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juliette davis

we had all eaten dinner that shawn made, then most of the boys retired up their room. i had a lot on my mind right now which was causing my appetite to decrease.

sammy, nate, matthew, and i all sat in the living room. i got up, about to head upstairs to my bedroom. sammy was still pissed off, avoiding talking to any of us. he even got into an argument with nate over dinner.

matthew suddenly speaks up as im leaving the room, "are you going to bed?"

i nod, silently walking up the stairs. as im walking, i hear nate begin to argue with sammy over whatever sammy's pissed off about. nate sounded frustrated and annoyed, causing sammy to grow more irritated.

closing my door, i sit on the bed and lean my back against the wall. i pull my knees to my chest, thinking about everything. i never got to say goodbye to cole and ava, nor did i get to say goodbye to sydney. syd's my best friend, but our whole friend group is tight. we're just the tightest since we've known each other since we were three years old.

tears began to well up in my eyes as they started to fall down my cheeks. how could i have been so in denial about my father, too? it should have been obvious to me that he wasn't the best person to be around.

and now im here, in a house with boys i don't know who im being used as their "bait" for my father and his company. what happens after that? am i just going to be released after basically being locked up inside a house for god knows how long? what's going to happen to my sister? is maria a bad person too? fuck, there's just too many unanswered questions.

my tears got progressively worse, as i was basically sobbing now. i didn't necessarily want to be here, yet it's better than my life being put on the line.

there is a faint knock at my door. i quickly wipe my face and try to act as if i was okay. the door opens, revealing sammy. he didn't say anything, he just closed the door and walked in. my eyes followed his movements as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"why are you crying?" he asks, his voice low and soft compared to the how angry his voice appeared earlier.

i bite my bottom lip to keep my tears in as i respond, "there's a lot going on in my mind."

he nods, keeping his hands in his lap as he stares at the floor, "understandable. are you hungry? nate said you hardly ate today."

his voice sounded compassionate and genuine, as he looked over at me for an answer, "no, im not hungry."

"you have to eat, juliette" he says, my eyes slightly widening at the use of my name. nobody has said my name since i've been here. it's kind of just like a directed question to me that gets my attention without them having to say my name, "what's wrong?"

"you said my name" i basically whisper.

sammy stares into my eyes for a brief second, as my heart rate increases due to the interaction between us, "well uh, im going into my room now. if you need anything, you can come get me."

i slowly nod, shifting in the bed so i can lay on my side. soon after, i hear my door close signalling that sammy had left.

what's happening to me? the way him and i locked eyes made me feel some type of way that i want to avoid so bad. i can't like him, nor can i even entertain that idea. things will either end badly or just crash and burn.


it was now the next morning after my sobbing episode last night and the odd interaction with sammy in my room. i walked out of my room after getting dressed and proceeded to go downstairs when i heard the boys talking. i had realized all of them were awake from all of their doors being left open.

"was it a mistake to bring her here?" sammy asks, i could tell he had regret laced in his voice, "she doesn't seem comfortable or happy."

what sounded like johnson replied, "bro, if you didn't then she would probably be killed. another life lost from them."

jack gilinsky speaks up too, "exactly. come on sammy, you can't be pissed off because she has a lot on her mind. she lives with eight boys who she doesn't know, she's isolated and away from her family and friends, and she is learning things about her family who she's known for eighteen years and lived with him too. it's a lot for somebody to handle."

"then was it a mistake!?" sammy raises his voice, "she was fucking sobbing! that's not something i can handle because that shits going to guilt me!"

nate then chimes in, "bro keep your voice down, she's in the house."

everybody is quiet, not saying a word. but soon, i hear a door slam which was probably a result of sammy's actions.

after waiting a few minutes, i go down the stairs quietly. the only people present were the voices i heard, minus sammy. the two jacks and nate.

"hey juliette!" nate exclaims when he sees me.

i fake a smile, "hey."

johnson looks at me with sympathetic eyes, "did you hear?"

releasing my bottom lip which i didn't realize i was biting, i nod, "yeah."

nate comes and embraces me, "he's just bothered by a lot right now. he's not angry that you're showing valid emotions, ma."

johnson nods, "he says shit that's twisted when he's mad, he doesn't mean it, though."

"it's okay, i don't really care" i try and brush it off, the three boys seeing straight through it, yet they pretend as if they believe it.

deep down though, i do care.

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