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The car came to a stop as the sky turned dark. The boys stayed inside the car for a while before turning both the engine and headlights off. "Let's go."Ten said, opening the car door and everyone did the same. Doyoung turned his gaze back to Lucas before saying, "Whatever happens, do not leave the car."

Lucas nods and Doyoung gave him one last look before walking out, shutting the door behind him. The three walked towards where they thought Jackson would be and saw him standing with five other men.

"It didn't took you that long to come here."Jackson said and Doyoung tried to stay calm. "Where is she?"Doyoung asked and Jackson chuckled half-heartedly, shaking his head. "Should I give her back? But you took my men away though."Jackson said, bitterness heard in his voice. "Leave her out of this."Jaehyun spoke up. Jackson scanned each of their faces before looking down at his shoes. "You killed a lot of my men, Daniel being one of them."Jackson said, looking up at the three. "She has no business with you."Ten stated.

"What do I get in return. If we give her back?"He asked, his gaze fell on the three. "We can negotiate on that later. Give the girl to us first, Jackson."Jaehyun said. "No, no, we can negotiate this first."Jackson said with a teasing smile. "I'm sure she's getting a good treatment on her limbs right now."Jackson said, looking at Doyoung purposely. Doyoung was about to charge to him but the two held him back. "What do you want?"Doyoung asked, taking their hands off from him.


"Done. Bring her here."Doyoung said, making the two look at Doyoung.


"Kim Doyoung!"

"Leave her out of this."Doyoung said, his voice turning cold. Jackson raise one of his hand and told two of his men to grab her. "You know very well the rule of this business."Jackson said, smirking. "We won't hesitate to get your loved ones."Jackson said with a smirk. "Exactly what you did to V."Jackson said with a smile. "I believe it's your own words, 'never show who you are close with.' isn't it?"Jackson asked, laughing bitterly and Doyoung clenched his fits. "Doyoung, calm yourself."Jaehyun said to him.

Memories of the night where he mercilessly killed Eunha, V's sister, flashed by his mind. Her pleading scream, the metallic smell, everything went back to his mind.

"You enjoyed it don't you? You even sent her organs—"

"I think you're going too far, Jackson."Ten spoke up, cutting him mid sentence and Jackson glanced at Doyoung. Jackson's men came back with Soyeon on their arms. She was barely walking and her eyes are barely open. Doyoung's face soften as he landed his eyes on her. Jackson placed his arm around Soyeon, leaning her body against him. His men moved back to where they were and both Doyoung and Jaehyun's face harden again. "Hands off her."Jaehyun said and Jackson chuckle, lifting his arm away from her. Soyeon limp slightly as she wince, trying to stand up. Her body aches painfully.

She hasn't beed fed nor treated well. For once in her life, she thought that living with her mom was nothing compared to what she went through the last two days.

"What did you do to her?"Ten asked. "Her body was too plain. I decided to put something in it. Don't you like the color?"Jackson asked, looking at her. "Ah, it looks better in light though. I even added some red into it."Jackson added, grabbing to her face, making her face the three. Doyoung's eyes never left Soyeon. She looks so vulnerable and he blamed himself for a lot of things that lead her here.

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