doing anything suspicious to you again?"Donghan asked, looking down on his phone. "Yeah he was about to. But Lucas picked me up from his office. I'm okay."I said, shooting him a small smile.

"How did you get home yesterday? I was about to pick you up but Lucas told me you got home with a friend."He said, putting both of his hands in his dress pants pocket. "Yeah I did,"I lied, looking away from him. "What time did you get home? I didn't see you."He said. "Around 1, we were talking about stuff."I lied again, Donghan was about to say something but didn't.

"Donghan-ah, did you hear about the new game?"Jaehyun asked and Donghan immediately came towards him. They both started to talk and Doyoung stopped walking, waiting for me to catch up so he can walk beside me. I took out my phone from my pocket and unlocked it. Before I could even check my phone, it was taken away from my hand.


"What do you think you're doing?!"I asked and he didn't looked at me, he typed something on my phone before giving it back to me. "Ah, how annoying."I muttered, grabbing my phone harshly from him. His grip on my phone tightened and he looked down at me.

"Act nicely to me while I'm doing the same."

I cleared my throat and looked away. "Doyoung-ah, let's go. Ten's waiting."Jaehyun said and he let go of my phone, giving me one last glance.

"Make sure to text me. I put my numbers in."He said before walking towards Jaehyun.

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