39 3 1

sammy wilkinson

the door was locked, my eyes glued to the wall that was directly in front of my eyes as i sat on my bed. she was leaving today and i didn't know how to handle myself. she refused to take any of clothes with her, anything that we gave her, she refused to take. nate said that we'd keep all of it for when she came back to see me and the rest of the boys.

last night's sleep was hell. she was exhausted after we stayed awake talking for hours, so she crashed at about two in the morning. me, i fell asleep at three but kept waking up with a feeling like she left my side. this is probably how it's going to be now that she's gone. there was a sudden soft knock on my door, requiring me to get off of my bed. i opened it, it revealing her small frame.

"im leaving now" she softly informs me, her eyes looking up at me with sadness.

without verbally responding, i embrace her securily. i didn't want to let her go. letting her go meant that i was letting her go from the house.

"how are you getting back home?" i ask, mumbling it into her as i continue to hold her.

"my brother, cole, is coming apparently. he might be bringing my stepmom but im not sure" she responds, "do you want to meet him?"

i shake my head, "that wouldn't be the best welcoming feeling for him."

she nods, "understandable. thank you, sam."

we somewhat disconnect, enough to still be holding each other but allowing us to look in each other's eyes.

"thanks for what?"

"don't make me list everything. you've been so kind, such a good boyfriend, a protective guy who im thankful for. im not going to ignore you" she says, a smile playing on her lips as she looks at me.

lightly shaking my head, i smile, "you better come visit us."

she nods, "i will. and i left my number on the counter downstairs. if you want to text me or call me, that's how you can get ahold of me. we're finally going to be a normal couple."

"you bet, baby. i love you" i say, kissing her forehead.

"i love you" she replies, leaning up on her toes to kiss my lips softly, "im going to have to come visit soon because im going to miss your lips."

a chuckle escapes my lips as i look at her, "guess you'll have to. come on, i'll walk you out."

we walk down the stairs, my arm around her waist as i grow more upset as this becomes more surreal. all of the boys were there, each of them looking down at their phones.

"bye guys" she smiles, already have said their goodbyes earlier, "bye sam."

"bye baby" i kiss her lips one more time, opening the door to let her go. i watch her walk to her brother's car, her brother getting out and embracing her. i close the door, closing my eyes as i know something isn't right with myself.

locking the door, i walk past all of the guys and go upstairs to my bedroom. as im turning the corner, i see the room she stayed in. tears leave my eyes as i look at the clothes she wore, how neatly they were placed in the drawers.

this isn't the end of us, not of our love and our relationship. though, the way i was crying made it seem like that was it for us. the boys knew not to come up here, i think they knew i'd be emotionally falling apart from her leaving the house. it's not that i don't think we will be able to keep our relationship, it's the constant worry that im going to have about her.

footsteps were heard walking up the stairs, "bro" i turn around, nate handing me a piece of paper, "her number. use it."

with that, he leaves. i look down at it and take out my phone from my pocket and type her number in and save it.

i miss you

as i wait for her possible response, i leave her old bedroom and walk to mine. i was genuinely upset that she had left, a rare feeling i felt with girls.

we will see each other soon
my family want to meet you

they want to meet the guy who kept you away from them?

the guy who i love and who kept their daughter/sister safe

i won't pass up an oppurtunity to see you 

this isn't the end, don't act like it is
we're just not living together anymore

exactly. i can't see you everyday, wake up seeing you, walk into your room whenever
it's a hard adjustment

i will come visit whenever you want me to

and i will come visit you so you don't leave your house

i will have to leave my house at some point

i love you, have fun with your family baby

i love you, have a good day

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