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sammy wilkinson

after storming out two hours ago, i returned to the house and was met with nobody. i went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, sitting down on the couch. soon, nate walks in and shakes his head.

"you couldn't have kept your voice down this morning, could you?" he snaps.

my eyebrows pull together, "excuse me?"

nate chuckles, "she fucking heard you, bro. all the messed up shit you said about her sobbing, and you insinuating that you were pissed off because she's unhappy and uncomfortable, she heard all of it."

once nate's words left his mouth, my stomach dropped. i didn't want to hurt her and i feel like nate is going to tell me i did.

"what did she say?" i ask him quietly.

he responded rather short, "nothing. she came in acting okay, johnson saw through her act and asked her about it, we tried to defend you, and she said she didn't care."

"where is she now?" i ponder, wanting to go see her.

he stands up to go to the kitchen, "upstairs. when johnson and gilinsky left, she went upstairs to nap."

i nod, "im going to go talk to her" with that, i go up the stairs rather quickly to her bedroom. i stand at the door and try and rehearse what im going to say, but give up and just knock on the door.

a few seconds after knocking, i open the door and walk in. she is laying down on her side, facing away from the door. i sit on the edge of her bed and peer down at her for a moment, then lightly shake her by her shoulder.

she turns over and rubs her eyes. even when she gets woken up, she's still absolutely beautiful.

"oh" she softly says when she sees me, "what're you doing in here?"

after tripping over my words, i respond, "im sorry for what you overheard" she stays silent and just stares at me, letting me continue to talk, "i didn't mean that im pissed off for you because you're showing emotion, i just don't want you to be here and be uncomfortable or unhappy because im– i mean, we all are trying to keep you safe."

she lightly smiles, "i know you didn't mean it, i just was thinking a lot last night about everything that has happened over the years and then in the past month. i didn't want to let out my emotion like that, but i was alone and it kinda just happened."

i place my hand on her calf and nod, "you can come to me if you're sad, i'll try my best to make you feel better. im not the best with that stuff, but i was the one who kinda made you be here, so i can try to help you."

she looked so beautiful, i was trying so hard not to do something i'd regret.

after my words, she smiles, "thanks sam."

"sam, huh?" i ask, a light laugh following, seeing as everybody only calls me sammy.

she nods, "i prefer that."

i laugh and get up to walk to her door, but she stops me with her voice, "wait."

my eyebrows furrow as i turn back around, "yeah?"

she sits on her bed, with her calves being the base of her as she motions for me to come back and sit. i do as she does, thinking she was going to talk to me more.

"thank you" she says, leaning in and pecking my cheek.

i smile, "you're welcome."

we both stare at each other, before the both of us lean in and mould our lips together. her hand rests on my jaw, as my one hand is placed on her thigh and the other on her waist. our lips moved in a synchronized motion with each other.

after another minute, we both pulled away and caught our breaths before returning our gaze to each other.

"i've wanted to do that since i first saw you" i admit, earning a smile from her.

"im glad you did it" she states, running her hand through her gorgeously long hair.

silence took over the both of us, her mind evidently racing with various thoughts.

"what are you thinking about?" i ask her softly.

her eyes meet with mine after she looked down for a moment, "a lot. you, living here, my family."

when she says me, my heart skipped a beat. little did she know, she has been on my mind a lot as of late.

"what about me?" the question slips out of my mouth before i can process it.

"what we just did" she shyly replies.

a light chuckle leaves my lips, "if you want it to happen again, just let me know."

after i say that, her cheeks flush with colour.

"im going to go to my room now" i suddenly speak up, "i'll see you in the morning. if you need anything, come get me, okay?"

she nods, letting me leave this time. as i make my way down the short hallway to my room, i can't help but think of what just happened.

i can't be falling for her, i just can't be. it isn't professional with what i do, nor does it help the situation we're in. im supposed to be protectin her and making sure she doesn't get hurt from her father and his company. falling for her would include feelings. if she were to get hurt, i would feel like shit and have guilt. it's just not an ideal situation.

but that kiss was just too perfect and has me thinking more about the chances of us happening. again, not good.

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